Chapter 230 What is he going to do?


At this time, everyone felt the ground shaking, and their eyes showed a look of astonishment, because they were surprised to find that under their feet, the ground made of steel had been completely torn to shreds! There is only one reason for the feeling that the earth is shaking.

That is, S.H.I.E.L.D.

His headquarters is collapsing, and he is going to fall to New York City in the United States! "My God!"

This made all superheroes stunned, you know, in their minds, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Its headquarters is a behemoth, and it is an existence that will almost never wither because its manufacturing is so advanced that it has surpassed this era for hundreds of years.

Logically speaking, he should not be destroyed.

Even if Liu Sheng and the wolf god fought before, the attack of the two was very terrifying, and everyone present did not expect that just relying on the power of their aftermath, they would be able to destroy this place.

"It's over, it's over."

Nick Fury, his face was ashen at this time.

He is not in the mood, after all, he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

, now S.H.I.E.L.D.

Destroyed in front of his eyes, but he can't do anything, this feeling is not something ordinary people can experience.

As for what Liuyu once said, he will compensate him and tell the truth. Although he believes in the other party, he does not think that the other party has the ability to give him a brand new S.H.I.E.L.D.

Headquarters, because even the richest company in the world, Stark Industries Group, he can't do it, compensate a brand new S.H.I.E.L.D.

Headquarters ship.

Let's not talk about the reasons for technology, just to say that it is an invincible giant pit.

want to fund this

The money, Stark Industries, would cost almost the whole family.

And they still need to find people, also need to spend money, and also need the staff to adapt to the Hulk and others. They are different from each other. What they worry about is not S.H.I.E.L.D.

Headquarters, what they worry about is their own safety.

After all, everything in front of you is like the end.

How can they not panic in their hearts? Even the most powerful Hulk with brute force can't help but worry at this time.

Doubt if you will die here.

After all, he just saw the meeting of the two worlds, forming a smog-like terrorist attack with extremely high temperature, sliding down from the sky-he saw this terrifying attack, and he instantly sent a specially made Airplane ablation.

This made him terrified, because a sense of crisis emerged in his heart, it was a feeling of death by touch, and his sixth sense was reminding him not to touch that thing, or he would pay a heavy price. The price! So he won't touch this thing.

Because he didn't dare! That's why he was worried and he was suspicious.

Because it is too dangerous, a panic that has never appeared before will appear in his heart! "We can't sit still, we have to do something."

The state of the US captain was not much better, his face was a little pale, but he struggled to get up from the ground at the moment, his eyes were looking at everyone present, and he said.

He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to wait here for everything to come to an end.

That would be like sitting still.

What does he want to do! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 231 As if eating

"You are not my opponent."

Looking at the wolf god, Liu Sheng spoke at this time, his tone was very cold, but extremely relaxed.

Because through the space collision between the two parties just now, he can basically be sure that the other party is not his opponent, and there is still a big gap between the other party and him! Everything that happened in midair can already be explained.

That is the space where the big sun is, and it has begun to slowly erode the space of the other party - of course, this level is not very deep, only a little bit, but at a distance of a few meters, at such a high height, it is difficult to be caught. Perception, no one else can feel it except the two of them.

But this is enough! "The hatred between you and me is wiped out, you don't trouble me in the future, I don't trouble you, I can also give you Loki, how about that"

The wolf god started to make peace at this time, and he knew that the other party was right.

He is not the opponent's opponent! "You want to make peace"

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng spoke indifferently at this time.

He slowly said: "I gave you a choice before, but you didn't choose that, what's wrong, do you regret it now, and do you want to make a change?"

"How about my words, agree or deny"

The wolf god frowned slightly, he was here, just saying so.

"What if I refuse"

A smile appeared on Liu Sheng's face.

This smile made no secret of mocking, and his eyes were fixed on the wolf god in front of him, as if he wanted to see through everything about the other party.

