"What are you doing!"

The woman glanced at Liu Sheng and said.

The other party had injuries on his body and bruises on his face and body. After all, the other party was knocked away by more than two meters, and the other party's body collided and rubbed against the ground. It was normal to have injuries.

"You said this sentence, but it is easy for people to misunderstand!"

Liu Sheng glanced at the melon-eating crowd watching the play, and their expressions were very interesting. He thought of what the woman in front of him just said, which made him shudder. After all, if the woman in front of him was really just a As a woman, it's fine.

But the key is that this guy is not because of the other party's brain, hidden, don't know what it is.

So he suddenly felt a little nauseous.

However, he quickly restrained this feeling, and quickly dragged the other party into a dark alley. He had a lot of things, and he needed to ask the other party, and he needed a quiet environment.

In the process, he encountered a very stingy thing, that is, when he was doing this, there were several men behind him, even one, and patted him kindly. on the shoulders said: "whoever sees has a share, together"

He couldn't bear this scene.

He stretched out his hand directly, grabbed the opponent's hand that was patted on his shoulder, and in the slightly confused eyes of the other party at first, he directly exerted force and broke the other party's hand back! "Ah, ah, ah!"

From the other party's mouth, he couldn't help but let out a scream like killing a pig! As the so-called ten fingers are connected to the heart, the fingers are broken, how could he not let out a scream? Ah! Please download and remember the underlined version of the novel to save it as m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 325 We Can Cooperate

This man didn't come alone, and there were two companions beside him. Seeing this scene, his two companions were furious and rushed up, punching Liu Sheng with their fists.

They were fighting and talking at the same time.

"No way, we just follow the rules, and you are actually arrogant to us"

They were furious because one of their companions had been beaten.

"I'm not the same as you, and your rules can't be applied to me."

The palm of his hand was twisted and fractured, the man fell to the ground in pain and howled, Liu Sheng glanced at the man who fell to the ground, and then glanced at the two angry men in front of him.

His face was extremely calm, as if he was saying something trivial.

"I think you are courting death, let us teach you the rules!"

The two men were even more angry, and what Liu Sheng was doing was really angry.

It's just that they underestimated the strength of the other party. The two of them just rushed up and hit Liu Sheng with their fists, but before they hit the target, they were thrown to the ground by the other party, and they had a close contact with the ground. People are the same, there is no difference.

After killing these few people, Liu Sheng didn't stay here any longer. He didn't even care about the few people in front of him, because these people were just gangsters. precious time.

He just came to the woman at this moment and dragged her to the depths of the dark alley.

Compared with those gangsters, he is very fond of Fang Qi.

"What the hell are you trying to do, we don't have any hatred, we can't talk to you, ask you a question, you will

put me to death"

The woman spoke angrily. If eyes could kill people, Liu Sheng might have died many times. After all, he wanted to strangle the other person to death! "I don't want to do anything, I'm just curious about you."

Liu Sheng opened his mouth with a very calm tone.

"I'm also very interested in you, what do you want, you can say it directly"

Hearing the other party's words, the woman's eyes flashed with charm.

"It's not what you think..., I advise you not to go around with me, do you remember what kind of question you asked me in the bar before? This shows that you are very extraordinary, at least not an ordinary person, so you can tell Me, what is your purpose?"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth, a smile on his face, it was a mocking look.

It's just that the other party didn't see it. After all, the surroundings were so dark that he couldn't see his fingers. Even if the other party had excellent vision, how could he possibly see Liu Sheng's expression in the dark environment.

"This guy can't be a fool!"

Hearing Liu Sheng's question, the woman couldn't help but think, after all, as long as you are not a fool, you will not answer the correct answer at this time, but will mislead the other party.

He thought about it and said, "I'm just curious, I don't have any other ideas. As for saying that I want to get this, isn't it normal? Who doesn't want to become stronger? By the way, you can cooperate with me, although I seem to be An ordinary person, but there is a huge force behind me, if you cooperate with me, we can develop this method together, maybe we can become stronger!"

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Chapter 326 Martial Dao Master

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng smiled even more happily, this guy in front of him was really a fool.

Although it has the ability of wisdom, it is too objective.

Well, after this period of observation, he has been able to find that the parasite in the other party's brain is not some kind of alien parasite, but a steel-like device.

It is a high-tech product, a mechanical creation.

