He doesn't have the rebirth from a drop of blood at his peak now. Now as long as his heart and brain are destroyed, the former is fine. If there is enough high technology around, he still has a high possibility to survive. After all, the technology of this era It's more terrifying than imagined.

But if the brain is destroyed, he can basically say that he has a pigtail.

Although Liu Sheng hurriedly dodged, he was shot in the end. After all, the speed of the bullets was not very fast. In just a moment of breathing, they roared. Although he tried to dodge, he only misplaced the opponent's bullets and did not hit him. , but hit the left arm.

Although his physical strength has improved a lot, he is not able to defend against bullets, especially the bullets specially made by the opponent. The ability of the bullets to destroy is more than twice that of ordinary bullets.

So he was shot, and a blood flower bloomed on his arm, which made people shudder.

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Chapter 329 Resolved

"you wanna die!"

Liu Sheng's body fell to the ground at this moment. He was anxious to avoid the opponent's shot just now, and it really showed a downward trend. He immediately got up from the ground and looked at the opponent, full of resentment. After all, the opponent That shot nearly cost him his life.

He wants revenge! He charged directly at the opponent, and his eyes fell on the opponent's hand.

Because the other party is still shooting at the moment, if he doesn't pay attention, he will be hit by the other party. If he is hit by the other party, he will be in danger.

After all, the wound will bleed, and the loss of blood will affect him personally.

Not only will his combat effectiveness be weakened, but he will even die.

Don't see him at this time, because of the injury on his arm, his movements are slower than before.

"Bang bang bang!"

The woman kept pulling the trigger, and the bullet flew over quickly. His target was Yagyu's deadly position, such as the head, neck, or heart. If he could hit these places, the opponent's combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced, then the opponent's strength would be greatly reduced. It's no different than death.

After all, he lost his fighting power, and lost the ability to resist. It's not a good way to leave a woman at the mercy. After all, the one who shoots now is controlled by a machine. Another plug-in player, the other party is even more hanging.

So even if his marksmanship was good, he still didn't hit the opponent, and all were dodged.

"this is a good chance!"

About ten seconds have passed, in this time period.

He has fired more than a dozen shots in a row, and every one of his shots: did not hit Yagyu.

At this moment, Liu Sheng has come to his side, and at this distance, he did not hesitate, and directly rushed towards the opponent. His two hands were directly taken away from the hand holding the gun! It was very simple, he wanted to take the opponent away. Take away the gun so that you can keep yourself safe.

This will put him in an invincible position! The woman wants to avoid seeing this scene, he knows what the other party's goal is, but his speed is still a big gap compared to Liu Sheng, even if he tries his best He tried to dodge, but he was still not as fast as Liu Sheng. He was successfully pounced, and the arm grabbed the gun directly from his hand! "Pada!"

In just an instant, the gun in the woman's hand: was taken away by Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng got the gun: after that, he didn't use the gun:, and shot the heroine, he directly threw the gun: aside, because the gun: was of no use to him.

At this moment, he pressed the opponent under him with his backhand, without any hesitation, he directly smashed his fist into the opponent's head. He had already learned enough information from the opponent, and the battle between the two sides became more and more fierce. , he doesn't need to waste time on the opponent's body! So he wants to kill the opponent! The fist hit the opponent's head, the skull that was originally known as the hardest part of the human body, was instantly smashed by him, and the inside The mechanical device also turned into rubble in an instant.

Woman, pawn! Her life has come to an end like this.

"Finally done."

Looking at the body of the woman whose head had disappeared, Liu Sheng stood up from the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief, and he began to reflect on some things that he had never reflected on.

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Chapter 330 Revenge

"Although I was very strong before, I relied on my own strength to suppress the opponent. If my strength is not as terrifying as the opponent, or is on par with the opponent, am I not their opponent? After all, today, I almost The boat capsized in the gutter"

Liu Sheng was lost in thought.

When he was fighting the woman in front of him just now, he almost burped.

This made him think a lot, that is the previous self, did he also make such a mistake? If his strength was not very strong at the beginning, maybe he would have died a long time ago. "It seems that he has to pay attention in the future, although his strength is very strong. Important, but skill is also very important, at least at the same level, skill is more useful than strength.

Although strength can decide the outcome of a battle, skill can often pull you back from the brink of death!"

Yagyu thought, and he finally came to a conclusion.

He decided that he would no longer simply improve his strength, but also improve his skills. Only in this way can he go further and live longer.

"Let's go back quickly."

It's already late at night, about 12:[*] a.m.: Yagyu intends to go back, after all, he still has a lot of things to do, for example, to ask Tony Stark about the other party's research on robots, this The other party mentioned the matter to him before, but it was a long time ago.

He just went back and asked the other party now.

After all, what happened today is related to the second catastrophe.

He walked out of the alley and planned to take a taxi back to the villa, because he didn't drive out today, so naturally he didn't drive back by himself.

