Liu Sheng's eyes converged at this time, and he began to frantically cast his Samsara eyes.

Because of this secret technique, it can not only control the mind and cause damage, but he also has a more terrifying ability, that is, to be able to see everything! He wants to see what the other party is doing and what he is doing! But when he Opening the eyes of reincarnation to the strongest, he didn't even see what the other party was doing.

The other party seems to be exactly the same as before, there is no difference at all.

"Where did that sense of crisis come from?"

Liu Sheng looked puzzled, he was a little confused as to why this was the case.

However, he has no extra time to think, because the opponent's strength has been condensed, and the opponent is killing Liu Sheng with a mighty and mighty power at this moment! "Give me death!"

The wolf god let out a roar. At this moment, he burst out with terrifying mighty power between his hands. From top to bottom, he slashed fiercely. Between his eyebrows, there was also a terrifying power blooming. This is a kind of power that cannot be described in words. , as if it can remove all obstacles in front of it.

This is not to rely on substantial force to destroy it.

It is more inclined to the power of rules, making judgments, and letting it die! "It turned out to be because of him!"

Staring at the opponent's brow which just burst, Liu Sheng's face has a look of relief, he finally knows why he has such a terrifying sense of crisis, that is because the opponent hides a very terrifying attack, this is what he has The reason for the sense of crisis.

At this time, he hurriedly dodged, and did not confront the opponent.

Because his sixth sense tells him not to be rigid with the other party, otherwise, he is very likely to pay

Paying a very heavy price - the power between the opponent's eyebrows is very terrifying! "How could I possibly give you this chance!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to dodge, the corner of the wolf god's mouth twitched slightly, and a contemptuous smile was born.

At this moment, the muscles of his two hands became bigger, and they were ten times larger than before. At this moment, he waved his hands to the sides and hugged the middle fiercely-Yusheng's body slumped slightly, and he stopped himself. body moves.

It's not that he doesn't want to go, but because he has no other way, he can't dodge at this moment, because the other party controls the range here with both hands, so he can't escape at this moment.

Of course, to say that would be too much compliment to the other party.

In fact, he can escape, but it takes a few breaths to leave.

Although these times are short, at this moment, they are very long.

Because the other party is not... an ordinary person, he can do too many things in a few breaths.

At least Liu Sheng can speculate that in these few breaths, the terrorist attack between the opponent's eyebrows will definitely break out - this makes him very helpless, because his original purpose is to avoid the opponent's attack.

But obviously, he has no way to dodge the opponent's blow now.

"Wild Python!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth at this time, his body began to expand continuously, and he began to transform into a giant. At this time, its physical strength increased again, becoming 5 times that of the previous one.

He looked at the wolf god in front of him and smashed it hard with a punch! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 242 The victory and defeat will finally appear

Since there is no option to escape, they can only face the opponent's attack.

Then Liu Sheng will not sit still and choose to defend, he must choose to attack, because attack is the best defense, and this is also what he is best at.

At this moment, due to the special field between the opponent's hands.

It cannot use mana.

This is normal, if it wasn't for the special field between the opponent's hands, which temporarily imprisoned his mana, he would not have needed a few breaths to escape from here.

Therefore, he chose to use his physical power to break the game! The physical power is also very strong, and he has reached the extreme, even more powerful than mana.

In ancient legends, someone once said that the most powerful person in the world cultivates physical power, followed by mana.

Let's not say whether this is true or not.

When this legend appeared, it was enough to explain the horror of the body! Liusheng used a secret technique to increase the power of his body by 5 times. He was not afraid at all. In the face of the opponent's extremely terrifying forehead attack, he chose to be tough. Just! Although his sixth sense told him, don't do it.

Because it is very dangerous! But he is still not afraid, not at all! "After being invincible for too long, I almost forgot what it feels like to die. Although my abilities are given by the system, my combat experience is not. Row!"

Liu Sheng thought to himself.


Seeing that the opponent was actually attacking from the front, instead of defending, the wolf laughed.

Because the opponent is looking for death, if the opponent chooses to defend, he is not confident enough to obliterate the opponent, because the opponent's strength is very strong, this has been proved by everything before.

Therefore, if the opponent chooses to defend, he is really not sure to kill the opponent! After all, the opponent is also a strong man, and he may master the technique of supreme defense.

He was naturally a little cowardly.

After all, right now, he has unleashed his full strength and has no way out. If he doesn't kill the opponent with this blow, he will really lose his chance! But now he thinks that everything has been settled.

