Loki spoke at this time, and he attempted to threaten the other party.

When Liu Sheng heard this, he was almost not euthanized.

He looked at each other in surprise.

It is hard to imagine that such words were actually said from the mouth of the other party.

This is really the god of cunning. He said: "Do you really think that I don't know your actual situation?"

"Or, do you think I don't know, your father is dead? If it wasn't for this reason, how could you kill Thor and threaten me with this? Are you out of your mind?"

Loki was shocked, he looked at Liu Sheng in front of him, his eyes began to flicker wildly.

He didn't know why the other party knew about this.

After all, he didn't notice a little bit of aura from the God Realm from the other party's body.

The other party is not... a person from the realm of the gods! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, m.aikanshu8.com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 214 Formal Invitation

"Tell me why you came here."

At this time, Liu Sheng asked again.

He didn't want to push the other side too much, because there was absolutely no need for it.

He looked at the other party calmly at the moment, as if he could penetrate all the other party's thoughts.

"I just want to see and observe you, and have nothing else to think about."

Loki spoke at this time.

This is indeed the truth. His original purpose was to observe the other party, because he had never seen the other party, and the other party's strength was still so strong, mainly because the other party also helped Thor.

He naturally wants to observe the other party! However, he missed a word, a very important word! That is to find an opportunity to take the other party's life away! Because it is the god of cunning, he is proficient in tactics, so he People want to hide in the dark and kill this guy. After all, even if the opponent is strong, he thinks that the opponent will also have weaknesses.

As long as he can control the opponent's weaknesses, he is not afraid, he is not the opponent's opponent.

But he didn't expect that this idea was born dead, because the opponent's strength was stronger than he imagined, he was noticed by the opponent just after he appeared, and then the opponent directly captured him.

"Did you miss a word?"

Liu Sheng glanced at him and said.

His eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts.


Loki shook his head quickly at this time, he knew that if he told this matter, his life would be really worrying, no doubt he had put a knife around his neck.

He wouldn't do something so stupid.

"Then get out, if you try to attack me next time, let you die!"

Reach out and smash the opposite glass directly.

Liu Sheng just ignored the other party.

Because he knew that the other's body would not be smashed on the glass.

Because the other party is a god, there is still some means.

But before he let the other party go, he also specially warned the other party that if something similar happens next time, he will definitely make the other party pay a heavy price! "How do you feel?"

Liu Sheng's gaze was placed behind his own door.

A figure appeared there.

Isn't that the black widow? The other party actually appeared here without knowing when, and heard everything just now.

"That guy is a god"

Black Widow's heart is like a rock, but at this moment, something has changed.

He opened his mouth to ask now.

"I think you should explain to me why you are in this place."

Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, he felt that the other party couldn't tell the priority.

He thinks that the other party should first explain why he appeared here "inviting you to SHIELD

! "

Black Widow spoke at this time.

"Just send me a message in my mailbox."

Liu Sheng said.

"It's a show of respect, after all, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.

a great event!"

Black Widow emphasizes at this time.

"I see, you can go back, by the way, everything happened here today, you'd better not tell others, otherwise, it's easy to be targeted by the guy just now"

Liu Sheng reminded at this time.

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Chapter 215 The Black Widow of the Logic Strange Circle

Liu Sheng's strength is very strong, so he is not afraid of Loki, but the opponent is different, although the opponent's overall strength is not weak, after all, the opponent is also S.H.I.E.L.D.

A member of the senior level.

But in the end, he can't compare to the gods, especially the cunning god Loki.

"I see."

Black Widow was stunned at first, he didn't know what the other party was talking about.

But after a little thought, he remembered what had just happened.

He nodded to indicate that he understood.

Liu Sheng was a little speechless, he felt that he was seriously reminding the other party, but the other party didn't seem to care about this, he could see from the expression on the other party's face.

"Anyway, pay attention, that guy's identity is not simple, but he is a god, and that guy is not an ordinary little eye, if you are stared at by him, you will be in danger!"

At this time, Liu Sheng opened his mouth to remind again.

This was the last time he reminded the other party, and he did not intend to remind the other party again.

"What did you say"

Hearing the other party's words, Black Widow was stunned.

He heard the other party and mentioned the word "God". How could it be possible that the guy just now wasn't a powerful ability user? How could he turn into a god in a blink of an eye and was stared at by God? When he thought of this, he felt a little shudder.

After all, the status of gods is very special, very special, and people are afraid of them.

"Otherwise you think I remind you what to do, you are in danger!"

Seeing the expression on the other's face, Liu Yu rolled his eyes.

He didn't feel like he was talking nonsense either.

Why doesn't the other party pay much attention to what he just said? It's only when he tells the truth and tells that Loki is a god, the other party is willing to be vigilant! ""


The woman kept silent about this, he was a little confused now, he just came over and asked Liu Sheng to go to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Forget it, he never imagined that he would get into trouble with a god so inexplicably.

He doesn't want to talk now, and is a little bit about to cry without tears.

"Actually, you don't need to worry, this guy won't attack you for the time being."

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng comforted.

"Why do you say that"

Regarding her own life, Black Widow asked carefully.

"With me here, how dare this guy make a move"

Liu Sheng smiled.

He said: "I have already told him that if you shoot in front of me again, I will kill you! So don't worry, this guy won't dare to shoot you for the time being!"

"But I won't always be there: by your side."

Black Widow wants to cry without tears.

It is impossible for him to follow each other all the time, because it is not realistic at all.

Doesn't this mean that when he leaves the other party, his life is in dire straits? It may be killed at any time. "Then take this with you."

Liu Sheng is too lazy to communicate with the other party. He really wants to tell the other party that my strength is very strong. Even if there is a long distance, if you are in danger, I can help you solve it in an instant.

But he was too lazy to say it, he was afraid of falling into a logical loop.

So at this moment, he stretched out a hand, and the power on that hand began to condense.

Soon, a green token was condensed. On this token, there is a powerful magic power, which makes people feel intoxicated at first glance, and they can't wait to take it as their own.

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Chapter 216 Healing Technique

"What is this"

Black Widow asked.

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