Terrified, restrained the attack of the vine! "It's a very good method, even I don't even care about my own people."

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng spoke at this time.

"As long as you can get rid of you, you can pay any price."

The wolf god looked at him with a murderous intent on his face.

After the fight just now, he knew how powerful the opponent was. It was a powerhouse of the same level as himself. This made him make up his mind to kill the opponent today! Because, if he didn't kill the opponent, let him The other party left alive.

He has such a great enemy, he can't sleep at ease! Such a person, either not provoked, or provoked to death! "Haha."

Hearing what the other party said, Liu Sheng smiled mockingly on his face. The other party was not the first to say this. There were many people like him before, but those people died in the end.

He thought that the other party was no exception! "Reincarnation Eye!"

"Eight Arms Shura Technique!"

Liu Sheng launched an attack at this time, and his eyes changed, with strange patterns on them, which seemed to contain the great terror between heaven and earth, which could shock and dazzle everything.

Its body also changed, as if it was injected with an unknown power. At this time, its body became taller and taller, and at the same time, there was a special bone that was constantly draped upward.

Gradually, this bone formed a kind of solidified armor! His long hair also changed and became the color of blood! His whole person seemed to be a Shura from hell! Please download the underlined version of the novel Remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 226 S.H.I.E.L.D. Broken

The wolf god's face was not very good, he found that the opponent's strength was getting stronger and stronger, especially the change just now, the faint breath that made him feel a little frightened.

He didn't even dare to look at the other party at this time! He noticed that his spirit was affected a little bit, and he knew that the other party should have used some kind of spiritual attack, so he didn't want to look at the other party.

Because the eyes are the windows to the soul! If he looks at the other party, he will be invaded by the other party in an instant! In that case, he will lose! So he is not willing to do it.

At this time, he directly closed his eyes, let go of his instinct, and planned to fight the opponent.

What he is best at is physical power, which is his strongest ability. You must know that he is a wolf from Asgard, a wolf that swallows the essence of the sun and moon.

He keeps forging his own body, this is his strongest ability! It's the same as the Hulk! Well, his current strength is definitely able to hang the Hulk, but his potential is not as strong as the opponent's. , or, at most, it is exactly the same as the other party, and it is impossible to surpass the other party.


At this time, the wolf god spit out two words coldly. The next moment, an eye appeared in the sky. He stared at everything below, and he had the perspective of God.

This is an ability displayed by the other party, look at it from the perspective of God.

What's more, this thing is ineffective! "This guy"

Liu Sheng's appearance, in the heart of the wolf god, made him even more solemn.

Because he found the appearance of the other party, it was too terrifying, like Shura from hell, the bone armor on his body gave him a kind of fear in the face of great terror, but he did not still


Because he is a strong man himself, he will not hesitate when encountering things! Since he has decided to kill the opponent today, he will do what he says.

Unless he is defeated by the opponent! At this moment, he rushed towards the opponent again, and his fist also smashed in the past! It's just that the power of this punch is much stronger than before, about dozens of times more than before: because this time he He directly used all his strength, and every blow was the power of the pinnacle! Because he knew that the opponent in front of him was extraordinary, and if he wanted to defeat the opponent and kill the opponent, then he couldn't keep his hand! Liu Yu also rushed over, because his body turned into a To Shura, this is also a physical attack technique. He intends to defeat the opponent in the aspect that the opponent is best at! "Give me death!"

"The damned one should be you!"

The two sides spoke at this time, and the two of them collided! "Boom!"

An incomparably huge sound sounded, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, only to see a terrifying ripple in the air beginning to spread out, and he frantically spread out to the surrounding area, and went to the unknown distance.

"Crack clap clap!"

As if there was something, the sound of shattering sounded, the sound of steel being torn apart, Liu Sheng's eyes subconsciously pursued the past, and he found that it was S.H.I.E.L.D.

's base.

The original hard, almost indestructible S.H.I.E.L.D.

The base turned out to be: just now, when the wolf god and Liu Sheng fought for the first time, there was an irreparable gap, and when this gap appeared, S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is splitting! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 227 Comforting Nick Fury


Nick Fury woke up at this time.

He wasn't too badly traumatized, nor were the people around him.

After all, Liu Shengyu fought against each other just now, but he deliberately protected them, otherwise, under the collision of terrorist attacks on both sides, these people would have vanished long ago, and after talking and waking up, Nick Fury was a little confused.

Because he saw S.H.I.E.L.D.

- SHIELD unlike anything he's seen before

!He discovered S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the most central position of the , there is a huge gap, this is not the point, the point is that this gap is constantly getting bigger.

Just the moment he was in a daze and thinking, the crack expanded twice! This made him a little confused! "What's going on?"

He subconsciously asked the person next to him.

