Can't watch it there

They also followed Liu Sheng's footsteps and went outside.

Only Nick Fury stayed where he was, stunned.

"It seems so."

He stretched out his hand, couldn't help scratching his head, and spoke slowly.

Then he went out with the army! He wanted to see how the outside world was! "Destruction, give me a lot of damage, destroy everything you can see!"

As soon as he went out, he couldn't even stand on his feet when Liu Sheng heard a voice that sounded very familiar to him.

Because this person he knows, isn't it Loki not long ago It is some kind of existence that cannot be described in words, but they have their own consciousness and can be collectively referred to as "people"

At this moment, the one who is constantly destroying the place is one of them - the Ice King Lafite! The other party is destroying the place at this time, the power of ice is constantly surging, and what is visible to the naked eye, everything is at this time. It's all frozen, including those electroplating equipment! This is also the main reason for the explosion just now.

Because the circuit suddenly stopped, the huge force could not operate, but their energy base was still increasing, and finally exploded - this is the reason for the scene just now.

"Didn't I say, next time, don't appear in my sight again!"

Glancing at Loki, Yagyu spoke calmly at this time.

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Chapter 220 Disobedience

There was a little bit of anger on his face. He had warned the other party before that he must not appear in his field of vision, or he would definitely kill him. At that time, the other party's performance was quite submissive.

But he didn't expect that the other party would disobey him so quickly! So his face was not very good! "I didn't know you came to SHIELD.

,This is a misunderstanding!"

Seeing the other party's face change, Loki explained at this time.

But there was a playful look on his face, and it was obvious that he knew it.

That's right, the other party is the god of cunning, how could the other party not know this? "Give me an assistant."

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng didn't want to pay attention to the other party, so he put his eyes on the Ice King Raffi, he slowly opened his mouth, and asked the other party to stop his behavior at the moment.

After all, he's a S.H.I.E.L.D.

One of the members, especially, he's still in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Therefore, he doesn't want his bottom line to be bumped! These guys are hitting him in the face naked! Ice King Rafi ignored him and was still doing his own thing. with all S.H.I.E.L.D.

The circuit is still destroying here.

"what's going on"

Just as he was about to kill him, suddenly at this moment, the door behind Liu Sheng was opened, and the Black Widow, Hulk, Captain America, Thor and others walked out of it with curious expressions on their faces.

Naturally, they saw the visitor, so they asked Yagyu for the answer.

"These guys come looking for trouble!"

Yagyu's answer is simple.

"Then get rid of them!"

None of these people are angry, the only one with a slightly better attitude is the captain of the United States, but the other party has come to his nest, no matter how good his attitude is, he will not beg for peace with the other party.

And he knew his companion's temper, so he didn't say anything.

What's more, he hasn't fought for a long time, he feels that he needs to fight and see the blood! "It's up to you"

Hearing their conversation, Ice King Raffi ended his behavior at this time. His eyes turned over with a mocking look on his face, and he said, "It's simply a vulnerable existence!"

"What did you say!"

The Hulk walked out at this time, and his size was gradually getting bigger. Obviously, because of what the other party said just now, he was angry. At this time, he let the other party try to feel angry! He was beaten to death! "I I don't want to say it again, you bastards!"

Ice King Rafi is also a person from the upper realm. He can't despise the people in the world in front of him, and he doesn't even think that these people are his opponents.

After all, he is a god.

How could a man be the opponent of God? He sneered at this moment, and even his eyes were still: meowing in the crowd, and soon, he saw a guy who surprised him. This man is Thor! He did not expect that the other party He was standing opposite him.

In his opinion, this shouldn't be the case.

Not to mention that the other party is a god, and both gods and people should keep a distance, just to say that now the whole of Asgard is spreading, and Thor is dead - so he really can't understand why Thor, at this moment, would What is the reason for appearing in front of him! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of Love reading it, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 221 Just a Super Soldier

"Is it fake"

He couldn't help but have this thought in his mind.

But this idea was shattered by reality in the next moment! Because, he saw Thor questioning Loki! "Why are you here!"

Thor was furious.

"Come and find you, my brother!"

Loki opened his mouth with a smile at this time.

Thor was silent.

He knows what the other party is looking for, doesn't he just want to kill him! "Can you kill him?"

Thor turned his head at this time and glanced at Liu Sheng.

"It makes sense, but I don't want to do it."

Liu Sheng said at this time.


Thor couldn't help but speak at this time, it shouldn't be, the other party should agree.

"This guy is still useful, but he can't just die like this."

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng couldn't help but speak at this time.

"makes sense."

Thor nodded, indicating that he understood.

Anyway, if the other party wants to keep him, then he will kill him, and he will see who is more powerful! After all, he has recovered quite well during this time! "Kill - Thor's power!"

He stood up directly at this moment, threw the hammer in his hand, and smashed Loki fiercely! "Get away from me!"

Ice King Rafi saw this scene and wanted to support him. After all, he knew that Thor, Loki might not be the opponent's opponent, and he didn't even have the qualifications to fight! He didn't know that Thor's power had plummeted!" Roar!"

It's just that he can't move the person in front of him, because this is the Hulk.

And the other party has fallen into a state of rage, which is almost invincible.

Therefore, how could he possibly support the other party? He simply did not

It is the opponent of the Hulk, and he can't beat it at all! "How is this possible"

Black Widow covered Cherry's mouth with her hand, and he felt that the scene in front of him was a little weird.

"what's wrong"

Liu Sheng glanced at each other curiously and asked.

"Thor is a god"

Black Widow asked him quickly.

He never thought that Thor was actually a god.

He has always regarded the other party as an ordinary person, as for the power of God and the power of thunder that the other party possesses, which makes him only think that the other party is a very powerful alien! "What's so surprising, he not only Is it a god, or an extraordinary god, if it wasn't for an accident, his strength would be many times stronger than he is now!"

Glancing at Black Widow, Liu Sheng asked curiously, "Is there any problem?"

"I was just a little surprised. I thought everyone was the same, but I didn't expect it"

The corners of Black Widow's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but speak at this time.

"You have to learn to get used to it. There will be many things like this in the future."

Liu Sheng patted the other's shoulder and said.


Black Widow looked at him with a bewildered expression, he didn't understand what the other party meant.

Liu Yu smiled mysteriously, and he did not intend to tell him this.

because there is no need

That will only damage the confidence of the other party! After all, how could he possibly tell the other party that those who join the Avengers in the future are almost always the ones who started very strong, and your strength may be good, but after all, it is not as good as them .

At most it is a super soldier! At most! "I should also help out."

Yagyu also joined the battlefield at this time.

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Chapter 222 Wolf God

"Go away."

People from Asgard are arrogant.

This can be seen from the Ice King Raffi, Loki, and Thor.

This is normal, after all, one is human and the other is god.

So this person is no exception, because this person is also from the realm of the gods, he is called the wolf god! It is a very special existence! He has not appeared in the Marvel series, nor even in the Marvel universe. This is normal .

The Marvel in the past life is really too big, and many things are just the tip of the iceberg.

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