At the same time, there was a scent on the other party's body, which was the smell of cooked meat. This smell was very good. After all, their strength has risen to a terrifying level, and their bodies have naturally been transformed.

The simplest analogy is that their meat, even without any seasoning, as long as it is cooked, it is comparable to the world, a rare delicacy.

"After killing you, I can just eat a full meal."

Liu Sheng spoke indifferently. At this moment, he smashed his fist into the opponent's head. His strength was astonishing, and he directly smashed the opponent's head with a fist! The opponent's body fell directly to the ground, making a huge noise .

"Don't think about it!"

When Liu Sheng wanted to shoot again, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, and then, he felt his own

There was a burning pain in his neck! Someone appeared behind him, and the other party launched an attack on him! Liu Sheng instantly determined his true identity. After all, the other party's voice was so recognizable that he could easily Guess the identity of the other party.

"You are very strong, even my clone was defeated by you!"

At this time, Liu Sheng turned his head without hesitation. After all, leaving his back to the enemy was a mistake that should not have been made. He was staring at the dragon man with piercing eyes! It was the other party who attacked him! "Your clone is so powerful that even I was almost defeated by him, so no matter what he said, he was just a clone, how could he compare with me!"

His face was full of indifference, and the dragon man spoke lightly at this moment.

"Although you are right and the truth is true, but it took so long to get rid of my clone, I really don't know how you are so confident!"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng suddenly despised at this moment.

When he said these words, the dragon man stopped talking, and his face was livid.

Because what the other party said was reasonable, it took him so long to kill the other party's avatar. Although he won, it was almost the same as defeat. He really had no reason to be so confident.

However, his emotions did not last too long, because the battle was going on right now, and his opponent Liu Sheng was extraordinary. In the face of such an opponent, he had no reason to be distracted! After all, if he killed the opponent's clone, he was also injured to some extent. At this moment, his eyes were bright, and he was staring at each other closely.

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Chapter 295 Siege

The dragon man and Liu Sheng were in a confrontation, and the wolf god naturally moved when he saw this scene. It was impossible for him to see the two fighting.

Because he had played against Liu Sheng, he knew how terrifying the opponent's strength was.

He knew that the dragon man could not have the strength to confront Liu Sheng head-on, and the opponent was very likely to lose.

And if the opponent loses, it will be a fatal blow to them! He is strong at this moment, holding back the pain in his body, standing up, his body exudes terrifying power, at this moment, his eyes are also staring at With Liusheng! "Joint attack"

The wolf god got up from the ground, and the sound was naturally noticed by Liu Sheng, and Liu Sheng was not surprised by the other party's actions. He would be surprised if the other party didn't do it.

But at this moment, being attacked by two people, Liu Sheng was not in the slightest panic.

After all, this is not the same as the first time. The state of the two people in front of them is not at the peak. They have both suffered serious trauma, and the situation has undergone a great reversal.

"This planet will be your burial place!"

The dragon man opened his mouth and said, and he did not hide the killing intent in his mouth.

After saying these words, he rushed over directly, his wings flapped wildly at this time, his speed was extremely fast, and he came to Liu Sheng in an instant! He opened his bloody mouth without hesitation, Biting down on the opponent's shoulder! Liu Sheng wanted to fight back, he couldn't look at the opponent and attack himself, but before he made a move, there was a person behind him who moved first, and this guy was naturally a wolf god.

He couldn't just watch the dragon with his eyes

hands, watch the play by yourself.

In addition, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of him, and he is unwilling to let it go! He has a weapon in his hand, which he obtained from another world, and he intends to use this weapon to fight. As for him Why did not use this weapon before, but now use it, this is mainly because he had no chance to use this weapon before.

After all, the two sides are fighting at close range, and spear weapons are difficult to use! Yes, the weapon in his hand is a long spear, a long spear that exudes an icy chill! At this moment, he is waving his weapon and stabbed directly in the back of Liu Yu! Flanking, what should he do if the two guys in the front and the back shoot at the same time? After all, according to normal operation, he can only block the attack of one of them. After all, the speed of both sides is too fast, and the distance between them is too close to Liu Sheng. "Who told you that I can only face you with the power of my flesh"

Liu Sheng's expression did not change, because according to normal operations and facing them with physical strength, he could only block one person's attack, and another person's attack would naturally fall on him.

