"I'll investigate this matter next."

Liu Sheng said.

It is impossible for him to ignore this matter. If these guys want to do something to himself, he will naturally return it, even a thousand times, and he will not make it easier for these guys.

Tony Stark nodded. The purpose of what he said just now was to remind the other party. Now that the purpose has been achieved, he naturally won't say anything more.

And now on the other side

In the North Pole, in the frozen Wanli Snow Mountain, in the deepest part, there is a deeply hidden base.

At this moment, a large group of people are gathered here.

The most powerful person in it, also their boss, is looking at a message.

This piece of information just came back from outside, which made him excited! The content of the information is very simple - the Avengers team sent out has already judged that Yagyu's strength is no longer so terrifying, and his strength has fallen very seriously. Its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a dozen special forces.

After reading this information, Potala was very happy.

Because he has been waiting for this news for a long time, and now it is finally here.

"Next, send all the action people to kill him!"

Potala opened his mouth and said, his tone was extremely cold.

The people next to him nodded, and they were very excited at this moment. After all, they knew that the other party was hiding a great secret, and they had been spying on this secret for a long time.

But the other party is too strong, they root: there is a way to get this secret.

But now that there is a chance, how can it not be exciting? After all, after their research and investigation, they found that the other party's reality

The power has risen to such a high level in a short period of time, and there are no side effects. If they can master this method, this organization will take action, and they will launch a hunt for Liusheng! By the way, the people who were sent out earlier, It was also sent by them! Liusheng did not know that an action against him had already begun. He is now cultivating in the villa, trying to make his strength more powerful and terrifying.

After all, after today's events, he found that the strength he has now is not enough to deal with the predicament he is facing. He needs to become stronger! Otherwise, anyone can come over and deal with him. It is to let himself find death, so he wants to improve his strength.

At this moment, he is using the breathing method, exhaling and inhaling, and using the energy between heaven and earth for his own use.

His strength is slowly getting stronger and improving.

His body has changed, his defense is stronger than before, and his brain has changed, a kind of power that belongs to the spiritual realm, and begins to expand gradually - time passes, and soon it will be several days later, in this For a period of time, Liu Sheng stayed in his room and didn't go out. After all, cultivation was not something that happened in a short time. He couldn't cultivate day by day. If he really entered into deep cultivation, it would take a long time all at once.

This is also the main reason why he is reluctant to enter deep cultivation, because he will miss a lot of things.

He slowly opened his eyes at this moment, and there was a flash of golden light in his eyes! His whole temperament has changed a lot, like an unsheathed sword! Its sharp edge is exposed! It is extremely terrifying! Please read the underlined version of the novel Download, remember, save, save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 359 Liu Sheng's Vigilance

And during this period of time, no one paid attention to Liu Sheng, because they were all very, very busy, and for some reason, the crime rate of the entire Huashengda during this period was far higher than usual! Except for Liu Sheng , All the superheroes have been dispatched, and they are pacifying the criminals! For example, when Liusheng finished his practice and walked downstairs, according to reason, someone should be sitting in the villa and drinking afternoon tea, but today But there is nothing but an empty space.

Liu Sheng picked up a newspaper and began to drink afternoon tea. After all, no one else could drink it. He could drink it.

He needs a good rest.

At the same time, he needs to understand what has happened in this world recently. Newspapers are a very effective way. After all, most of the contents of newspapers are correct.

Most of the content on the Internet is a mix of fish and dragons, and it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

"How did the crime rate increase so much during this time?"

Liu Sheng glanced at the newspaper, and then he frowned slightly, because he found that there is only one crime section in normal times, but now the crime section has expanded to about five: You know, a newspaper has a total of three pages, the other party Even accounting for 56, he felt that something was wrong, and he had a very uneasy feeling in his heart.

He didn't know why he felt this way, but he knew that it was not a good thing. After all, this feeling had saved him many times, and he believed in this feeling very much.

Suddenly, at this time, he looked towards the past! Because just now, he seemed to have noticed that someone was spying on him! He immediately became vigilant

When he got up, at this moment, he directly picked up the weapon placed next to him.

