This makes his eyes shine! He is not a fool. After all, he can grow to this level. After all, he is an extraordinary person.

Therefore, before he fought with the dragon man, he specially left something on the other side.

These things can help him find each other! This is what he left by chance, not deliberately.

After all, he has this habit! Fortunately, he just planned to take action on these guys, so "This guy must go to the wolf god! This galaxy is not too close to the Milky Way, so hurry up and catch them all. Hope I I guessed correctly, otherwise it would be a waste of time."

Liu Sheng murmured in his mouth.

He disappeared directly in place at this moment, intending to travel far across the galaxy to find each other.

He had a guess in his heart, thinking that at that point, there should be two strong men. These two guys are the wolf god and the dragon man. In fact, it doesn't matter if he guesses wrong. After all, this is his blind guess, and it is normal to guess wrong.

But he knew that he would never lose.

Because there is at least one strong person at that point! The dragon man is definitely there! As long as he kills the opponent, he will not lose! He mainly feels that he has run so far, just doing a kind of work: the feeling of being busy.

Well, if you let the dragon man know his mind, he will probably be very angry in his heart. After all, in Liu Sheng's eyes, it seems that he is not worthy of a single shot - "Yes."

The wolf god nodded at this time, he agreed to cooperate with the other party


For more than a day, he has contacted many of his old departments, and he has received a lot of news. He knows that the other party is not lying. Therefore, he is willing to cooperate with the other party! Because he also wants Liu Sheng to die! "It's not too late, we Go now!"

When the dragon man spoke, he actually had a plan in his heart, and he wanted to take action immediately! The wolf god was stunned for a moment, he did not expect that he would get such an answer.

In his original opinion, they had to plan this matter carefully, then they had to recover to the peak, and then they sent people to ambush and the final battle! But if you look at it this way, they have to save a lot of steps now! Because the other party seems to have already Some can't wait.

"Too anxious."

The wolf god frowned slightly, the injury in his body had just recovered, he didn't want to go through the battle now, he wanted to practice for a period of time to make himself stronger.

Only in this way can he have enough confidence to fight Yagyu! "Don't worry, it's just right."

The dragon man shook his head. His original thoughts were the same as the other party's, but he temporarily changed his thoughts because he just noticed a change in his body, and an aura that was very familiar to him was exposed! "At least first Rehabilitate your injury."

Wolf God couldn't help but open his mouth, he frowned slightly at this moment.

"We're out of time!"

The dragon man shook his head, he suddenly turned around and looked into the depths of the universe.

There was a familiar aura there, and the wolf god was stunned for a moment, and his eyes also looked over.

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Chapter 286 Yulu Jindan

Plans can never keep up with changes.

It was as if the dragon man never thought that Liu Sheng had left a position on him in advance.

He actually found his location! And the other party actually appeared. He is not a fool to find him at this moment. He can naturally guess what the other party is looking for.

This can only make him temporarily change his plans.

The wolf god is not a fool, the other party has already hinted it so clearly, if he doesn't know, he can die, and at this time, he can also feel that in another galaxy far away, there is someone who is very familiar to him. The breath is approaching here quickly at this moment.

"Why does he know where we are"

The wolf god opened his mouth, and his eyes fell on the extremely solemn dragon man.

"This guy has left a breath on me and can locate me, I didn't notice it before."

The dragon man knew that there was a prerequisite for cooperation between the two parties, that is, they must trust each other, otherwise, their alliance would be broken in an instant, so he chose to tell the truth to each other.

"Is that why?"

The wolf god frowned slightly, he did not deny this, because he believed that the other party would not deceive himself.

He has used his power just now, and he has found a lot of things.

He knew that what the other party told him in advance was true, and the other party did not deceive him.

"Then fight!"

Wolf God opened his mouth and said, there is an extremely amazing fighting intent on his face! After all, the other party has already come to the door, he flinched, and they can't cultivate to this realm! People who can cultivate to this level have a 1 in their hearts. Invincible, not to mention that they are still two people joining forces at the moment, what fear is in their hearts, although the wolf god knows

, He, although he has reached the peak after recovery, but the dragon beside him is different, the other side's state is not very good, and the other side has trauma.

"It's okay."

Aware of the opponent's gaze and the undisguised fighting intent on his face, how could the dragon man not know the opponent's thoughts?

At this moment, I took out a 1 Jindan from my cuff and swallowed it directly! I saw the injury on his body and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye! "Really rich"

Seeing what he was doing at the moment, the corner of Wolf God's mouth couldn't help twitching.

You must know that Yulu Jindan is an extremely precious medicine, and at their level, it is still extremely rare, and it will never be used unless it is a last resort.

After all, this golden pill can quickly recover their injuries, and it is a life-saving thing.

The other party actually used it directly. This is not ordinary generosity, but he also knows that now is a very critical moment, and he really can't care about such a consumption.

"What a coincidence, I was able to meet you here!"

while they were talking.