"If you refuse, it's a big deal. You have to know one thing. Although you have an advantage now, how can I not be able to cultivate to this level?

What's more, my current state is not... very bad, I don't believe it, I will really lose - and, believe it or not, before I die, let us perish together"

The wolf god spoke at this time, and he even threatened Liu Sheng.

This is incredible.

After all, he is the disadvantage now, how could he threaten the other party! "You are not sincere."

Liu Sheng said calmly at this time, but he was angry, covering up his anger with calmness.

"You're not sincere either, or you wouldn't have asked that sentence."

The wolf god also spoke at this time, and his face was also very indifferent, like running water.

But the drops of cold sweat on his forehead said it all.

"That's also true, when you make such a choice, and you want to be my enemy, there is nothing to talk about between us. Either you die or I die - let's see the real move!"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng spoke slowly.

Then, the world behind him began to roar, and that round of the sun burst into a more terrifying power than before. This power frantically devoured the opponent's space.

"Eight six eight, six!"

It seems that there is a sound of chewing: it comes from the third sense of human beings.

Everyone's heads looked up to the sky, and they couldn't help but feel this kind of feeling in their hearts, it was a very special feeling - never before, they seemed to be witnessing a great existence, being swallowed and chewed:.

This makes them shudder, and they always feel that there is a big fear hidden in front of them! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 232 This is an apocalyptic disaster

Today, everyone saw a miracle. They saw a sky above their heads. They lived up to the normality of the past. Instead, they became extremely strange. They were divided into two areas. To be devoured is truly evil.

They were a little flustered because they didn't know what this scene represented.

But they knew that this was definitely not a good thing! Because of the strange changes in the sky, they felt a great divine might on the ground, and this divine might made them very uncomfortable, their headaches splitting, and their bodies twitched slightly.

If that's the case, it's okay, they can still accept it in front of them.

After all, although they are very uncomfortable, they are still alive after all.

But the most important thing is that with the passage of time, they found that when the two skies changed, and then a huge black shadow appeared on the calm sky! In their eyes, it was similar to a ship The existence of the ship! And the huge ship was falling apart at this moment, and then, they saw countless huge steel wreckage falling off, hitting them like a falling meteor! This made them panic! Because They knew that if the wreckage fell on them, they would not be... uncomfortable, they would probably be killed by the wreckage! Thinking of this, people in a whole city were in chaos! "What happened above? Happening"

Someone from the side opened their mouths to their base, and when they saw the scene that happened in mid-air, their brows were furrowed. They didn't know why this scene appeared.

"I don't know either, but this one looks familiar, it seems to be a divine shield."

No one knows why, but someone knows what the wreck is, after all they've been to S.H.I.E.L.D.

,go there

I have been a guest here, know what it looks like, and know the specific location of the other party. From this, it is speculated that some people think that the largest wreckage is S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is falling apart


He said this, and many people couldn't help but take a breath of air, because he didn't say it, they just thought that this disintegrating huge ship-like existence was a little familiar, and they didn't think it was S.H.I.E.L.D.

The base of the other party, but when the other party said this, they recognized them and confirmed their identity, because the other party seemed to be right.

This huge ship that is falling apart is indeed S.H.I.E.L.D.

!"why is this"

Some people in the party are puzzled. They don't know why this scene occurs. In their opinion, this scene should not appear.

They know better than anyone, S.H.I.E.L.D.

No matter how powerful they are, they are not much different from their strength, especially in some aspects, they are stronger than them.

"Who knows, hurry up and find a few people over there to see the situation!"

Someone in the party gave an order, and they went to see the situation.

One is because of curiosity about S.H.I.E.L.D.

Why this is so, to find out why.

The second is that they have to find a way to solve this matter, after all, the other party is falling apart in the sky above their city, and the countless wreckage is smashed at them.

It is hurting them! They have to solve this problem! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the unique domain name of love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 233 Two Heavens


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