This weapon is a weapon he asked Tok to help him build specially, because he found that up to now, he has no weapon that he is good at, so he asked the other party to help forge it! The other party is also very powerful, and it took only a few days Time will help him build it! And the weapons built by the opponent are of very good quality and strong combat effectiveness! It is a kind of equipment similar to a folding weapon, which can be turned into a melee weapon or a long-range weapon, yes An extremely terrifying murder weapon - "He seems to have found us"

Outside the villa, about 1 km away, a man wearing special clothes spoke, his eyes were shocked.

Because he found the other party's gaze, and it seemed to be looking in his direction just now! He was a little bit incredulous, because just now, he was aware of the other party's position through the telescope, how could the other party detect him? Far! "Impossible"

There was a man next to him, equally incredible, who he thought was unrealistic.

After all, the distance between them is so far away, and they are so hidden, even if the other party uses a telescope, they may not be able to find them, not to mention the other party relies on the naked eye, "To be on the safe side, let's act now!"

The man spoke up.

The person next to him nodded, because the other party's eyes were really wrong just now, and to be on the safe side, he was more willing to take action at this time.

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Chapter 360 The Intact Yagyu

He started making phone calls to connect with other people in his organization.

The phone was dialed quickly, and the person on the other end was a little stunned, because it hasn't arrived at the appointed time yet, so he didn't know why the other party wanted to call him "The plan has changed, he seems to have noticed something, let's act now! "

The man's words were very simple, he told the other side of the situation here.

When I heard it on the other end of the phone, I was shocked, because they were hidden so deeply, how could the other party find them, but he was also sensible and didn't ask more, just said he knew.

Because this matter is no longer within his jurisdiction, there is no need for him to say more.

"Get started."

After hanging up the phone, the man spoke, his eyes were deep.

The companion next to him nodded, took out the sniper rifle that had been assembled in advance, and aimed directly at Liu Yu from a long distance, and then pressed the trigger without hesitation! "Whoosh!"

There was a strong air-breaking sound, and the bullet flew towards the opponent like a big bird with wings outstretched.

The other people hiding in the dark, after hearing the gunshot, acted one after another. This was what they had agreed to before. When the gunshot sounded, it was when they shot - only to see that it looked empty, and there was almost no one. Around the villa, many people appeared at this moment, some of them were well-armed, and at a glance they knew that they were elites.

And there are also some people, who are often simple and look like normal people, but others look at them with awe.

Because although these people look like common people, are they mutated or one of them?

The stronger one has mastered extraordinary abilities! At this moment, their speed exploded, and Villa rushed over, and their speed was also not slow. If they were placed in the track and field games, they would definitely be the one that could win the championship.

But in just a few seconds, they rushed to the surroundings of the villa, and everything in the villa was naturally presented in front of their eyes at this moment, no doubt.

Their pupils shrank, and they looked at the scene in front of them in shock! Because in the agreed plan, they knew that there would be a special powerful explosive sniper rifle to attack the opponent first, and in order to ensure 100% accuracy, they used sniper rifles The character is a recognized master, maybe most people don't know him, but those who know him know that he has a title.

Gun God! Therefore, it is impossible for the opponent to miss the target.

However, when they saw Liu Sheng, who was still sitting leisurely in the same place, still drinking afternoon tea, he expressed inconceivable that because the other party's body was intact and there were no traces of bullet holes at all!

They thought in their hearts, but they gave up after thinking for a moment. Now is not the time to think about this matter. The most important thing at the moment is how to kill the opponent! Because this is their task today, a task that must be completed! Otherwise, all the people who acted this time will be buried with him! The well-equipped characters did not hesitate to pick up the special weapons in their hands, the guns filled with special bullets: crazy Shoot towards the enemy! The mutants are also using their abilities to besiege the opponent! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save the m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 361 The Powerful Hand Cannon

Liu Sheng's expression did not change as he watched everyone kill him. Before, he was still a little bit afraid. After all, the unknown was the most terrifying. He didn't know how many people were ambushing him this time.