Suddenly, a breath appeared beside them.

Isn't this person Liu Sheng? At this moment, the other party is looking at them with a smile, like relatives and friends whom they haven't seen for a long time.

The wolf god and the dragon man had solemn expressions on their faces, they were not as relaxed as the other party! After all, after the battle, they knew that the other party's strength was very strong, they were not the opponent's opponent, and the opponent's strength had risen too terrifyingly, although it had only been a while.

God knows, whether the strength of the other party will improve! Please download and remember to save the underlined version of the novel, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 287

Chapter 288 Fighting in the Planet

"Can you defend him, can you defend me?"

Since it was two people working together, although Liu Sheng defended the wolf god, it did not mean that he could defend against the dragon man. After all, he was only one person and could only fight against one person.

Because of this, the dragon man attacked at this time, and the tail slammed on his body! "Bang bang bang!"

The opponent's strength is very domineering, and the huge tail is thrown on his shoulders! This strength is so amazing that even Liusheng endured it, and his shoulders fell to one side unconsciously.

After all, although the gap between them is huge, if they really pursue the details, they are actually similar. After all, they are infinitely close to the heavenly father level, but they have not touched this field! "Damn!"

Liu Sheng was a little angry, after all, he was hit by the opponent's blow! At this moment, he directly freed up a hand and dragged towards the opponent's tail! The dragon man saw this scene, his body swam quickly, and he didn't want to be hit by the opponent. Catch, after all, he knows that if his tail is caught by the other party, he may be beaten hard by the other party! It's just that his speed is very fast, but after all, it is limited.

Liu Sheng's speed is faster than him! Therefore, although he tried his best to dodge, he did not dodge this grab! "Pada!"

Liu Sheng's hand was directly on his tail! "Pour it to me:!"

At this moment, Liu Sheng exerted a forceful force, and that hand slammed to the side frantically! The opponent's body, at this moment, was thrown directly into a planet by him! This is normal.

They are fighting in the starry sky at the moment, surrounded by stars, this scene can't be more normal! "Do you want to die!"

When the wolf god saw this scene, he shot again, with an angry look on his face.

He didn't think that he was talking to each other

When fighting, the opponent was able to counter the Dragon Man's hand, which made him feel ashamed. He attacked again at this moment to make the opponent look good! "It's better to go to the planet to fight!"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng didn't choose to be tough with the other party. He took a step back at this moment and also entered the planet where he smashed the dragon man just now! He doesn't like fighting in the starry sky. The feeling of being tied up! The wolf god saw this scene and hurriedly chased after him.

because no matter what

Fighting in the starry sky, or fighting in the planet, is actually the same for them, and it will not increase or reduce it at all.

It doesn't matter if the other party is willing to fight in the planet.

Even he was quite happy.

After all, the power of the body can exert its full power even more in a soil-like environment like a planet! Because they can borrow power, not an infinite thing! "Give me death!"

This planet is extremely huge, 50 times that of the earth, and the environment here is very special. The earth is made of rocks. After all, there is no atmosphere here, and he is almost exposed to the stars.

He is hit by falling meteorites every day, and he has long since become: extremely hard! Liusheng came to this planet, and he soon saw a familiar figure! Dragon! There is an undisguised anger on his body! This is normal.

Although he just used his tail to swipe at the opponent's body, causing certain injuries to the opponent.

But the two sides played against each other, and on the whole, he was the more disadvantaged.

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Chapter 289 Shadow Clone Technique

"Eat me a blow!"

Seeing the opponent, Liu Sheng was a little excited. He was condescending at this moment, smashing at the opponent like a meteor! The dragon man did not choose to face it head-on.

After all, the opponent is using the momentum at the moment, and the power is several times that of the previous one.

How could he withstand the opponent's blow, the opponent's previous blow was terrifying enough, but he waited for a few seconds.

"The power of ice!"

The wolf god also entered this planet. When he saw Liu Sheng's behavior, he did not hesitate to break out a magical attack. The force of ice spit out from his mouth! This force caused the surrounding air to condense directly. It turned into ice! This force rushed towards Liu Sheng! Liu Sheng was shocked, because his sixth sense was reminding him that there was a crisis behind him! He did not hesitate, at this time he turned around and saw the other party The attack shot towards him! At this moment, his hands joined together, and he quickly formed a seal. His face did not change in the slightest, and he was still as calm as before, as calm as a lake.


Two words came out of his mouth.

After saying these two words, the seal on his hand also ended.

In front of his eyes, the void began to shatter, and gradually formed an existence similar to a black hole. In an instant, in this existence similar to a black hole, the power of terrifying flames was ejected! Bumped, the two sides fought together! The dragon man saw this scene, he did not choose to retreat, Bi has been dragged by the wolf god, and now his back is exposed to him, how could he let such a good opportunity pass! He is at this moment The body changed, the scales and armor on the body twisted, and they quickly broke away.

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