Feeling that the area under his control was being swallowed by the opponent, the wolf god's face changed a bit, and he hurriedly reversed the swallowing at this time, trying to curb this trend.

Because he knew that if the other party continued like this, it would not be a good thing for him.

Because the more fields the opponent swallows, the more power will be reduced to him, which will make him even more disadvantaged in the next battle.

He himself does not have an advantage in the battle against the opponent.

It is conceivable that if he was even more disadvantaged, he would still play a fart, "Don't struggle anymore."

Seeing the other party's behavior, a sneer appeared on Liu Sheng's face. The other party kept trying to get rid of this disadvantage. In his opinion, it didn't make any sense at all.

Because it is completely unnecessary, when the other party is against him, the outcome is already determined.

At this time, he is controlling his own domain, constantly devouring the opponent's domain, and at the same time his body is approaching the opponent, to greatly increase the opponent's disadvantage!

At this time, he quickly got close to the opponent, with flames burning between his hands, he swiped at the opponent's body without hesitation, and the huge flame erupted from his hand and added to the opponent's body abruptly. The flames ignited instantly, turning the opponent into a burning man! "Ice Art!"

Without any hesitation, after using the fire technique and then the ice technique, they are two completely different powers. They are at two extremes and are incompatible elements. According to reason, they should not appear at the same time. Because that would be very unstable.

But what Liu Sheng pursued

, is this instability.

After all, only in this way can the power be released to the strongest, to the most terrifying level - only layers of ice can be seen, instantly freezing on the opponent's body, and a layer of white snow appears on the opponent's body. Layer after layer of extremely hard ice.

How hard is this ice? It wraps the flames on the opponent's body abruptly without being melted! This ice seems to be fighting with the flames on the opponent's body! This scene is incredible, because according to reason , When these two things come together, one of them will definitely lose completely, either the flame will go out, or the ice will turn into water, other than that, there is no third result, because this is a rule from nature .

But at this moment, they actually showed the third result, which makes people palpitated! At least the Hulk is frightened! He is a famous scientist, and because of this, he can see what ordinary people can't see.

For example, through the scene in front of him, he vaguely noticed that the wolf god's hideous face, the other party seemed to be in pain, and was being treated inhumanly.

"Because of the two worlds of ice and fire?"

He said subconsciously in his mouth, which seemed to be guessing, but was actually explaining the truth.

The people on the side swallowed hard, the scene in front of them made them not know what to say, because their combat power had far exceeded their level.

They have already used words, unable to describe the battle in front of them.

It was an unknown, a mysterious state.

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Chapter 234: The Power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube

There was a coldness in his pupils, and he felt the almost severe pain on his body. The wolf god forcibly held back at this time, and he did not choose to extinguish the ice and fire on his body.

Because he knows he doesn't have the time.

The other party's eyes are staring at him closely at the moment, he knows that if he has any changes, the other party will find the slightest flaw, and the other party will shoot him for the second time - he is unwilling, let the other party shoot again once.

Because he is in a very bad state at the moment, if the other party makes another shot.

Might be taking his Half-Life! Although, he seems to have lost Half-Life now "what to do"

Unable to leave and put out the ice and fire on his body, the wolf god began to think at this time, what should he do now, how to face the situation in front of him, he diverged his thoughts, and his brows tightened at this time.

Then he found that he had no choice at all.

Because the flames and ice on the body are not ordinary, they are all extraordinary things, far exceeding the ordinary things in the world, and therefore, ordinary methods cannot extinguish them.

And he has no such method.

Because that's what he's not good at.

"I'll help you!"

Suddenly at this time, he saw that his body was moving, it was two people, two people he knew very well, one was the soldier king Rafi, and the other was Loki.

Two people shot at this time, the flames and ice on the needle.

These two powers disappeared from his body in an instant, and turned into two pure own powers. These two powers directly descended on the body of the two people and entered their hearts.

This is incredible, after all, the wolf god can't solve it

decided thing.

It was easily solved by these two guys! The wolf god looked over, and then his pupils shrank.

He finally knew why the other party could easily solve the ice and flames on his body, because he saw a magical device in Loki's hand - the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"No wonder."

There was a sudden look in the eyes of the wolf god.

Then his eyes retracted and fell back on Liu Sheng again. At this moment, his tone was fierce, and he said, "It seems that today, one of us must die!"

"That person must be you."

Liu Sheng said at this time that he did not want to suffer in terms of words.

He just wants to make the opponent suffer! More importantly, what he said is not wrong, because according to the current situation on the field, the opponent is indeed weak, and it is indeed a disadvantage. After all, although the flame and ice on the opponent's body are removed, but This doesn't mean anything, because although the opponent has removed these two elements, the damage caused to the opponent by these two elements still exists.