But when all the enemies appeared, he didn't need to be nervous! Even if he saw that some of these people were shooting at him with special firearms! But what if it was placed before, he was still afraid of the other party , after all, with his physical strength, he couldn't hold the gun at all: the bullet would easily break through his physical defense.

But it is different now. After this period of cultivation, his physical power has become stronger, and even his soul power has grown, and he has initially acquired the ability to control things.

This method, a bit like, is called the power of psychic power.

But in fact, it is more terrifying and powerful than this ability, because he is more pervasive, more durable, and can also support heavier objects.

To use a simple analogy, there are countless bullets shooting towards him at this moment, if it were replaced by ordinary mutants with psychic power, they would definitely not be able to block these attacks.

Because their mind power is terrifying, but the things they can block are limited. Under normal circumstances, it is unbelievable that a mutant like this can lift a car by relying on mind power.

As for blocking fast-firing bullets, it's almost impossible.

But this is no pressure on Yagyu at all! Although his soul power has just begun, he can already block these bullets! And these bullets include not only ordinary guns: the bullets that come, even if they are more powerful firearms, say

This special firearm fires special bullets.

He can easily resist it! The bullets are shooting frantically, they are numb, and the way fills the whole world, when everyone thinks that Yagyu will be shot into a hornet's nest in an instant.

These bullets, staying a meter away from the edge of his body, could no longer move.

It was as if an invisible and intangible wall blocked these bullets! The pupils of the others shrank, and they were still very surprised by the scene in front of them. After all, they were not using ordinary bullets. The opponent should not be able to stop it.

But the other party stopped them and responded quickly. Opportunities on the battlefield are not waiting for anyone. At this moment, they directly discarded the guns in their hands, picked up the cold weapons in their hands, and rushed over! Of course, this is not all of them. , Only a large part of people with firearms in their hands are like this, and a small number of them have special killing weapons in their hands! Simple special hand cannons! This weapon has extraordinary attack power, although it needs to be replaced He can only attack once at a time, but his power cannot be underestimated. After all, his power can easily blow up a building! These people with special hand cannons in their hands, without any hesitation, directly move towards The opponent shot, and the shells rushed out, like a meteor falling from the sky, smashing towards the opponent fiercely! Seeing this scene, the speed of the people who rushed past gradually slowed down.

They don't want to be affected by this scene that seems like the end of the world! Because if it is affected, they are very likely to die! Love reading, remind you: three things to read, remember to collect and save m.aikanshu8.com love Read it's unique domain name and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 362 Lore

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Sheng's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect that the other party would have a weapon with cannonball properties. It must be known that such a weapon is a controlled weapon and it is difficult to carry it on his body.

After all, they are relatively large in size, and it is difficult to carry them by relying on personal strength alone.

He stood up at this moment, after all, this time he was not facing a light weapon, but a heavyweight weapon, and he had to face it seriously.

As he stood up, the bullets suspended in mid-air around him also fell one after another.

At this moment, Liu Sheng suddenly rushed out.

Because only in this way can he escape the opponent's hand cannon attack, but he also knows one thing, if he leaves the villa, he will lose a shelter and be surrounded by the enemy! After all, there are many special elites waiting outside. He has been staring at him for a long time.

Moreover, there are several powerful mutants inside. Liu Sheng has never fought against them. He doesn't know how strong these guys are, but he doesn't think they are too weak.


As soon as Liu Sheng left the villa with his front and back feet, a huge explosion occurred in the villa behind him. In an instant, the tall building turned into ruins and was forcibly moved into an open space! The back of Liu Sheng was hot, because even if he The speed is very fast, but because the range of the opponent's hand cannon attack is too far, and he is too close to the villa.

He was still affected! And the hotness behind him was because he was burned, and he was in a bad mood.

but he doesn't know

, The people on the side are more complicated, because in their opinion, Liu Sheng's speed is not ordinary, it is even faster than the explosion of the hand cannon! After all, the villa was bombed into a piece of flat land, and the price paid by the other party , just got a little injury on the back, how could they not be surprised and surprised? "It's so scary."

There was a mutant who spoke slowly, and he looked at the other party with fearful eyes.

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