He really can't understand,

Why did his speed suddenly increase so much that Brudaqi's body flew out, making a close contact with the ground, his head turned to one side, and a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

Covering his chest with one hand, his eyes looked at Liu Sheng in disbelief.

Because of all the people present, only he knew one thing, that is, the wheel-shattering eye that the other party just cast was not a fake, and it wasn't to deceive them.

It's real! As for why the other people didn't get hit and still stood there, it was because the other party only chose one person to attack, and the others were not his targets.

And he, Brudaqi, was the target of the opponent's attack. He was directly hit by the opponent's writing wheel just now, and he felt that his consciousness was about to disintegrate.

This is also the main reason why the opponent's speed is getting faster, because his consciousness is about to dissipate, so he can't concentrate and control his mind power, so he can't restrain the opponent's speed.

"But your strength has really dropped a lot."

Brudaci spoke slowly.

When he was at the peak of his opponent's strength, he had seen him before. At that time, he just looked at him from a distance, and he couldn't help but express his adoration in his heart.

At that time, he could feel that the opponent's strength was terrifying. It was an existence that could kill him just by breathing alone. An existence that he could not climb in his life! But at this moment, he was 10% sure that the opponent was weak.

Because the opponent punched him, it just hit him hard, but didn't kill him.

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Chapter 369

"It did drop a lot. You don't need to question this. After all, just relying on you guys can force me to be like this. Do you need to think more?"

Liu Sheng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and complained.

If he really had the strength at his peak, he would have slapped all the people in front of him as scumbags, how could he have spent so much time with them? Does he look like an indecisive person? "you"

Opened his mouth, Brudaci wanted to say something more.

But Liu Sheng didn't give him more time to talk, because he was afraid that things would change later. After all, he just reluctantly used the Shaking Wheel Eye, which shook the other party's consciousness and interrupted his thoughts.

If he did it again, he would definitely not be able to do it all.

Because he has used up all his soul power just now, and now there is not enough soul power, he even needs to rest now, because his head feels bloated.

So he must solve the other party! Otherwise, the other party will recover, which will be a huge blow to him.

At this moment, he changed the weapon in his hand, and he chopped at the opponent's head without hesitation! Seeing this scene, Brudaqi's pupils shrank, and he wanted to ask for mercy at this time, because he didn't want to die, he still wanted to live in this world.

He wants to tell the other party that you can actually spare my life! Because he is a mercenary himself, intervening in this matter, even if he has to pay a huge price for it, but compared to his own life, this price is nothing.

But he didn't have the chance to say this after all, Liu Sheng's speed was too high.

He just opened his mouth, and a word has not yet come out of it, yes

Fang's weapon slid directly across his neck, and his head was directly separated from his body.

After all, the physical strength of the opponent is not strong, and it is similar to that of ordinary people.

Therefore, how could the opponent resist the damage of high-tech weapons "Give me death!"

When Liu Sheng finished all of this, a voice appeared behind him, and then, he felt a terrifying power bless him, and he rushed forward suddenly-the reason why he rushed forward, and It wasn't him who rushed forward, but someone resisted him! Liu Sheng didn't even have to think about it, he could tell that it was the rhino mutant who hit him directly. The building opposite! "You are courting death!"

Although the power of the soul has been exhausted, the power of the body is not.

Resisting his desire to fall asleep, Liu Sheng's two hands slammed in the opposite direction, hitting the opponent's huge rhino horn. , He rode directly on the back of the rhino mutant! His killing weapon began to change, and it turned into a glove—he started to explode with all his strength and smashed the opponent's head fiercely! He attacked The places where it is located are some acupuncture points on the opponent's head, which correspond to certain organs of the human body, and attacking these places can cause more damage.

He slammed it down with a punch, every time with all his strength.

Liu Sheng began to fight for his life! Because of the opponent's top, he suffered more serious trauma.

He must get the other person done as soon as possible! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 370

The rhino mutant roared, his speed was faster than before, and it was even more terrifying.

At this moment, he slammed into the building in front of him with an indomitable momentum! Because he could feel the opponent's fist, constantly swiping his head, he could feel his blood coming out, and he knew that he had to speed up , otherwise he hadn't run to that building and collided with it, he might have been beaten to death by the other side on the way! "Bump!"


This distance is actually not long, only about [*] meters, and about five seconds have passed: The rhino mutant came to the front of the building, and he slammed into it.

The building was abruptly knocked out of a deep pit, and he went directly through the surface floor and directly into the building.

This building began to collapse. After all, the place where he hit by accident was the load-bearing wall of this building, and it was the most critical one.

At this moment, the load-bearing wall collapsed, and the building could not stand upright.

Parts of countless buildings fell from the sky and buried them directly.