It can be seen that the skin of the other party's flesh has rotted, and there are large pieces of frostbite, and burning marks. At this moment, the other party has lived up to the initial heroism, and he feels like he has already At dusk, it seems to be on the verge of death.

"Earth is a very special existence. I don't want to cause damage here, so I suppressed some of my power. Now it's time for you to see how powerful I am!"

The wolf god spoke, and he slowly revealed a truth.

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Chapter 235 Features of Zombies

Liu Yu was actually very surprised that Loki would have a cosmic Rubik's Cube, because according to the original plot, this thing should not be in the opponent's hands.

But he was relieved quickly, because his appearance had really changed a lot.

Therefore, the Marvel world is naturally impossible to remain the same, and he will naturally change.

Therefore, it is normal for the other party to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

It's a real world after all, and it's full of variables.

As for the other party's use of the universe Rubik's cube to help the wolf god reduce part of the pressure, he said it was nothing, because for him, it was nothing.

He thinks that the opponent is not his opponent! He has an invincible heart.

That's enough! As for speaking, this time he heard the other party's words just now, his face changed.

Because he sensed that the other party exuded an extremely terrifying power, and that power made him a little scared--"How can there be such a terrifying power that he hides this power in his own A trough in the body, what the hell is this?"

Liu Sheng couldn't help but swear at this time.

After all, he was about to kill the other party, but the other party suddenly came to a violent species, his strength was so much stronger than before, how could he not express his shock at all about this, very shocked! "Give me death—"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Sheng hurriedly attacked, as the so-called take advantage of you, your life, since the other party is recovering his strength at this moment, he will naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

He sees if he can make a successful shot and kill the opponent once and for all! "Swipe!"

This time, he quickly condensed the energy in his body into the palm of his hand, and then slammed them together, forming an incomparably huge blade of light. The opponent cut it! The power of this light blade is very terrifying, as if it can cut everything into pieces! It gives people a feeling of invincibility! The speed of this light blade is very fast, and it shreds the space in an instant and arrives at the opponent's In front of him, he hardly hesitated, and in an instant, he slid across the opponent's neck.


There were blood flowers blooming on the neck of the wolf god, and the opponent was easily hit, with a thrilling red outline on his face - but the opponent did not die, even if the light blade hit the opponent's fatal point! The opponent is still He stood firm in place, his body stood upright, the indescribable calm in his eyes, the other party seemed to no longer belong to this dimension, and seemed to have crossed the dimension.

became the so-called "giant"

"Very strong!"

Liu Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly. The blade of light just now erupted from his hand. He naturally knew how powerful the blade of light was. Therefore, when the blade of light hit the opponent, it would be fatal from the opponent's body. slashed, and even splattered blood.

But the other party was indifferent, which reminded him of an element - zombies.

For some reason, he felt that the wolf god at the moment felt a bit like a zombie, but the other party was a high-end version, with self-awareness, a strong body, and magical abilities.

The other party seems to have a certain characteristic of a zombie. If you read the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 236 Space exile, Gu Yi intervenes!

Earth is a very special existence in the Marvel Universe.

Because this place, either a big boss was born, or a big boss came for him - this is the consensus of almost everyone.

Therefore, even if the strong come to this place, they will not be too presumptuous.

Because they know it.

What's more, when they come here, they will notice a powerful energy in the dark, it is an incredible energy that people can't resist.

This energy comes from the Ancient One, one of the ancient gods of the Earth.

Therefore, the wolf god didn't show his full power immediately when he came here, because he was afraid of Gu Yi, and he was confident enough that he could crush his opponent without exerting his full strength. He suppressed part of his cultivation in advance.

But now, he wants to explode all these powers.

Because the opponent is really too strong, and it is unbelievably strong.

He is not the opponent's opponent at all! Therefore, he must explode all the energy that he had suppressed before.

Otherwise, you may be killed by the other party!" I have hidden several powers, namely "Immortal Body"

"The Power of the Spirit"

"Blood Rebirth"

, Do you know why I can reach the level of Heavenly Father infinitely? I rely on these three abilities, it's time for you to see how terrifying these three abilities are—"

His tone was light, unprecedentedly light, his eyes fell on Liu Sheng, he spoke calmly and slowly at this moment, he slowly stretched out the palm of his hand, and there was a great amount of power lingering on it, how terrifying is this power? Probably because he just appeared, the sky began to be torn apart and began to shake.

This allows

People are incredible and shocking.

Incomparably strong! "Cure!"

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