But why did he only use the power of the flesh to face the attack of two people, he can use other powers! He did not hesitate at this moment, and the handprints were pinched between his hands, and the power of the surrounding elements surged towards him frantically , but in an instant, a protective cover was formed, protecting him inside! He did not choose to use his physical strength to defend against the two guys who besieged him.

He chose to condense the power of the elements as a protective shield to resist this attack! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 296 The power of all things



Attacks from both sides, violent attacks on the protective cover, and terrifying sparks appeared.

Liu Sheng frowned slightly. He found that the attacks of the two were not ordinary horrors. When their attacks landed on the protective cover, the originally indestructible protective cover actually shook! It began to sway! The attacks on both sides were very strong, The protective cover can't support it for too long! However, Liu Sheng frowned, but it was only for a moment, because this scene, as early as in his calculations, the two guys in front of him, after all, are not simple characters, they are alive I don't know. After thousands of years of existence, their strength is so powerful and terrifying, it is a normal thing.

"The art of all things!"

At this moment, he used the power of elements again, only to see changes on the ground. It was just a normal environment. There were small forests and tenacious weeds growing on the ground, but suddenly, the big trees went crazy. The ground grew up, and the same was true of the weeds. Their growth rate was many times stronger than before! The size that would have taken decades to grow, but it grew in a second or two. , their growth time has been greatly compressed, and they have grown greatly in a short period of time! And it is very likely due to genetic changes, their growth has no upper limit, and there is no size. After all, ordinary weeds and big trees, they They can grow up to decades, hundreds, or even thousands of years, but they will eventually die because they have their own limitations.

But now, the weeds that were originally only a few hundred meters tall have grown to a few kilometers, and the weeds that were originally only a few tens of centimeters in height have grown into a few hundred meters! dance one


"Bring me together!"

The growth of these trees and weeds is naturally due to willow trees.

At this moment, he manipulated these existences that had grown into towering giants, and began to gather towards him, and then he let these things, crazy attacking the wolf gods and dragon men who were attacking the defensive cover! Trees and weeds generally did not attack Powerful, even if they become towering giants, the attack power is not much stronger, after all, subject to the racial talent, they are too different from the creatures.

At least in the eyes of dragons and wolf gods, this is what it looks like.

Their knowledge is very broad, they have seen too much, except for very special races, they are only the existence of the most ordinary trees and weeds, even if their bodies are terrifying, in their opinion, The opponent's combat power is still limited, and the weak will not work.

So they didn't pay much attention to these things and ignored them directly.

After all, these guys are not worthy of their attention at all! But they don't know, because of their mistake, they almost died! Because ordinary trees and weeds do not have terrifying attack power, even if their size is turned upside down. changes, but because of racial restrictions, they are still very weak.

But Yanagyu is so special - what he has blessed can already break through the limitations of his own race! That power is incomparable to the past! These trees and weeds in front of them, they have already become: extremely extraordinary! They are now Swaying, spurting down, that seemingly ordinary attack is actually very scary! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 297 The Cage

Chapter 298 Ending with the power of thunder

"how is this possible"

The wolf god and the dragon man were shocked, because they found that the power released after the trees and weeds entangled them was terrifying, and they couldn't break free for a short time! They could even feel the pain in their bodies! The trees and weeds The entanglement of the weeds is terrifying, and it has a special toughness, which is not bad, they are just shocked, because if they have enough time, they will break free sooner or later, but what makes them unbelievable is that the trees are mixed with the weeds. Why is there a flame burning on the grass and it is from the inside out, as if the two are one in itself! In their opinion, this is not in line with the rules at all, and should not appear! But shock is shock, they can't wait for the attack to fall In them, they don't respond to it, they start to struggle at this point, trying to break free.

"Do you think I'm a vegetarian?"

Seeing the wolf god and the dragon man breaking free, a sneer appeared on Liu Sheng's face. He is not a fool. How could he quietly watch the two people break free from their own shackles. With the power of flames, this is just one of them. His attack is still there: what's behind! His revenge is very heavy, these two guys just besieged him! At this moment, his hands are pinched, and the terrifying power is between his fingers diffuse.

The next moment, the wolf god and dragon man in front of him couldn't help shivering, because they felt a chill that penetrated their hearts - which made them unable to help expand! After all, the arrival of this power made them feel hunch.

