his body.

Together, these scales become one and become a sword - "Go!"

A word came out of his mouth, and the sword rushed out instantly! Killed at Liu Sheng's back! The power of this sword is amazing, as if it can shatter everything!

Feeling a terrifying power erupting from behind, Liu Sheng's face gradually changed: it's not good.

Originally, he had the upper hand. After all, his combat power was stronger than the two people in front of him. Both of them used to be his enemies and fought against him, but they both failed in the end.

But now, when the two of them cooperated to make a shot, he was a little angry that he was at a disadvantage.

At this moment, he used a magical power! "Shadow Clone Technique!"

The next moment, a figure emerged from his body. This figure exudes a terrifying aura. Although overall, it is weaker than Liu Sheng, but it is equally strong! It is the clone summoned by Liu Sheng, with him 61 The strength! He turned around at this moment and faced the sword of the wolf god! "Swipe!"

The speed of the sword is extremely fast, and at the same time, the size of the body is constantly exaggerated, and it is getting bigger! Then the sword came to the clone, and he immediately chopped it down! "Go away!"

The clone opened his mouth coldly, and squeezed a seal between his hands, but in an instant, a protective cover appeared in front of him, and he used this protective cover to block the opponent's attack! Because the sword fell on the protective cover, and Don't break it! Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 290 Undefeated Heart

"how can that be"

When the dragon man saw this scene, there was something incredible.

He never thought that the other party would block his own attack! If the other party blocked his own attack, he could still understand it, but he couldn't understand the other party's avatar. How did the opponent's avatar block his own attack? Yes! "There are so many things that make you incredible!"

The other party's expression was completely reflected in the clone's eyes.

The clone sneered at this moment, and a weapon appeared directly in his hand. This weapon was a long spear. He extracted the energy from this planet and condensed it! Come here! "Now I can deal with you."

If you clone yourself to fight the dragon man, then the main body will naturally be fighting the wolf god.

Liu Sheng sneered at this moment, his eyes were fixed on the wolf god in front of him.

Next, he wants to make the other party look good! After all, the other party fought him, but he was ruthless, how could he let the other party go, and he knew one thing, that is, although his clone was terrifying, the time it could exist was not It is very long, it can only exist for a few hours, and the combat power of the clone is limited, so he must solve the wolf god in front of him as soon as possible! Otherwise, he may fall into a state of being besieged like the first truth! Not sure who!"

The wolf god opened his mouth, his face did not change in the slightest, and he did not feel the slightest nervousness because of the scene in front of him. All he had was calm, like a pool of stagnant water! At this moment, his body was transformed again.

On the originally huge body, a blue ice soul appeared! This is the power of ice! The power of ice

, unexpectedly: At this moment, to freeze him, he started to target himself! But is that really true? "You are very good!"

If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely think so. After all, with the scene in front of him here, he wouldn't lie.

But Liu Sheng didn't think so. He noticed something different. For example, when the opponent's body moved, there was no difference from before. The power of ice did not hurt the opponent. It seemed to form a layer of armor. , gave the other party a great help! "Wolf body!"

The wolf god's expression remained unchanged, and he did not react in the slightest because of the other party's praise.

He just attacked at this time, and an absolutely powerful attack is coming! That body seems to have been blessed and can shatter everything in front of him! His claws, grabbing towards Yanagyu's heart, want to break the opponent's body! "Although you are very Yes, but you are still not my opponent!"

Liu Sheng's expression remained the same, even though the opponent's attack power was much higher than before.

But so what? In a one-on-one situation, he is not afraid of anyone, even the wolf god who has greatly increased his strength! He strikes at this moment, a simple punch, and blocks the opponent's claws! But he also feels some changes , that is, there is a burning feeling on the skin, which makes him frown slightly, because the opponent's claws just now broke his skin defense! He underestimated the opponent, and the opponent's combat power has improved more than before. one and a half.

"But in the end, it's my defeat!"

His expression remains the same, and he strikes again at this moment! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 291 8000 million tons

The power of the wolf god is much greater than before, and the defense power has also increased a lot, and even the attack power has been improved. After all, the opponent's blow just now broke Liu Yu's defense.

The reason why the opponent's combat power has improved so much is because the opponent has blessed him with the power of ice and made it form a solid armor, which has created all this.

This made Liu Sheng's mood not very good. After all, the opponent's strength has improved. In some respects, it is equivalent to his own strength being weak, which makes his mood quite complicated.

But that's not all, he's not afraid of each other.