It's just a little bit special that the other party has artificial intelligence and the ability to think for themselves, but this ability is limited, and it can't be exactly the same as a real person.

It can only be said that the real person is 100%, and the other party is only 90%.

"Looks like my guess is correct and I don't know if it's a good thing"

Liu Sheng couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"How are you thinking, do you want to accept it? If you can accept it, I will contact my forces immediately. You must know that this is a great opportunity for you!"

The woman continued to bewitch, he felt that he was about to succeed.

"Are you human"

Suddenly, at this time, Liu Sheng pretended to be curious and asked a question.

Hearing his question, the woman was silent, because he didn't know how to reply to the other party, whether to tell the other party the so-called truth, or continue to deceive the other party. After thinking for a while, he gave such an answer.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden"

People speak.

"I'm just a little curious all of a sudden. After all, I always feel like you are just like a person."

Liu Sheng pretended that he found that his performance was getting higher and higher, and he was approaching the level of a movie king.

"No, I am a very special existence, not a human being, nor a living being."


The man shook his head, but he still chose to tell the other party the truth, there was no need to hide this, and if they wanted to cooperate, mutual trust was the most important thing.

Well, this guy thinks they can work together is just whimsical! "Are you a robot mutant robot?"

Liu Sheng continued to ask, he wanted to know more, although he had guessed the answer, but the other party hadn't admitted it himself, so he didn't dare to be 100% sure about it.

"You ask too many questions, are you willing to cooperate with me or not!"

The woman was a little angry, he already felt something was wrong, the other party seemed to keep asking himself questions, and there was no mention of cooperation at all in the process.

"It's definitely not possible, why should I cooperate with you?"

Liu Sheng said, he doesn't need to tell lies, even if he wants to learn more from the other party's mouth.

Of course, it's mainly because he already knows enough, and he doesn't need to tell lies and deceive the other party to get what he wants to know, because the other party may not know as much as he does.

The reason why he was able to chat with each other for so long was mainly for a definite answer.

"You're playing with me, you're courting death, you know!"

The woman got angry when she heard this, and at this moment she stood up directly, he attacked Liu Sheng, his movement was very flexible, and his fists were very strong, and at a glance, he knew that he was a kung fu master.

This is completely different from how the other party behaves in the bar, just like two people.

Liu Sheng knew why, it was because the opponent had connected to the center and obtained some knowledge of martial arts masters from the Internet, which was the main reason for the opponent's increased combat effectiveness.

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Chapter 327 The Power of One Punch

Chapter 328

The woman stubbornly got up from the ground, and he planned to continue fighting.

He doesn't have a sense of pain, after all, he's not a pure human, he's like a human driving a Gundam: Gundam: no matter what

No matter how it is destroyed, human beings will not have the slightest feeling.

However, his combat effectiveness will naturally decrease because his body is constantly being damaged.

The woman rushed over again, and his fists came out.

"At least some brains."

Liu Sheng's expression did not change, because he found that the opponent's punch was empty. The opponent's punch looked like an attack with all his strength, but in fact it was not like this. The opponent's punch was very weak. If so, the opponent's punch can be terminated at any time, which is extremely easy.

He knew that the other party was using this punch to deceive himself, so that he paid attention to this punch, so as to ignore the other party's other attacks, so that the other party could cause damage to himself.

After the previous battles, the woman had already realized that she could not compete with him.

This is also the main reason why he said this, because the other party is not stupid and has some brains.

"But that's all, how could you be my opponent?"

Although he understood the other party's thoughts, Liu Sheng still did not panic. The strength gap between the two sides was still quite large. One had to know that his current physical strength was equivalent to 10 normal men.

With such terrifying power, how could the opponent be his own opponent?

So when he saw the opponent rushing towards him and his fist was facing him, Liu Sheng chose not to avoid it, because even if the opponent had other attackers

Duan, but the opponent's ability to break through his own defense is not high unless the opponent uses modern weapons! After all, he has completely sealed his own strength. Although the physical strength has risen sharply in two weeks, it is not enough to resist Hyundai Wu and then he was overcast because the other party took out a modern weapon! He even took out a gun, a desert eagle from his waist pocket! The other party shot directly and shot at Liusheng! play like that"

Seeing this scene, Liu Sheng was stunned. What kind of devil operation did the other party do? He hurriedly avoided it at this time. After all, the other party shot him in the head.

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