The person next to him shook his head, and he just woke up, how did he know what happened? "SHIELD

Under irreversible damage!"

Liu Sheng spoke at this time.

This gap has something to do with him, and he naturally knows the reason.

"Irreversible Destruction"

Nick Fury stretched out his hand and touched his head, and then he grabbed his face fiercely, he was trying to see if he was dreaming because of irreversible destruction - does it mean that there is no salvation? "There's really no help."

As if able to see through Nick Fury's mind, Liu spoke without hesitation at this time.


Nick Fury looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes.


Felt finished! After all, S.H.I.E.L.D.

The headquarters, the cost of building it is not ordinary, even if they have a lot of assets now, but he has a hunch, even if he sells all the assets.

Can't build S.H.I.E.L.D.

Headquarters! "What to do with me"

He wanted to cry so much at this time, no, he already cried! "Don't panic, when I solve this opponent in front of me, I will pay you a new one later!"

Liu Sheng comforted him, because he could see the other party's tears flashing, and he knew that it was a big blow to the other party. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D.

But it took a lot of hard work.

It was destroyed like this today, how could the other party not feel distressed because the incident happened for a reason and it had something to do with him, so he was willing to compensate the other party.

But there is a premise, that is, he will solve the man in front of him! After all, the wolf god is fighting against him! Their battle is not over yet! Or, their battle has just begun, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Broken, it's just an appetizer. "You are still distracted by fighting with me, you are courting death!"

The wolf god opened his mouth at this time, his eyes were cold, he thought that the other party was courting death, after all, the other party dared to be distracted while fighting with him, what was the difference between him and courting death? He opened his mouth at this moment, and inside his mouth was a One fang after another, its speed was extremely fast, and it moved to the front of the opponent in an instant - he did not hesitate, and directly bit down at this time! He was about to bite the opponent! Liu Sheng noticed this scene. , his face changed slightly, because he knew that the bite force of the other party was terrifying. If he was bitten by the other party, even if his body was strong, there would definitely be two more blood holes! Please download the underlined version of the novel and remember to save it. m.aikanshu8.com is the only domain name of ikanshuba, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 228 The sky is turbulent, the thunder is roaring

Chapter 229 If It Fails, Where To Go?

Liu Sheng felt pain in his hand, he let go of his hand subconsciously, his eyes fell on the other side faintly, there was an indescribable sense of complexity.

In a sense, the opponent was the first to fight him for so long.

Someone who can force him to this level! Especially just now, the other party even made him suffer! "But you have to die."

Liu Yu said calmly.

Even if he knew that the other party had already used a big move, the roar in the air had already explained everything, but there was still no change in his heart.

Because the other party can have it, so can he.

He was in the same place, an inexplicable force began to erupt, and changes occurred behind him. The sky that was originally covered by dark clouds actually changed. From the original dark clouds, it changed back abruptly. On sunny days, more importantly, this change has not stopped, it is getting more and more intensified.

After that sky became clear sky for thousands of miles - as if being cooked by hot fire, he actually started to boil, this is not the point, the point is in the incredible eyes of everyone, in the world that suddenly became: in a world with clear skies, unexpectedly A big sun appeared! This made the temperature of that area rise sharply! It reached a very exaggerated level! This is the power of men! "Field"

The wolf god opened his mouth slowly, his eyes fell on the other side, and his eyes became more and more

Because he knew that the opponent's strength was not so strong. After all, the opponent just abruptly took half of the realm from him, which was nothing short of a miracle.

He now regrets being an enemy of the other party, because through what happened just now, he knows how strong the other party is.

How exaggerated, if he could, he would not want to have such a big enemy.

But obviously, it's too late to regret it now, he can only continue until you die or I die! "Crush!"

The wolf god's gaze gradually became: he became firm, at this time he controlled the sky behind him, and with the momentum of wind, rain and thunder, he madly rolled towards the opponent's space where there was a big sun - "The man's arm blocks the car. !"

Seeing the world crushed by the other side, his expression remained the same, and he also crushed the other side with this attitude! As a result, the two worlds that had formed clear boundaries began to collide.

Then, the whole world changed drastically.

When the cold and the warm blend together, when the ice meets the flame, what will happen when they collide. Some things can't be described in words, because they are so shocking, so incredible, for example, at this moment, Except for the two who are fighting, everyone else is incredible.

Even Loki et al.

Even if they claim to be gods and look down on mortals, they have to say that at this moment, they have a kind of respect for Liu Sheng, because the other party is really too powerful, and the strength is too terrifying.

At this level, even gods can't be easily involved, but the other party can easily - and after this respect passed, Loki's heart couldn't help but shudder, because he knew that he really provoked the other party. Think, if this battle, the other side wins, and the wolf god loses, what will he do in the future? Read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

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