Yagyu has no plans to save them.

He only chooses to rescue his own people! "My S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Consciousness awakened from ignorance, Nick Fury opened his eyes, perhaps because he was the weakest, and therefore, he was the first to awaken among the crowd.

It's just that when he opened his eyes, he shot everything around him.

His face changed dramatically! At this moment, a long sigh came out of his mouth.

Make the listeners very sad!""

Glancing at Nick Fury, Liu Sheng's mouth twitched at this time. He couldn't understand why the other party was so sad. In his opinion, he felt that there was no need for it.


After all, S.H.I.E.L.D.

The headquarters was destroyed.

They can completely build a new one! What's more, he had promised the other party before that he could accompany the other party with a new one, so he thought that the other party should not do this, and his face was full of despair.

"What are you doing? Why is the director crying?"

The others also woke up at this moment, they opened each other's eyes, and there were doubts in their pupils, because just after they woke up, they heard a familiar voice in their ears.

Their eyes looked past, wasn't it Director Nick Fury? They wondered.

After all, they don't know why the other party is so sad that "the headquarters is gone!"

Nick Fury said, he looked at the broken steel floor, and said, "We can't rebuild the headquarters even if we smash the pot and sell the iron!"

"It's okay, I'll help you fix it! No, I'll just rebuild it for you!"

Tony Stark said, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, because of this, he thought something big happened.

"Stark Industries, at least forgoing ten consecutive years of profits, can help me build S.H.I.E.L.D.

, and only partially"

Hearing what he said, Nick Fury's eyes dimmed.


Hearing what he said, Tony Stark stopped talking.

Well, because of the [-]-year profit of Stark Industrial Group, this is already an astronomical figure, even he can't make this decision easily - to the other party! So he kept silent and planned to be a melon eater.

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Chapter 245 Thor speaks

"Is it the time to be concerned about this?"

Liu Sheng suddenly spoke at this time, and he interrupted everyone's speech.

His eyes fell on Nick Fury, and he said: "Let's talk about this matter later, let's get him sorted now!"

"whats the matter"

Nick Fury and the others were taken aback for a moment, their eyes were confused.

After all, they have just woken up, they don't know what happened, and they don't even know what they need to deal with now.

"Look over there."

Glancing at the people in front of him, Liu Sheng's eyes fell to the other side.

The eyes of everyone followed, and then, their pupils shrank slightly, because they saw a few familiar figures there.

Isn't it - Loki et al: "Why are they here"

Nick Fury exclaimed at this time, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, in his opinion, these guys shouldn't be here, they should escape.

A bold guess appeared in Nick Fury's mind.

His eyes fell on Liu Sheng and he asked.

"Don't tell me you killed that guy"

Liu Sheng shook his head, although the other party didn't say his full name, but he knew who the other party was referring to, he opened his mouth and said: "That guy is very strong, although he is not my opponent, but he has no way to escape from me. didn't kill it."

"You mean, the guy didn't take them with him before"

Nick Fury's pupils shrank, he never thought that he would get this answer.


Liu Sheng nodded at this time, because this is indeed the truth.

"What should we do next, what should we do with them?"

Almost subconsciously, Nick Fury asked at this point.

"Didn't I ask you!"

Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and he glanced at Nick Fury in front of him.

Nick Fury stretched out his hand and scratched his head a little embarrassedly, as if the other party really said so.

"Catch these guys first, put them in SHIELD first

! "

Nick Fury made a decision.

Then everyone present kept silent, because the other party's decision, although there was no mistake, was the most appropriate decision at the moment.

But the other party seems to have forgotten a crucial thing.

That is, S.H.I.E.L.D.

No longer exists - and therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D.

They don't exist anymore, how could he put these guys in SHIELD?

Nick Fury was also stunned for a moment, and he also remembered this.

His face is getting more and more gray and defeated! His mood is not so complicated! "In fact, even if S.H.I.E.L.D.

exists, and Loki shouldn't be incarcerated in S.H.I.E.L.D."

Suddenly, at this time, a voice sounded, and everyone's eyes subconsciously looked over, and the person who came into sight was Thor in standard armor.

The other party's eyes were faint at the moment, and he was staring at Nick Fury.

He could only hear him speak slowly.

"Even if Loki makes mistakes, his identity cannot be blasphemed. He is a child of God. If he makes mistakes, he should be judged by God and punished by God. Ordinary people can't treat him like this. I think You should understand that."

Thor's voice was ruthless, completely different from before.

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Chapter 246

"He's your brother"

Nick Fury spoke lightly at this time.

His expression no longer changed: ashes, his eyes fixed on Thor.

Before, he heard two people talking, and he understood their relationship.

"So you are also God"

Nick Fury asked at this time.

"I am also a god."

Thor nodded at this time, he did not hide his identity.

In other words, he has never concealed his identity. The reason why the group of people in front of him now know his true identity is just because he has never taken the initiative to mention his identity.

"Have you joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

, became a member of the Avengers"

Nick Fury spoke at this time.

His tone had changed, becoming: somewhat aggressive.

"I am indeed a member of the Avengers."

Thor frowned slightly, he knew what the other party was going to say, but he still nodded, because the other party was right, he did admit his identity and was a member of the Avengers.

"It endangers the peace of the world, what do you think should be done"

Nick Fury asked.


Thor hesitated and gave an answer.

"But his identity is very special, and it is not something we can easily sentence, it needs to be handed over to God!"

Thor began to object.

"Do you think I am qualified for this?"

Thor just finished saying this, he suddenly, there was a fluttering word next to him.

It was Liu Sheng who spoke at this moment.

A slightly mild smile appeared on his face, but his tone was not very good.

"there must be."

Thor nodded at this time.

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