After eating, Liu Sheng did not continue to eat, because he had already eaten enough steak, and he did not need to continue eating, even though he could still feel that his body still needed to take in food.

But he didn't do it, because he had enough to eat.

"Looks like we need to find something with a lot of energy."

Liu Yu opened his mouth, he fell into thought.

Now the normal food can't fill his stomach at all, but now he has only jerky on his body. This jerky took him a few hours to make specially, but the energy on it is terrible, he can't digest it now, so say He cannot eat jerky,

to help you gain energy.

Therefore, it seems that there is only one way for him to go, and that is to acquire a large amount of low-level substances.

That is the substance he can absorb now! This matter is imminent! "Everyone, let's go."

While Liu Sheng was thinking about it, the rest of the Avengers all left. After all, the reason they came here was mainly because the villa couldn't get in, and they were worried about why Liu Sheng hadn't come out for so long.

But when they are sure that the other party is all right, they naturally won't stay here too much.

"I need to exercise."

Although it is very important to obtain low-level substances that can be absorbed by the current self, Liu Sheng is not in a hurry to do it, even if this matter is imminent.

But he knows that his own strength is no different from a mortal now.

At most, he could be regarded as a mortal who can fight.

Therefore, he should exercise his body first and improve his strength a little bit, so that he can go out to find low-level substances, otherwise going out now is no different from giving people a head.

So he started exercising on his own and like that, two or three weeks passed in the blink of an eye.

At the moment Liu Sheng is exercising in the gym, he is not wearing any clothes, his body looks extremely slender and strong, giving people a feeling full of explosive force.


He reached out and squeezed his fist, Liu Sheng thought to himself.

He has been exercising for more than two weeks, and with the breathing method he brought, his personal strength has improved a lot.

Now you can go out and look for low-level substances! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the unique domain name of love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 322 Special Woman

In the past two weeks, his physical strength has improved a lot. If the strength of an ordinary man is used as a criterion, he is now equivalent to possessing the comprehensive strength of a man.

This is terrifying.

You know, he's not... simply enhancing his strength.

but the power of the body.

The enhancement of his strength also naturally includes his own defense and speed enhancement.

After all, if he is simply increasing his strength, it is equivalent to an ordinary car with the most powerful engine, so there is only one end to it, that is, the car crashed and died, and the reason why he was able to recover his strength in a short two weeks He has improved so much, and the reason is naturally very simple. That is the breathing method he uses! The breathing method and exercise have made his strength improve so much in two weeks! This is his powerful capital after the seal of strength! "Handsome guy , do you want to go out for a drink tonight?"

Suddenly, at this time, a woman with an extremely devilish figure came to Liu Sheng's side. He looked at Liu Sheng, and even started talking to Liu Sheng at this time.


If it was an ordinary person, Liu Sheng would have rejected the other party, but he glanced at the woman in front of him, and he agreed, because he noticed something wrong with this woman.

There is a very special aura on the other party's body, which he can't be sure, and he has never encountered it, but he can be sure that the other party should not be a human being, or that the other party should not be a pure human being and now it is almost evening. , Sunset Xishan, after an hour, arrived at night, Liu Sheng was invited to go out for a drink with each other.

During this period of time, he didn't waste time and kept observing each other.

After all, this guy is the one who seals the power

The first enemy after that, in order to avoid capsize in the gutter, he still had to face it carefully.

And after such a long period of observation, he naturally noticed something.

For example, although the other party's surface looks like a human being, and the other party is indeed a human being, but the other party's brain seems to be parasitized by something strange and becomes a puppet.

Biological puppet! "Let's see what this guy wants to do first!"

Aware of this, Liu Sheng did not rush to act, because he was curious what the other party was looking for him for.

So he followed each other and had to observe again.

The two went to the nearest bar, ordered two cocktails each, and started talking.

"The handsome guy is very good, but in the time of 14, he turned himself from an ordinary person to a master. I don't know if the handsome guy should reveal this method."

The degree of cocktails is very high, more than 50 degrees, and most people will get drunk after a few sips.

Well, Liu Sheng is naturally not drunk.

Even if his strength is sealed, he cannot be paralyzed by alcohol.

But he noticed that there was something strange in the wine in front of him, that is, there was a confusing drug in it.

He pretended to be bewildered and looked dazed and drunk.