But he had just picked up the cab and had not had time to leave, when four or five of them showed up, 45

Little bastards, these guys are staring at him cruelly at the moment! "Who are you guys looking for me?"

Liu Sheng's expression remained the same when he saw the little gangsters in front of him. If he were an ordinary person, he would naturally be afraid. After all, in the middle of the night, he was surrounded by several people.

God knows what the hell will happen! But he is not afraid, because he is not an ordinary person, he is a very terrifying existence.

"It's you who bullied my brother just now"

These four or five, 45 gangsters, headed by a yellow-haired gangster, came over very arrogantly at the moment, he came to Liu Sheng, and was going to grab his collar.

Liu Sheng took a step back, dodging the opponent's grasp, his brows furrowed tightly together.

When the other party said this, he could probably identify the identities of the guys in front of him.

Maybe he was beaten by him just now, a friend of those gangsters.

"How dare you hide today, you are finished! Brothers, beat him up for me!"

The yellow-haired gangster was unhappy when he saw this scene. He opened his mouth arrogantly at the moment. Several people around him nodded, quickly put the stick in his hand, and hit the opponent! It looked extremely fierce, like a desperate man. generation.


After looking at a few people, Liu Sheng's face didn't change in the slightest, maybe others were afraid of them, but for Liu Sheng, that's it, he could easily hit dozens of them by himself.

So he panicked. He didn't even want to pay attention to them at this moment, but at this time, he wanted to open a taxi and leave.

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Chapter 331 Misunderstood

Then he was stunned, because he found the taxi door in front of him, and he couldn't open it! The driver locked the taxi door! "What is this operation?"

Liu Sheng was stunned. He looked at this scene in surprise. He didn't know why the other party did this. He built the car. Shouldn't the other party open the door to take him in? The service is so bad now, but he is very He soon knew why the other party did this, because when he saw the driver in the taxi and looked at the gangster behind him with horror on his face, he understood what the other party meant! The reason why he locked the taxi door was completely Because he was afraid of those gangsters, in order to prevent himself from being beaten, and to ensure his own safety, he closed the door and locked it to death.

"It's all because of you guys that I'm going to go home even later!"

Liu Sheng didn't blame the other party, because it was human nature for the other party to do so. At this moment, he turned around and looked at the four or five gangsters who were rushing towards him. He said angrily! His time But it is very precious, these guys are delaying his work! He rushed up at this moment, and slapped the fastest runner, the yellow-haired gangster, and that slap directly slapped the other party in place. A circle! It made his mind faint, and the whole person fell directly to the ground.

When the other gangsters saw this scene, they were not afraid. They were used to fighting, and it was normal for them to be beaten. One of their companions was knocked down, which seemed nothing to them.

They are even more excited than before, and the speed is faster! "It really doesn't know whether to live or die."

After knocking down one of the gangsters, Yagyu originally thought that the others would shrink back, but what he didn't expect was that the others were even more excited and arrived at a faster speed than before! Three punches and two feet

Man is also down! Because he is too lazy to waste time here.

After he knocked down the last person, in line with the principle of sending the Buddha to the west, he did not leave in a hurry, but made a phone call on the spot to notify the nearby police.

These damned guys should stay there for a while, instead of continuing to relax outside, this is increasing the workload of superheroes.

"Send me to Longcheng Community, No. 10."

Liu Sheng came to the taxi's side, and he got into the taxi directly, because he had already dealt with the gangsters, and the taxi driver was not a fool, so he had already opened the door long ago.

Otherwise, if the person in front of me is offended...the Lord will be unhappy, the other party will give him a meal:.

He's stupid! "Okay sir."

The taxi driver nodded, and he drove to No. 101, Longcheng Community.

Time passed, about 10 minutes: , they arrived at their destination.

"How much is the toll in total?"

Liu Sheng asked.

"Need not."

Hearing the other party's words, the taxi driver quickly waved his hand and rejected the other party.

The scene just now was still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The other party used his own strength to forcefully overthrow those gangsters, and gave him ten 10 courage, and he didn't dare to accept the other party's money.

"How can I not? I'm not a triad, how can I be greedy for your money!"

Hearing this, Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

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Chapter 332 Plot mutation

He said that, the driver didn't dare to ask for money, he always felt that Liu Sheng was implying himself.

So he gritted his teeth, and simply didn't do it for a while, ,, ignored the other party, and drove away! Only Liu Sheng, who was stunned, stood in the same place, overwhelmed! "No, I look like a Is that scary?"

Seeing the other party driving away, Liu Sheng couldn't help but speak.

However, he didn't go after the other party either, because there was absolutely no need for it. Since the other party didn't want to accept it, he didn't give it to the other party, anyway, it was only a dozen dollars.

He walked back to the villa next to him and came to the first floor of the villa.

It's meal time, the dinner is set, and the superheroes are here.

During this period of time, the number of crimes against crime has decreased, and everyone can come to have a meal in peace.

"Why is it so slow to come back"

Someone asked Liu Sheng at this time.

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