After all, no matter what the other party said, it was his defeat, and he would not be afraid of his defeat.

"What's more, even if your strength improves, you are still not my opponent."

Liu Sheng stepped out at this moment, and he directly punched the opponent's abdomen. This time, he used at least 800% of his own power. Although this power is pure physical power, it is still terrifying. If this power is estimated For tons, at least [*] million tons! "Pfft!"

Blood protruded from the wolf god's mouth. After all, the opponent punched him in the abdomen, and the opponent's strength was not weak. It was normal for him to be injured.


However, although he was injured, the wolf god is not a vegetarian. Due to the close distance between the two sides, he stretched out his claws with both hands at this moment, and the claws like sharp blades grabbed at the other side. His target was the other side's shoulder blades. It is the key part of supporting the human body.

If he can hurt the opponent's shoulder, the fight will be more beneficial to him! "Pfft!"

The sound of the body being broken open sounded, because the striking power has increased a lot, so his

The claws successfully broke through Yanagyu's defense and quickly grabbed to the shoulder blades.

But he didn't hurt the shoulder bone in the end, because his claws were quickly blocked by the muscles. After all, he broke Liu Yu's defense, it does not mean that he can hurt the shoulder blade! You must know that flesh and blood is itself a layer of defense! Flesh is generally divided into two parts, muscle and protein. They are also a kind of defense. The defense that the wolf god broke just now is the outermost layer of the body, and it is the defense of the skin.

This does not include the muscles, the defense power of the muscles far exceeds that of the epidermis.

"You want to die!"

With the undisguised killing intent in his eyes, Liu Sheng did not expect that the opponent's attack would be so fierce, to break through his own surface defense so easily, which made him damage his important parts, knowing that the shoulder blades are very important. Yes, this is a key position where strength drives the battle.

If he is injured by the opponent to the shoulder blade, then he will face a point, the physical strength will be greatly reduced, which will make him extremely disadvantaged in the next battle.

Of course, this was in a purely physical battle. After all, what he mastered was not... only the power of the body, and he also mastered various spells, the method of soul slaying.

If he is really hurt to his shoulder blades, he actually still has combat power, terrifying combat power! Because he can cast spells, which is also the range he is good at - "Smash me!"

At this moment, he put his two hands directly on each other's shoulders, his arms violently exerted force, tearing to both sides with terrifying force, he wanted to pull the other's arm down abruptly! Love reading, remind you: three things to read Things to remember, favorites, save m.aikanshu8.com's unique domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 292 The Power of Ice

The wolf god suffers. After all, the opponent's strength is not ordinary terror. It is already a unit of ten thousand tons. What's more important is that this is only the level that is achieved by using strength under normal circumstances.

With the help of power, speed, and even the strength of the two arms, the strength is not simply equal to [*] tons, but will increase rapidly on this basis.

It has reached an even more terrifying level! For example, Liu Sheng's tear this time has actually exceeded [*] tons, but it can't reach [*] tons, or even higher.

This is a normal situation, power itself cannot be used as a unit of calculation, he will be affected by many things, he will not always maintain an equal number.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The wolf god was in pain, and naturally wanted to resist. After all, if his arm was torn by the opponent, it would greatly affect his combat effectiveness, and he naturally did not want to see this scene.

However, one of his arms was already controlled by the opponent, and his other arm was obviously unable to stop the opponent, so he opened his mouth and bit it without thinking! His target was the opponent's neck, he thought. To bite through the opponent's throat! This is incredible, after all, the two sides are extraordinary powerhouses, but their battle at the moment is no different from the beast, even more brutal than the beast! Liu Sheng's face is calm, he naturally sees it through He understood the other party's thoughts, but then how could he not let the other party's bloody mouth bite him! "Quack!"

At this moment, he exerted force again, almost all the force that he could use on his body, only to hear a very clear sound, and the opponent's arm unexpectedly stiffened.

He broke the wolf god's arm and there was a drama. After all, the arm was broken, can it not hurt? His offensive has naturally weakened, and there is a big gap compared to before.

Liu Sheng naturally would not miss such a good opportunity. After all, although he broke the opponent's arm, the opponent's arm was not separated from the body, and the opponent's muscles were still connected to it.

He wants to pull the opponent's arm down and truly separate flesh and blood! At the same time, he exerts his strength again, and at the same time hits the opponent's stomach with one hand. After all, although the opponent's offensive has eased, it has not stopped. Pen Dakou still bites over! He naturally can't do the fist to hammer the opponent's blood pendant, so he naturally puts the target on the opponent's abdomen, because if he can control it well, the opponent's bite will fail!" force!"

