Chapter 317 In order to break through

Chapter 318 Deception

They couldn't understand what Liu Sheng was thinking. In their opinion, breaking through their own realm is very important, but just for this, giving up their terrifying strength is not a fool. They think that only a fool would do this. matter.

"What's wrong"

Seeing the extremely complicated expressions on everyone's faces, Liu Sheng said.

His tone was casual, as if to say something that couldn't be simpler.

"You really gave up your power!"

Nick Fury spoke up, he didn't believe the other party, or he still had a little hesitation in his heart, because he always felt that only a fool would do this, but the other party was obviously not a fool.

"Is it incredible?"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng said lightly.

"It's really incredible. After all, you already have such a terrifying power, why should you give up? Although it's difficult to break through the realm, but breaking through slowly is always better than breaking the boat and sinking the boat."

The captain of the United States spoke, and he was also a little difficult to understand each other.

He thinks that the realm can be broken through slowly, but it seems a little silly to give up all his power, seal it, and let himself use the so-called mortal power to pray for a breakthrough.

"I know what you think in your hearts, but you haven't reached my level, so you don't know how difficult it is to break through this realm! You can only talk about breaking the boat and sinking the boat!"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng shook the other party's idea, but the other party's vision is now equivalent to standing on the top of the cliff, this point may be very high, and you can see the distance of many miles.

You can see the flying stream going down three thousand feet, and you can see the clouds and mists lingering, like a fairyland on earth.


But he is different.

Although the vision of the other party is very high, but compared with him, there is still a big distance.

This distance is almost like a gap. If the other party is on the top of the cliff, then he should be in the universe, and his vision is many times wider than that of the other party.

"You do this, aren't you afraid that the enemy will hunt you down?"

Nick Fury said worriedly, he thought more.

You know, because of the other party's previous temper, but offended many people.

Liu Sheng was extremely powerful before, so these people did not dare to attack, and even wanted to be human with their tails between their tails, but when the strength of the opponent is equal to that of a mortal, or in other words, it is no longer so powerful.

These people will definitely not miss this opportunity! So what will the other party do? The other party will die without a burial. "You have to be clear, I am sealing my own strength, not someone else sealing my strength."

Glancing at Nick Fury, Liu Yu said lightly.

Nick Fury stopped talking, because he understood what the other party meant, and the others didn't say much at this time, because they also understood what the other party meant.

That is, although the other party has sealed their own strength, the other party still has a hole card! At least they understand it! But they don't know one thing, the reason why they think so is entirely because Liu Sheng deliberately guided, the other party His own strength is completely sealed, except for his current spirit, he is no different from ordinary people.

And the reason why he did this is for a reason. To read the novel without underline, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 319 Magical Effects

Liu Sheng actually wanted to completely seal his strength and tell everyone in the Avengers.

Because he doesn't bother to talk.

But after this short period of time, communicating with the people in front of him, he dispelled this thought in his heart, because he found that these guys seemed to have other thoughts in their hearts.

This idea is not malicious, it is just a pure idea.

It's a bit similar to wow, this guy is not as strong as he used to be, he's good food and Nick Fury's words, I'm a little worried about what he means in order to prevent his personal actions from going smoothly in the future, so "So let's just say it. "

He chose to guide them deliberately to make these guys think that he had not completely sealed his strength, or that even if he had completely sealed his strength, he had left a hole card to deal with unknown crises.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Because of Liu Sheng's words, everyone didn't know more about this matter. After all, they already know more, and they don't need to know more.

Of course, it was mainly Liu Sheng who didn't want to answer. After all, these people knew, but they couldn't change anything.

"Not very hungry."

The others shook their heads, knowing that it was one or two o'clock in the afternoon, they had just finished their lunch, plus they didn't need much energy to maintain themselves, so naturally they wouldn't feel hungry.

"Actually, I'm a little hungry."

Among so many people, there is one mouth, and his size is incomparably huge.

Isn't it the Hulk? No, to be precise, it should be called Dr. Banner.

After all, he has not lost consciousness now, and he has the ability to think

ability to test.

Dr. Banner was embarrassed and rubbed his stomach. Unlike others, his daily energy consumption was huge, so in addition to special supplements, he also needed a lot of diet.

Otherwise, there will be hunger, and the whole person will look slack.

"You can eat this!"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng took out a piece of jerky from his pocket, which looked exactly like other jerky on the surface, extremely ordinary.