The people on the side saw this scene and ignored it. How can I say this is a bar, and it is normal for such people to appear here. How could they be surprised? "Ah"

Hearing the other party's question, Liu Sheng pretended not to understand on the surface, he was pretending to be confused.

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Chapter 323 No pity for Xiangxiyu

"Tell me."

The woman was not surprised by this scene.

He was in the wine just now, but he added a special sweat medicine, so it was normal for the other party to be confused.

At this moment, his head was close to each other, and he exhaled like a blue sky.

He wants to know the answer from the other party! He has been observing the other party for several days, and he is very eager for this answer. After all, if they can master this method, they can dominate the human world! "Will you observe me? A few days"

Liu Sheng suddenly smiled at this time, he no longer pretended to be confused.

Because there is no need for this now, the other party is too bold, he thought about it and didn't plan to hide it.

Well, he intends to intervene in this matter.

After all, the other party took the initiative to come to the door! Although he is only interested in low-level substances now, because of this substance, he can easily eat enough, not every meal is a big meal, and he has to eat a lot to be able to barely eat enough. .

However, he knew very well that in order to improve his strength and enter the heavenly father level, he had to experience many, many things to realize.

So he doesn't exclude these things from appearing, and he even yearns for them. He was wondering if he had found some low-level substances, enough to supplement his daily needs, and then he would act chivalrous and be a real superhero. , Otherwise, to maintain a peaceful life, he might as well not seal his strength and break through slowly.

"You're not fascinated, you just lied to me!"

Liu Sheng's expression was indifferent at the moment, his eyes were bright and bright, and he looked like he was not dazed.

The woman was angry at this time, and the other party was cheating on him.

"Isn't it normal to lie to you? Who makes your heart

Are you pregnant?"

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng sneered.

"Bold! Are you looking for death!"

The woman opened her mouth, and he slammed his fist directly at this moment.

This surprised the drinkers next to me. After all, the bar is a place for drinking and dancing, not a place for fights. The other party suddenly punched.

Liu Sheng shook his head at the opponent's shot. The opponent's body was just that of an ordinary woman, and there was no change. The opponent's punch came with the strength of an ordinary woman, which would not pose a threat to him at all.

So he slapped it with a simple slap! Blocked the opponent! He even stabbed the opponent's abdomen! Abruptly kicked the opponent's body several meters away! The reason is very simple, he looked at the opponent Unhappy, after all, the other party wanted to hurt the person next to him when he saw this scene, he was stunned, he did not expect that the two sides would fight, and the man was so violent, knowing that there was a weak woman in front of him, he was able to get down Go! "No, you do"

Suddenly, several tall men walked out of the crowd, they were aggressive, their tone was full of questions, and they seemed to want heroes to save beauty.

Liu Sheng turned his head and glanced at them, and he directly smashed the wine bottle with one hand.

The wine bottle hit one of the men, and the bottle had a close contact with the other's head.


The other party fell directly to the ground, his body began to twitch, and his face began to twist.

Love Reading Bar reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of Love Reading Bar, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 324

"what do you want"

After doing all this, he glanced at the other men again, his expression was incomparably indifferent, as if what he had just done had never been done before.

"don't want to do"

Seeing this scene, the others hurriedly opened their mouths, after all, although they wanted a hero to save the beauty, but because of the scene in front of them, they knew that this man was not easy to mess with, so they gave up the hero to save the beauty.

Because beauty is good, but life is precious.

They don't want to court death! Liu Sheng's expression did not change, because this scene was what he expected.

"Don't take action on this matter, there is something between me and this woman"

Liu Sheng spoke, and he chose to explain, because doing so would make his next actions much easier, and he was not a fool, so he would naturally make a choice.

When the others heard this sentence, a look of understanding appeared on their faces.

After all, if you can come to the bar, you can have a few good birds, the other party's words have explained too much.

In addition, just now, there were several people who saw with their own eyes that it was the woman who shot first, and Liu Sheng was the one who shot later. Although he said that the other party's attack was very fierce and terrifying, "Let's go out and talk!"

Liu Sheng left the position directly, came to the woman, he grabbed the other person's arm with one hand, grabbed the other person, and then left the bar directly.

It's not a good place to ask questions in a bar, he's looking for a quiet place.

The two went out of the bar, and a gust of cold wind blew over. It was already around eight or nine o'clock in the evening. Although it was spring, the temperature was not high. On the contrary, the temperature was very low and very cold.

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