But after sighing, Liu Sheng re-entered the battle, and he and the opponent fought again! This time, he still relied on pure physical strength! After all, he is the power of the kiwi, and his physical strength is also very strong. Exaggerated! "Hohohoho!"

The Hulk kept roaring, his eyes were getting redder and redder, at this moment, he desperately lifted one car after another from the road, and began to smash at Liu Sheng frantically, he wanted to smash each other into Muddy meat! Liu Sheng's expression did not change when he saw this scene, he gave the same method, he also lifted one car after another from the ground, frantically, smashed it towards each other's face! See the underlined version Please download the novel, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 208 Defeat the Hulk

Chapter 209 I'm Not Worried At All

"To be honest, although he knocked down the Hulk for the second time, I was still a little shocked."

Someone spoke at this time.

They are still the U.S. military.

After all, this is the United States, and the military has put a lot of effort into this.

The previous armor of destruction was created by them.

This shows that they exist in many places.

They even have ties to Hydra.

It's just that this connection is secret, not on the surface, otherwise, it will easily cause public outrage. At that time, even if they are the US military, they will inevitably be passive! "Indeed."

Someone on the side nodded.

They have studied the Hulk, and they naturally know how strong the other is.

This made them feel that Liu Sheng's strength is not ordinary terror.

Otherwise, logically speaking, the opponent would not be able to make such a terrifying record at all! "I think we can take advantage of it next! He should not move the Hulk away, and now the Hulk is in a coma, waiting for him to go. After that, we can completely transport the Hulk back, and at that time we can trap him, and we can do all kinds of experiments on him!"

A man spoke at this time, with a smile on his face.

The others also nodded, they thought of this.

So they stared at the screen with anticipation in their eyes.

"What are you going to do with him?"

When Liu Sheng was about to leave, he found that there was a passing in the distance, and then, an armor appeared in front of his eyes, this armor was Iron Man, and the person inside the armor was Tony.

The other party is asking Liu Sheng at the moment.

"What does it mean to deal with him"

Liu Sheng glanced at him, here

At this time, he couldn't help but ask back, he didn't understand what the other party meant.

He thought that he didn't need to deal with it! "Do you want to throw the Hulk directly here?"

Tony Stark asked at this time.

"Where do you think I can drag him"

At this time, Liu Sheng couldn't help but ask back.

"Drag him away, is it a big deal for you? It's just a trivial matter. Your strength is so powerful, is it a waste of effort to drag him?"

Tony Stark asked at this time.

"It's not a waste of energy, but it's not necessary at all."

Liu Sheng said.

"Many people are now coveting the Hulk. After all, he has fallen into a coma. Now is a golden opportunity to seize him, and no one will miss this opportunity."

Tony Stark spoke at this time.

"He'll take him away!"

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Sheng said at this time.

"Aren't you afraid of his death?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but speak at this time, he said: "The other party took the Hulk away, and his purpose must be only one, that is to carry out a series of experiments with the other party, aren't you afraid that he will die!"

"I said I'm not afraid, believe it or not"

Liu Sheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, he said.

What he said was true.

Because he is really not afraid, after all, the Hulk's life is tenacious, far beyond people's imagination.

Otherwise, just because of the violent character of the other party, it would be enough to push the other party to death.

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Chapter 210 Thor Does Not Believe in Fate

Tony Stark looked at Liu Sheng speechlessly. He never thought that he would hear such a stingy sentence from the other party's mouth, which made him a little confused and a little suspicious of life.

"Are you sure"

Tony Stark asked again.

"Believe me, if they dare to do this, they will definitely pay a heavy price."

Glancing at Tony Stark, Yagyu replied.

Then he left directly. After all, he had a lot of things to do, and he couldn't waste too long here. Well, after all, the Marvel Universe is too big, and it has many layouts that need to be completed.

"Wait for me!"

Thor saw this scene at this time and quickly followed.

After all, he has just come to the human world, he doesn't know anything, he needs someone to help him.

The other party helped him just now, but now he subconsciously asks the other party for help.

"What are you doing here?"

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Sheng turned his head and glanced at the other party at this time, and said.

"Looking for your help, can you take me in for a while? I'll leave when I regain my strength!"

Thor spoke at this time.

He still hasn't forgotten what Loki threatened him with before he left.

"Accordingly, there is no problem, but it can't be."

Glancing at Thor, Liu Yu spoke at this time.

He decisively rejected the other party's statement that there was no such thing.

However, he also pointed out a clear way to the other party, he pointed to Ke on the side, and said, "You can ask him for help, he is the old man of Stark Industrial Group, you can ask him to send you to Aegis, The people there will welcome you very much, and it is your destiny to be a part of it."


Thor repeated the words, then shook his head.

He doesn't believe in fate, he is a god, his fate is in his hands, how could there be fate, but he didn't say much, because the other party was obviously unwilling to accept him.

So he planned to leave.

Going with the other party is a good strategy, because then it will be of great benefit to him, but if the other party doesn't want to accept him, he doesn't care.

He has his own pride in his heart.

If others don't want it, that's all.

As for following Tony Stark, it has no concept at all, because it is completely unnecessary

He believed that by relying on his personal strength, even if his own power of God and Thunder had not recovered, he could still make a name for himself in the human world, and finally restore his power of God and Thunder.

"Do you need me to stop him?"

Looking at Thor who was leaving, Tony Stark spoke at this time.

"It's not necessary."

Liu Sheng shook his head at this time. Since the other party had to leave, there was no need for them to stop the other party. He believed that the other party would eventually return to S.H.I.E.L.D.


And this won't last long.

It probably only takes a few seconds, because at this moment, he feels the space in the distance, there is a little trembling, as if something is about to run out, the power he is familiar with, it comes from Loki strength.

"So, people should be realistic, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

Liu Sheng spoke softly.

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Chapter 211 The transaction failed, you have no gems

"Thunderbolt thunderbolt!"

The sound of space breaking, resounded at this time.

Thor looked at the side in confusion, he couldn't understand why the space of the human world was so unstable.

Isn't the space in this world the most stable? But the next moment, his pupils shrank slightly.

Because he found that in the broken space, there appeared a figure that was very familiar to him.

Isn't that person Loki? The other party looked at him at this moment with a cruel smile on his face. Loki directly stretched out his hand. He wanted to drag the other party into the broken space! There was almost no hesitation. , Thor returns to the same path at this time.

He knows that there is only one person who can defeat Loki at this moment, and that person is Yagyu! As long as he can return to the other side, his safety is guaranteed! Loki did not succeed in catching him.

Because the speed of the other party's return was very fast, he couldn't keep up with the speed of the other party.

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