But when Dr. Banner saw this piece of jerky, there was a deep desire in his heart, that is, he couldn't wait to grab him, and wanted to eat him! Suddenly such a desire was born in his heart, so that Dr. Banner was shocked! Because he had such a longing deep in his heart, he had encountered it more than once, and he had encountered similar things before, but at that time, the objects he faced were all those high-energy substances because of those Something that can make him stronger, can make him evolve! So he has an instinctive desire! But the ordinary piece of jerky in front of him, why does he have this desire? He is puzzled.

But this was given to him by the other party, and with the desire in his heart, Dr. Banner did not hesitate to take the piece of jerky in his hand, and then swallowed it directly in front of the other party! "Coax!"

He felt that his brain was down, because the jerky had just entered his stomach, and there was an extremely terrifying energy that spread from above, frantically rushing towards his limbs - "How is this possible?"

He couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 320

Dr. Banner didn't know that this jerky was no ordinary jerky.

This jerky is infinitely close to the Heavenly Father and the strong, made from the bodies of the Wolf God and the Dragon Man. It is comparable to the top energy source. It has extremely abundant and easily digestible energy.

Of course, this very easily digestible energy is relative.

Because Liu Sheng's strength was completely sealed, his current body is very weak, just like a mortal, so he can't digest the energy from this jerky.

The same goes for everyone else, even Thor.

Because of their strength, there is a huge gap between them and the Heavenly Father level. Even if the energy above is easy to digest, it is far from what they can touch at this level! Only Dr. Banner is excluded, because he was killed by Jia The horse ray has been eroded, and the whole person has already undergone earth-shaking changes. Its power itself is close to wireless, and it can naturally digest the power from the jerky.

Well, but the other party needs to pay some price to digest this energy.

For example, sleep for a while! Because the energy on the jerky is not an ordinary horror, even if the other party can digest the energy above, the body's instinct will fall into a voluntary sleep for its own safety.

So when Dr. Banner reacted, there was an exclamation in his mouth, the next second.

He fell to the ground with a thud! The sky-shattering cry came out of his mouth! "What's going on?"

The others looked at this with a dazed expression—they didn't know what was going on, after all, they stayed at the level of their memory. Just now, Dr. Banner just ate a piece of jerky, and then he shouted, and then, suddenly become like this,

The whole person fell into a deep sleep and their gazes subconsciously looked at Liu Sheng.

After all, the facts are now clearly laid out. The reason why Dr. Banner fell asleep must have something to do with the piece of jerky given by the other party, and that piece of jerky was the main reason why Dr. Banner fell asleep.

"There is a lot of energy in that piece of jerky. Dr. Banner has to digest it after eating it, so he fell into a deep sleep of his own accord. You can rest assured that he is very safe! And after this guy wakes up from his deep sleep, he will gain terrifying power, It's a good thing."

Liu Sheng spoke, and he explained to the crowd.

"I see."

The others nodded, they didn't doubt each other, because the other party had no reason to lie.

And they are also an alliance anyway, how can they suspect "this thing" from the inside

Nick Fury suddenly spoke on the side, and he didn't finish his sentence, only half of it.

"Don't think about it, the energy on this jerky can't be absorbed by anyone except Dr. Banner, including me now, if I give it to you, if you swallow it, you will only be able to absorb it. Cause your death, and don't think about it. Dilute this jerky to weaken the energy inside. Let me tell you, the energy in this jerky is very special. It belongs to a conserved body and will not be diluted. !"

Liu Sheng knew what Nick Fury meant, so he told the truth directly.

He didn't want the other party to take the jerky away, because it was used by himself, and the jerky was not good for them.

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Chapter 321 Two weeks later

"Really not?"

Nick Fury couldn't help but speak, he still wanted to fight, he was already attracted by this thing.

After all, the other party just said that the strength of the Hulk will increase terribly after he wakes up.

"No, you will die."

Liu Shi's attitude is very firm, he will not give this thing to the other party.

"OK then."

Nick Fury sighed, he didn't say anything more, after all, the other party said so, what else could he say? Could he forcibly oppress the other party? With a few hole cards, let's just say one thing, the other party helped him get one hundred thousand trillion.

How could he oppress the other party because of this trivial matter, so he didn't say much and kept silent.

"All right."

Black Widow came in at this time, and he placed the steak in front of Yagyu.

This steak is more than before, there are five or six pieces in total.

Liu Sheng ate quickly, but he was eaten up in a short time.

"nailed it."

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