This is normal, after all, he just shattered the space and wasted a lot of energy.

"Why are you back?"

Seeing the other party returning again, Liu Sheng asked with a smile at this time, his tone was narrow.

"Can you let me follow you, I will pay the price, I come from the realm of the gods, things will definitely satisfy you!"

Looking at Liu Yu, Thor said at this time.

He didn't want to stay away from the other party, especially when something happened, he knew that Loki was staring at him in the dark, ready to take action at any time, so he needed the other party to escort him.

"You don't use what I want."

Liu Sheng shook his head, because the other party didn't have what he wanted, so the other party could not make the deal at all.

"You tell me,

Whatever you want, I can definitely find it for you!"

When Thor heard this, he hurriedly spoke at this time. He didn't believe that there was something in this world that he didn't have. After all, he came from the God Realm. The God Realm was so vast and there were so many treasures in it. How could he not find him? What do I want? "I want gems."

Liu Sheng said.

"This thing is not easy, I will give it to you!"

Hearing the other party's words, Thor smiled freely at this time, and directly took out a 1 gem to the other party.

This gem is set on his clothes, and a 1 is huge, with several hundred carats.

"I don't want this gem, but six gems."

Seeing this gem in his hand, Liu Sheng was a little bit dumbfounded, and he couldn't help but speak again.

"Six Gems"

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Thor suddenly felt that the other party might be crazy.

Because the other party actually wants six gems! This thing, there are only six in a universe, even his father once owned it, how could he help the other party find such a thing? This is simply unrealistic! "So I I said, you don't have what I want."

Liu Sheng glanced at the other party and spoke lightly.

"You can replace it with something else. This thing doesn't exist on Earth at all. I can't find it. It is in the depths of the distant universe. It will take a lot of years to find him."

Thor spoke at this time.

He found a reason for himself, although this reason doesn't sound like it at all! After all, the ancient master exists, but the other party has a 1 gem. Please download and remember to save love Read it's unique domain name and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 212 Want to get the Hulk

"I still recommend going to S.H.I.E.L.D.

, after all, there are a lot of talents there.

With them, you may not be 100% safe, but it's much better than being alone."

Liu Sheng suggested again at this time.

He thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is no need for you, you want to follow me, because the places I usually go are not ordinary dangers, you see that big man, in fact, for me, this kind of danger is just It's a piece of cake, I may be facing a greater danger"

As Liu Yu said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the Hulk who fell to the ground beside him.


Thor looked at him speechlessly.

He didn't even know what to say.

But he didn't mention it again, because the other party had rejected him for the second time.

So he won't hold on anymore.

So he walked towards Tony Stark, well, there is a law of true fragrance in this world, and he probably hit it.

After all, under the threat of death, he naturally knows what choice he should make.

Even if you give up something for it.

He had forgotten that what he had just said was similar to the words "Hello."

Tony Stark greets him at this time.

He looked at the person in front of him curiously.

Thor was silent.

He didn't really want to talk to the other party, after all, he thought he was a god, and the other party was just a plain mortal, and the other party was not qualified to communicate with him on an equal footing.


"Can I beat him up?"

Tony Stark turned his head and glanced at Yanagyu at this time.

"If you have this strength, of course there is no problem."

Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth.

There was a hint of sternness on his face, because if Tony Stark shot, he would see the other side shriveled again, after all, although Thor had lost the power of God and the power of thunder.

But the other party is still God in essence.

The strength of the opponent is not ordinary, it is comparable to ordinary mutants.

Iron Man is only one or two years old now, his combat power is very limited, and because of the damage just now, he is probably not the opponent's opponent.

If it wasn't for Thor's inability to fly, he probably wouldn't let Tony Stark take him back to S.H.I.E.L.D.


Tony Stark didn't speak.

Since the other party said so, it can only prove one point, that is, Thor's power is stronger than him.

Tony Stark didn't have the character to seek abuse, so he gave up this plan.

"Then I'll take you back to S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Glancing at each other, Tony Stark spoke.

Let him directly transport the other party away and go to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Go in that direction.

Because what happened here has been resolved, they have no need to waste time here.

They should have left.

And after they left, Liu Sheng also left, after all, he had wasted a lot of time here.

He wanted to leave for a long time! And after he left, the major forces appeared here crazily at this time, and they looked greedily at the Hulk who fell to the ground and wanted to take him away.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get the Hulk! No one is willing to let this opportunity go, they all want to get the Hulk.

Love Reading Bar reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of Love Reading Bar, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 213 The God of Cunning, Unworthy of the Name of Cunning

But they failed in the end.

Because what Liu Sheng said is right, although the Hulk has fallen, it does not mean that he can be disposed of by others at will. If this is the case, he will not become a big scourge! After all the forces surrounded him.

His eyes gradually opened, and he woke up directly from his deep slumber! Naturally, there is no need to say more, it was a scene of massacres! "I have something to tell you."

Liu Sheng had already returned home and was watching TV happily. At this moment, a message from S.H.I.E.L.D.

information was sent to his mailbox.

It was difficult for Liu Sheng to answer the other party, because he knew what was going on.

After all, the captain of the United States has been released from the freeze, and the opponent has returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., what will happen next - he knows better than anyone else.

"The Avengers are officially established, and Captain America is your captain!"

Another message was sent.

The other party did not feel any displeasure because Liu Sheng did not answer, because the other party was a real strong man, and they couldn't afford to provoke such a person, so they could only try their best to please the other party.


Liu Sheng sent an email to go back.

Then continue to watch TV with pleasure.

Until he heard a screeching sound outside! It seemed like the sound of glass breaking! His eyes subconsciously looked over, and found that person, that person is not Loki? It's a fierce look! "If you don't go to your brother, why are you looking for me?"

Looking at the other party, Liu Sheng opened his mouth for a while, and at this moment he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the other party! This operation was incredible, at least shocked the other party.

Loki couldn't figure it out, the other side

How is it all done, it shouldn't.

He wanted to escape, but there was no way at all.

"Tell me the answer and let you go."

Glancing at Loki, Liu Yu said.

He was sure of the other party, he heard his words just now, and he didn't hide his words just now.

"Do you know my true identity"

Loki pretended to be calm at this time and said.

"People from the realm of the gods."

Liu Sheng said.

"Do you know who my father is? I tell you, he is a super powerful man. If you disrespect me in the slightest, he will kill you! If you let me go now, I can Forget it!"

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