He naturally felt the same way, and wished he could take this token as his own.

However, he forcibly suppressed this feeling, and he is not an ordinary person.

"This is a protection token, you carry it with you, it will save your life at a critical moment, and if he is used, I can also be reminded, I will rush over, after all, what happened today , also has something to do with me, so take this as my compensation to you."

Liu Sheng said.

"Well then."

Black Widow is not someone who hesitates, and this incident involves her own life.

So he directly took the token and took it down.

"Let's go."

After this matter was dealt with, they naturally set off.

The speed of the two people was very fast, and they came directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Well, this process is not particularly beautiful for Black Widow.

After all, Yagyu took Black Widow to S.H.I.E.L.D.


He grabbed the opponent directly, and then vacated directly, the speed was not astonishing, but to S.H.I.E.L.D.

After that, the other party vomited directly, because the other party's physical fitness was too poor to bear this situation.

"Go back and exercise."

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng said something very straight.


Black Widow didn't speak, because he was vomiting now, and he was not in ordinary discomfort now.


Liu Sheng stretched out his finger at this time, and he manipulated this energy to descend on the opponent's body.


Black Widow's face turned red, and she groaned subconsciously.

Because he looked very comfortable and felt itchy.

His eyes turned to Liu Sheng,

He opened his mouth and asked: "What did you do just now, why am I all right, and the feeling of vomiting and nausea is gone?"

Black Widow didn't finish her sentence.

In fact, he felt more than that.

He felt that all the traumas he had fought many years ago were healed.

Even some minor bugs are included.

"Heal you."

Liu Sheng just gave the other party a word lightly.

"You are a genius doctor!"

Black Widow exclaimed.

"Someone said that before, but I'm not interested in it."

Liu Sheng opened his mouth.

"Who said it before"

Black Widow asked curiously.

"Tony Stark."

Liu Sheng told the other party the answer.

"So that's the case, then let's hurry in now, they should have been waiting for us for a long time."

Black Widow spoke up.

Since he doesn't have to vomit now, there's no need to stay here, they should go back to S.H.I.E.L.D.


"Let's go."

Liu Sheng nodded, and then the two entered directly into S.H.I.E.L.D.


And in S.H.I.E.L.D.

In a conference room of

He was able to get the Hulk to come here! In particular, he was able to keep the other party sane and come here without doing any wanton damage! "Next time, take it lightly, those cars are very expensive."

As soon as he came here, Liu Yu heard a word from Nick Fury.

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Chapter 217 Join the Avengers

"what's wrong"

Liu Sheng looked at Nick Fury with some curiosity, he didn't know why the other party said this.

"You as our S.H.I.E.L.D.

As one of the members, we will bear the damage caused by your destruction."

Nick Fury said.

"Who told you that"

Liu Sheng frowned slightly at this time, it was the first time he had heard of such a reason.

"U.S. military."

Nick Fury smiled wryly at this time.

To be honest, he was surprised when he heard this statement at first, but he couldn't refute the other party, because the other party was right, and secondly, the other party's fist was bigger than theirs. How dare you do that."

Liu Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood, but there was a threat in his mouth.


Nick Frey was stunned. He didn't expect this sentence to come out of the other party's mouth! What kind of operation is this? It was because the identity of the other party was too special, and it was definitely not caused by them. He wanted to treat the other party as his ancestor. Second, there was anger in his heart. After all, the other party's actions were so rude, he really couldn't understand it. What's with this money! "Let's get down to business now."

Nick Fury said.

He glanced at the crowd around him.

Open your mouth slowly.

"I found that recently, the crisis here is getting stronger and stronger, and there are constantly mutants, criminals and these guys almost every day! For us

Said, this is not good news, because these people move too fast, and they are too powerful, some are more powerful than us, so today I made a special decision, that is, otherwise we will become a Let's all help each other to prevent these dangers from appearing, what do you think, what do you think?"

Nick Fury told everyone about this, and everyone nodded after listening.

They said they understood.

Then they also chose to be silent, because they were thinking about whether to do it or not.

After all, there is not a single person who can appear here who is not arrogant and arrogant, and those who are arrogant and arrogant are generally more eager for freedom, but the intention of the other party to form an alliance is obviously to make their freedom disappear. , so they are thinking, do they want to obey each other's will or not to form a so-called alliance "I can."

Liu Sheng nodded, he was a very special person, outside the organization, so he didn't mind joining this alliance, and even said that he was still a little excited.

Because this is the Avengers! As a Marvel fan, how could he not be excited? Nick Fury was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the first person who agreed to join the alliance was the other party! Others were also surprised, including the already quiet The Hulk who came down, everyone's eyes were full of incredulity, that's probably why you would say this! "What's the problem? It's just to form an alliance, and it didn't say that we have no freedom"

Seeing everyone's eyes and looking towards himself, Liu Sheng said speechlessly.

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Chapter 218 Everyone's Suffering

Chapter 219 Ice King Lau Fei


Suddenly at this time, a loud voice sounded in the ears of everyone, it was the sound of something exploding, and several people looked at each other and looked at each other in dismay.

They don't know why this sound came up! Nick Fury directly called the surveillance outside, because they are now in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Inside, the sound that can produce this can only be said to come from S.H.I.E.L.D.

The outside! The outside situation quickly appeared on the screen, and then their faces changed.

Because they saw it, the main reason for that explosion! That's S.H.I.E.L.D.

There was an explosion in one place on the huge ship in the There is another possibility, that is, the strength of the other party is too strong, these devices can no longer capture the existence of the other party, and the enemy is completely dissolved in this world.

"Turn on the infrared detection function!"

Nick Fury also thought of this, and he quickly took control at this time.

Soon the infrared detection function was turned on and began to detect everything around it - still nothing! "How can this happen"

Nick Fury's face changed again and again, he couldn't understand why there was such a scene in front of him, "What are you doing so troublesome, just go out and see if the situation is not good"

Seeing Nick Fury's series of practices, he couldn't help rolling his eyes. At this moment, he directly walked out of the gate and started to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.

the top of.

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