The rhino mutant didn't speak, because he was moaning on the ground in pain at the moment, he was severely traumatized, and in the short five seconds just now, Liu Sheng hit him on the head more than a hundred times, and all In an area that is very vulnerable to injury, he felt dizzy and his physical strength was rapidly draining.

He struggled to get up from the ground and get out of the place.

After all, everything around is collapsing, huge buildings are falling, even if he is a mutant, but in such an environment, there is a great possibility,

He will be smashed! But he can't get up, he is in so much pain, his body is gone.

Even the rhino mutant has guesses in his heart, is it because the fist has part of the power, blessing on his spine, or why he can't even move now and can only watch helplessly, the huge building of Zhou fell towards him, quietly Waiting for death "You can't run away!"

There was a look of ferocity in his eyes, he had a high probability of dying, but he felt that he was not at a loss. After all, Liu Sheng was with him, he couldn't run away, and the other party didn't even want to run away.

He just slammed into the huge floor wall and pierced it abruptly. He estimated that the strength reached, at least at that moment, as high as: [*] million tons! He did not believe that the other party could be in this situation Just survive! It's just that the thought in his mind just fell, and he suddenly saw a figure standing in front of him, isn't this person Liu Sheng? The other party is covering his heart with one hand at this moment, and his eyes are staring at him tightly." "

The rhino mutant looked at him with a bewildered expression, because in his original speculation, the other party would definitely die, why the other party could stand up now? He was stunned.

Liu Sheng ignored him and ran out without hesitation at this moment.

Because the huge floor is collapsing, the weight of the building above will be higher and higher. His current state is seriously injured. If he does not leave this place quickly, he will be killed! This method of death is too much It's useless, he doesn't want to experience it.

As for the rhino mutant, he decided to let the other party fend for itself.

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Chapter 371 Isn't this a dead end?

"Should we go in and help each other?"

Glancing at the companion next to him, the lion mutant said.

"There is a total of 100 million bounty, how do you think we should divide it?"

The Bengal tiger mutant next to him glanced at him and said, his tone was very calm, as if he was telling a normal thing.

Hearing his words, the lion mutant stopped talking.

Because the other party's intention is obvious, that is, not to help the other party.

He agreed with this, because what the other party said was indeed true, their bounty was limited, if one died, they would get a little more, so they didn't need to save the other party.

After all, the lion mutant, and the Bengal tiger mutant, as well as Brudaqi, and the rhino mutant who is currently in the collapsed building.

The four of them do not belong to this force themselves, they all belong to the employers, the four of them share 4 million together, and if the other party dies, they will be able to take a little more.

Or they could take more.

After all, Brudaci is also dead.

"But if we don't go in and help him, will Liu Sheng die?"

After a little hesitation, the mutant lion asked.

"Are you kidding me just now, we saw the rhinoceros guy, forcibly pushing him into the building, the force generated at that time was very exaggerated, he couldn't have died! And the rhinoceros guy was going to die too, just now I saw Yagyu attacking his head, and even part of the attack fell on his spine, don't worry, these two guys will definitely die!"

The Bengal Tiger mutant said, his tone full of confidence.

The lion mutant's face softened slightly

, The other party said so, and he did not doubt it any more.

After all, although the other party is a mutant Bengal tiger, the other party has mastered a special ability, dynamic vision, and the other party's observation power is more sensitive than his.

And what the Bengal tiger mutant said, he returned directly at this moment.

After all, his mission has been completed, and he doesn't need to stay here for a long time.

But at this time, he heard an untimely voice.

It was a human gasp.

His eyes subconsciously looked at the collapsed building, and then his pupils shrank! Because he actually saw Liu Sheng! The other party didn't die, but he was still alive! And he felt that the other party's condition was not bad, after all, although the other party's clothes were already Ragged, with large and small wounds all over his body, but the other party's spirit is much better than before.


Next to the lion mutant, watching the bengal tiger mutant.

You must know that the other party just said that Liu Sheng would die, and the other party ran out. "Maybe this guy has a way to hide it, but he has already suffered such a serious injury. He is definitely not our opponent. Let's go together and give him the last ride. !"

The Bengal tiger mutant said.

The lion mutant nodded.

Then the two directly exploded their speed and rushed towards each other, their postures were extremely brave.

Liu Sheng saw this scene, and his eyes froze! Because his state was very poor, although the power of the soul has recovered a little compared to just now, the power of the body is completely gone, and he simply cannot confront the two of them head-on.

So what should he do? Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com Love reading bar, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 372 Returning to the Peak

Bengal tiger mutants think that Yagyu's spirit is better than before, which is right.

Because Liu Sheng's spirit is indeed much better than before, because during the period of time just now, his soul power has recovered a little, and it is no longer as dry as before.

However, although the power of the soul has recovered, the power of his body is already equal to zero.

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