He knows that the opponent's strength is very powerful and terrifying. After all, just now, the opponent defeated the wolf god and he knows the true identity of the wolf god.

Because of this, the opponent can defeat the wolf god, which already shows the opponent's terror! "I think, he should be damned!"

Liu Sheng nodded at this time, and then his eyes fell on Loki, his tone was very indifferent, but he gave a conclusion lightly.

Actually, Yagyu doesn't really want to target Loki.

It is even said that he has spared each other several times in a row.

After all, if the other party is not the "protagonist" of the Marvel world

One, maybe the other party is already dead, and he won't be still alive and kicking until now.

And the other party's behavior today can be said to have completely stepped on Liu Sheng's bottom line.

Therefore, the other party should pay some price! Hearing Liu Yu's words, Thor was silent at this time, and he didn't know what to say, because as he said, the other party has this qualification, and Loki also A mistake was indeed made.

Since the other party has come to a conclusion, he can't say anything to the other party.

Because the other party is right! "However, there is no need to kill them immediately. They are all valuable. We can find a way to get more information from them. Let's put them in prison temporarily."

Liu Sheng spoke at this time.

Although he felt that these guys deserved to die, they should be executed immediately.

But he didn't make such a decision in the end, because these guys have a special status and are likely to know some secrets. He needs to know more secrets of the Marvel world. These people in front of him may be a breakthrough! Everyone was silent at this time, they did not agree Nothing refuted.

Because they know what the other party is saying! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 247

This matter was decided like this, Loki and others were not executed immediately, because they knew a lot, and they still had great mining value.

But looking at it this way, I have to ask another question.

That's where these people are being imprisoned to know what S.H.I.E.L.D.

It has been shattered and turned into ruins. No matter how you look at this place, it is impossible to hold Loki and others.

"Looks like SHIELD will be rebuilt as soon as possible


Liu Sheng thought silently in his heart.

Then he couldn't help but get into trouble because S.H.I.E.L.D.

The creation of is very difficult, you know, S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason why it has such a large scale is that it was not built overnight.

Rather, it has been continuously improved and built over many, many years.

It is almost impossible to rebuild him overnight.

Not to mention that time is not allowed, just the huge amount is impossible.

However, Liu Sheng had already promised Nick Fury before that he would help him rebuild. He was a man of his own words, and naturally he would not say this and not do it.

So he's thinking, where the hell is he going to get such a huge amount of money "military"

In his heart, suddenly jumped out of such a place.

You must know that the military is the most powerful country now. The other party has a lot of taxes every year. In addition, the other party has a huge amount of money. He can get this money from the other party! Well, it's mainly the other party and him. The relationship is not good, Zeng has repeatedly trampled on his bottom line, if not the Marvel Universe, to a certain extent, it is from the beginning of the earth.

Moreover, there are also many powerful existences hidden here.

——He may have destroyed this kingdom long ago! "Don't worry, I will be able to get the money for you soon!"

Glancing at Nick Fury next to him, Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this time. He began to explode with power, tearing up this exile space abruptly. In addition, he also gave Loki and the others one each. Seal the seal of their power.

This is to prevent several people from escaping.

After all, these guys are all extraordinary powerhouses, and everyone present, including the Avengers, is not their opponent at all in a one-on-one situation.

This does not mean that the Avengers are weak, it only means that the Avengers have not yet developed, and it will take a long time for the Avengers to become very strong.

"This S.H.I.E.L.D.

The wreckage, you can clean it up, I'm going to find you funds!"

Tear up the space of exile and brought everything back to the present world, Liu Yu's eyes fell on Nick Fury, he told the other party this, and then he disappeared.

"Where can I get so much money?"

Seeing the figure of the other party leaving, Nick Fury couldn't help muttering.

He doesn't think that the other party can get such a huge amount of money. After all, this is not millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, but nearly 89 billion. He even said that it is not possible for the other party to get this amount of money in a short period of time. Although the contact time is not a lot, but through this period of contact with the other party, Nick Fury also has a preliminary understanding of the other party. In his opinion, the other party should belong to the kind of person who insists on one word. Since the other party said so Well, it should be inseparable from ten, [-].

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and remember to save it as m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 248 Looking for the Military of Country M

Chapter 249 Kneeling of Shame

"I don't know what Mr. is here for"

After a short silence, a high-level executive spoke up.

His eyes fell on Liu Sheng, and there was a questioning look in his eyes.

In fact, he really wanted to turn against the other party. After all, the other party came to their base without their permission, which was a shame for them.

But they can't do anything, because the power is stronger than people.

"I'm short of money, so I borrowed some money to spend it."

Liu Sheng said slightly casually.


Resisting the thought of killing the other party in his heart, the high-level executive said, "I don't know how much you need, sir."

If they hadn't witnessed the destruction of an island with their own eyes, they might have turned their heads long ago! However, their hearts were filled with joy, fortunate that the other party was simply here to ask for pocket money, rather than doing other things.

"Not much, give me a trillion!"

Liu Sheng said, his eyes at the moment were staring straight at each other.

"What did you say"

Hearing his words, this... high-level executive looked at him in disbelief.

He was still thinking, the other party doesn't care

He gave the other party how much money he wanted. First, because the other party was too difficult to get along with, and he was afraid that the other party would react excessively. In fact, there was another reason, that is, they were the richest country in the world! Money is simply not too much for them! But he did not expect that the other party's opening was an incomparably huge number.

That's not one hundred million, two hundred million.

That's a trillion! So he spoke again, for he suspected he had heard it wrong.

"You're not mistaken, I need a trillion."


Nodding at this time, the eyebrows are very serious.

"Did you make a mistake, ask us for trillions in one go"

Even if he has a good temper, even if he doesn't want to offend the other party, but this... high-level executive still couldn't help but speak at this time, he couldn't believe it.

He really couldn't understand how the other party opened his mouth! "Building S.H.I.E.L.D.

It takes so much money."

With a slight frown, Liu Sheng explained at this time.

"But what does it have to do with us, it's not that we let S.H.I.E.L.D.


The man opened his mouth slightly angrily.

"The truth is such a truth, but I only know you"

Liu Sheng said.

Although he knew that what the other party said was right, but who let him know only the other party, and more importantly, who let the other party have bad relations with him many times before.

If the relationship with him is not good, he doesn't ask the other party for money, who does he ask for money?"

"Too deceiving!"

This... high-level can't help but speak, his identity is very angry, unprecedented anger! His eyes want to spit fire! "Don't tell me you don't give it?"

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Sheng frowned slightly. He took a step forward at this moment, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, and this force was oppressing everyone - many high-level executives in front of them are ordinary people, how could they possibly Bearing this momentum, they all felt that there was a pressure on their shoulders, almost subconsciously, and following the instinct of their bodies, they knelt down toward Liu Sheng! So there was a very strange scene.

The top few people actually knelt down directly to Liu Sheng! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 250 A Phone Call

"Give you one more chance, or not."

Liu Sheng said at this moment.

His tone had turned threatening.

It's normal, he promised S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yes, he speaks with all his might, he has to be able to get S.H.I.E.L.D.

A fixed sum of money.

And now there is only one who can be so rich and have bad relations with him! "No"

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