After all, in this world, there is also a saying of redemption.

The power of fire and the power of ice, itself

They are the two most conflicting attributes. The other party just used the power of flames to spur them, and now that the other party has summoned them, they are not fools. How could they not know the other party's purpose? This made them shudder! If these two forces are combined, the damage will be far higher than the attack of one energy! "Hiss."

They couldn't help taking a deep breath, and seeing each other's eyes became more and more frightened! "Ah ah ah!"

As soon as such an idea fell, they couldn't help screaming, because their guess was not wrong, the other party used the power of ice this time! They turned into a huge ice dragon, this ice dragon was extremely fast, and charged towards them quite spiritually! They wanted to dodge, but because of the shackles of trees and weeds, they couldn't dodge.

They can only watch this ice dragon rush on them! And they have the power of flame burning, and at this moment, the power of ice is wreaking havoc, it is conceivable that they are suffering now Unbearable! "You can be wiped out!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

He has completely mastered the situation now, and there is no need to continue to consume it. At this moment, he can draw a perfect end to this battle! He has the power of the elements between his hands - that is the most terrifying power of the elements , the power of thunder! He is manipulating this power at the moment, ruthlessly killing the two of them in front of him! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download, remember, and save, enjoy high-speed reading !

Chapter 299 Weird Fusion

"Do we have any other options?"

The wolf god and the dragon man sighed as they watched Liu Sheng kill them.

"Probably not."

The wolf god sighed, although he really hoped for a miracle to happen, it was obviously impossible.

"It seems that I can only use that hole card"

The two of them made up their minds. After all, things have already progressed so far, and they have no choice. Although it is said that using that trump card, they will suffer heavy losses, and even their strength will decline, but it is always like being attacked by the power of the opponent's thunder. As a remnant soul, the two sides glanced at each other and began to communicate the contract with each other.

The two of them cooperated to form an alliance, and naturally they signed a contract in the dark and let it do justice, otherwise they would not cooperate.

Even if they know that there is a strong enemy in front of them - and now, through this contract, they are engaged in a strange fusion! After all, they want to fuse directly, but obviously there is no way, their bodies are now bound, obviously not direct physical contact possible

Grand Fusion.

A supreme supernatural power, his role is to fuse two unrelated creatures, making them a single individual, and its strength growth is terrifying.

But there is a price to be paid for this magic.

That is, 10% will suffer heavy losses, and there is a high possibility of a decline in strength! The two sides are using this magical power at the moment, and this is theirs, when they sign the contract, they will leave a little bit in order to prevent such a situation. Appeared, of course, at first, they did not expect this scene to appear.

After all, they are two sides working together, although they are weak, but according to reason, they should crush each other, or even not crush, and they should be evenly matched.

But the result "what's going on"

Liu Sheng suddenly stopped the pace of the attack, and he looked at the scene in front of him with a bit of daze.

I saw that the wolf god and the dragon man actually broke free from the shackles of trees and weeds at this time, and at this time, they turned into two existences similar to data streams.

They collided with each other! It seemed to be in a fusion! This made him a little confused, because he did not expect this scene at all! But he also reacted quickly, because although he did not know why this scene appeared , but he knew that this scene was definitely not a good thing for him! He wanted to stop two people! At this moment, the power of thunder was condensed between his hands, and he didn't plan to rush forward like before, planning to use the power of flesh to increase Attack with the power of thunder! Instead, he changed his mind at this time and planned to attack from a long distance! After all, the two people in front of him, their behavior is still a bit strange, in order to prevent variables from appearing, in order to prevent the trap in front of him, he intends to act more prudently .

The electric light at the fingertips filled the air, and Liu Sheng compressed the power to the extreme. Although the electric light at the fingertips looked only a little bit, it was absolutely terrifying! After all, the wattage of this little bit of thunder was already as high as: one hundred million watts! Everything has been easily destroyed! Liu Sheng directly motivated the thunderbolt at this moment - throwing it directly at the opponent! The lightning speed is extremely fast, and it rushes towards the opponent like an afterimage! Love reading, remind you: Reading 8 Things to remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu[*].com love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 300 The strength is terrifying

Time has passed, although it is only a moment, but this foot has changed a lot.

For example, Yagyu's attack was terrifying and unparalleled.

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