The wolf god's stomach hurt again, which made him extremely angry. After all, after fighting with the opponent for so long, he didn't have much advantage at all, and he has always been a disadvantage.

How could he not have anger in his heart? At this moment, the bloody mouth is no longer biting, but the force of the elements condensed in the mouth of the bloodbath, and then, the power of ice with a temperature of minus 0 to several thousand degrees Celsius broke out! This force directly He rushed to Liu Sheng's face and killed him with a brave attitude! Since the distance between the two sides was too close, there were only a few meters. Therefore, facing the sudden use of the ice power by the other side, Liu Sheng could not dodge. He had to bear the opponent's power of ice! And the power of ice fell on his face, so he quickly spread to read the ununderlined version of the novel in a gesture visible to the naked eye. Please download and remember to save m.aikanshu8. com love to read the only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 293 Flames and Ice

The power of ice began to freeze Yagyu's body, which was normal.

And what Liusheng has to do is very simple, that is, to prevent the power of ice from spreading in his body, after all, if he does not prevent the power of ice from spreading, this power will hinder his actions.

And this power of ice is not only low temperature, it makes his actions more and more slow, there is also deadly energy in this power of ice, just like the toxin contained in the venom of poisonous snakes, this special power of ice is special. The energy was injected by the wolf god.

Perhaps in a short period of time, this special energy could not affect Liu Shengsheng, but with the passage of time, the power inside will definitely change, and it will be stronger than at the beginning.

By then, if Liu Sheng did not react, it would definitely be too late.

So Liu Sheng began to resist. Above his body, a flame ignited at a speed visible to the naked eye. The temperature of the flame was not high at first, only a few hundred degrees, but with the passage of time, it was only between a few breaths. , the temperature of the flame burning on his body is about a thousand degrees higher! And this temperature is constantly increasing, and it still does not stop.

The wolf god began to roar, because the two sides were fighting at close range at the moment, and the other's body was burning with flames, and he was naturally burned, and he let out a painful howl.

But fortunately, his body was still covered by the power of ice. Although he was crying, it was because of the pain. Although the temperature of the power of flames was very high, it did not cause him any harm in a short period of time.

"Fire, burn!"

Liu Sheng's expression is not very good, after all, he was caught in the ice of the other party just now.

The point was not frozen by the opponent, he was a little angry, he wanted to make the opponent pay a heavy price! The temperature of the flames on his body was getting higher and higher, and he began to rush towards the opponent frantically.

The power of the flames, along with his body and the constant contact with the opponent, also began to burn on the opponent's body, and the opponent's body also ignited a flame, and it began to burn.

However, there is a slight difference in that, the power of flames burns on Liu Sheng's body, although the temperature is getting higher and higher, and it is more vigorous, but it can't hurt Liu Sheng at all.

But he burns on the opponent's body, even if he has the power of ice and blocks the power of flames, but in addition to alleviation, the power of flames will still hurt the opponent! And with the passage of time, the temperature of the flames increases, this damage It also spreads by a large margin! If someone is watching, if he is a little more careful, he will be surprised to find that there is a layer of ice power attached to the surface of the body, which looks like the solidified layer of the wolf god's armor at this moment. The armor has disappeared. To be precise, the layer of solidified armor has completely melted away, replaced by the previously protected body! It is conceivable that the previously protected body came into contact with this high temperature flame.

What will it look like! The body that originally looked extremely strong, has only changed. Piece after piece of flesh and blood is no longer the same as before, but under the burning condition of the flames, it begins to become: scorched , but for a short while, there is even a fragrant smell on it.

This is the taste of roasted meat, and some of the meat on the other party has been roasted! Love reading it reminds you: the three things to read, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 294 Dragons join the battlefield

There was a look of pain on the wolf god's face. After all, his flesh was scalded hard, how could he not be in pain, how could he not be uncomfortable? He began to fight back, and the power of ice on his body continued to increase. write.

He wanted to use the power of ice to restrain the opponent's flame power.

However, there is no way, what he is best at is the power of the body, and what Yagyu is best at is the power of the body, after all, he has obtained the ability of Saitama, but he is also good at the power of elements.

The other party wants to use the power of ice against the power of flames, which is simply impossible.

The flames were burning constantly, and he became more and more terrifying. Even if the opponent used the power of ice to resist, it was still useless, and he couldn't stop the raging flames.

"It's time to deal with you."

As time passed, many wounds were added to the other's body, and these wounds were scalded.

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