Because the opponent chooses to attack, not to defend.

Moreover, the opponent chose to attack with the power of the flesh, not with other powers.


The attacks of the two sides met in mid-air, and ripples appeared in the air, and these ripples seemed to be produced after a heavy object fell to the water surface.

This shows that the attack between the two is very strong, making the space tremble.

This is exaggerated.

Because this exiled world is no longer the same as it was at the beginning, he received the blessing of the ancient one, this... an existence that has been alive since a long, long time ago.

How could the world that he was able to exile could be mediocre?

The two hands of the wolf god slammed into each other's arms, and at the same time there was a flash of light between the eyebrows, this force madly rushed to the other's heart and head, completely shattering the other's life! Love reading it reminds you: reading three Things to remember, favorites, save's unique domain name, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 243 Great victory in this battle


In the next second, the attacks of the two sides converged violently, and terrifying power began to permeate this exiled world, which made some superheroes uncomfortable, very, very uncomfortable.

Because although they are very powerful, in the collision between the wolf god and Liu Sheng, they still appear very insignificant, and this insignificance is probably the difference between mortals and the earth.

Because of this, the power of the aftermath began to permeate the exiled world.

They were splitting, because they felt as if they had been hit hard on the head, and they wished to pass out at this time, and they beat their heads vigorously with both hands.

I can't wait to stun myself! Because he is really uncomfortable, very, very uncomfortable! The result is also separated at this time.

I saw the people in the field, the wolf god at this moment retreated slightly, with an incredible look on his face, as if he was very dissatisfied with the result in front of him, and showed some consternation.

That's right, because he can defeat Yagyu, showing a 90% probability in his mind.

It's almost a done deal.

But the answer is "I actually failed."

He looked at his big hand full of scars, and his eyes fell on Liu Sheng again. He slowly asked, "Why is it like this?"

"Absolute power can decide everything!"

Glancing at the wolf god, Liu Sheng was silent at this time, his eyes were placed on his hands, and at the same time, an interface that no one could see appeared.

"Saitama - 1% unlock completed.

"Is it like this?"

Hearing his words, the wolf god was silent at this time.

He really couldn't understand why he would

Losing to the opponent, after all, after his inference, the probability of him losing to the opponent is less than 10%, but the probability that he can defeat the opponent, or even kill it, exceeds 90%. According to reason, he is an absolute victory. .

Shouldn't be the answer.

But now, he thought he knew the answer.

Although he felt that something was wrong, his intuition told him that what the other party said was not wrong.

Being able to defeat oneself in the scene just now is not something that can be done by using a move, or by using something.

The other party may be right, the other party should rely on his own strength! Absolute power! "However, why is his strength so much stronger than mine?"

The wolf god was puzzled at this time, but he didn't say anything more, didn't ask more, because the overall situation was settled at this moment, and it was meaningless to ask too much at this time.

"Looking forward to our next meeting."

Glancing at Liu Sheng, the wolf god spoke lightly at this time, his body instantly disappeared in place, and he came to the edge of the exiled space. Both his hands burst out with terrifying power, tearing a gap directly, and then he Without the slightest hesitation, he entered the gap directly.

The wolf god chose to leave, he did not choose to stay here.

As for the other party's departure, Liu Sheng's expression remained the same, he didn't say much, and didn't intervene, just watched quietly, watching the other party move away from him and leave this exiled world.

Then, when the other party left, his eyes fell on the superhero who had fallen to the ground and his eyes were splitting - and Loki, these people! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it m.aikanshu8 .com loves to read the only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 244 Tenfold Profit

The wolf god left, but the other party left alone, and the other party did not take Loki's people away, as if he had forgotten them and abandoned them in this place.

"It's almost dead"

Liu Sheng was slightly emotional at this time.

He found that all the superheroes, as well as the villains, their state is not very good, one after another foaming at the mouth, it seems that the next moment will "wither"

At this time, he stretched out a hand, and there was power in it. It was a wood-attribute power with a light blue color. This power can heal everything.

This power was condensed in his hands.

About the past few seconds, when this force condensed to a certain level.

He waved directly at the crowd in front of him - "Shu Sha Sha!"

There was a faint sound that could only be seen by the naked eye.

Almost everyone present, their state began to recover, and the air bubbles gradually disappeared.

Well, the reason why not all of them is because, although some people's condition is being recovered, the other half of their injuries have not recovered at all. These people are Loki and the others.

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