Chapter 205 I will come to kill you


Liu Sheng said, with a slight sarcasm in his tone.

"Is not it"

Loki rhetorically asked at this time.

"I always feel that whoever has the biggest fist in this world can decide everything."

Liu Sheng said at this time.

He seemed to be: stating a perfectly normal thing.

Loki's face changed, because although the other party didn't say it clearly, the meaning of the other party's target was already beyond words.


Loki just wanted to threaten the other party with a sound.

But before he said the threat, the other party suddenly started at this time! "Sen Luoyin!"

A seal was pinched in his hand, and a big tree appeared directly on the ground. This big tree grew from a young sapling to a towering tree in an instant.

The branches above spread rapidly at this moment, wrapping directly towards each other! "Get out of the way!"

Seeing this scene, Loki spoke at this time.

At this moment, he directly used the power of God in an attempt to dismantle these branches.

But who is Liu Sheng? If it can be solved easily, he said that there is no need to face Master Gu Yi and the others. After all, Master Gu Yi knows that he is not an existence like this interface at all. A battle.

What's more, even if the other party uses the God of God.

It seemed to him that he was just a child playing a house.

Therefore, he directly ignored the opponent's strength.

The branches of the big tree instantly penetrated the opponent's power and entangled the opponent! This process was very fast, and it didn't even take a few seconds to pass.

The other party also resisted

, but the opponent's resistance is of no use at all and can't decide anything.


Thor on the side was shocked, and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

He probably did not expect that his younger brother would be defeated so easily.

You must know that even if he is at his peak, to defeat Loki, he still needs to waste a certain amount of energy. How can it be as simple as the opponent, just hit a seal and successfully defeat the opponent! "Go away!"

If he didn't expect the other party to do a lot of things in the future, so that he could speed up and solve Saitama's progress, Liu Sheng might have slapped the other side long ago, and the soul of the other party will be wiped out.

He glanced at the other party at this moment and issued a final warning.

If the other party does not listen to his warning at this moment, he will make a serious attack.

Because it really can't be done, he will give up the experience baby of the other party.

And Loki left at this time, his speed was very fast.

He is known for his insidiousness and cunning, and because of this, he clearly felt Liu Sheng's malice at this moment. He knew that the other party was a little impatient. If he persisted, it was very likely that he would pay a lot to the other party He was unwilling to bear the heavy price, so he chose to leave.

But before leaving, he deliberately put a sentence.

"You have now lost the power of God and the power of thunder. Although this guy is strong, he cannot protect you forever. When you are alone, I will definitely take your life!"

Loki said, and he left the place without hesitation.

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Chapter 206 The power is amazing

"You can let me kill it."

Glancing at Thor who chose to be silent next to him, Yanagyu spoke at this time.

He gave each other a whole new choice.

He always felt that Loki was too arrogant, even if he wanted to keep the other party as an experience baby, but this kind of thinking is getting weaker now because the other party is really annoying! "There is no need for this, no matter what. Said that he is also a person in my god realm, and also my younger brother, he made a mistake, I will personally bring him back to the god realm in the future to atone for his sins, rather than kill him and die at the hands of human beings!"

Thor shook his head at this time.

He didn't want to do it.

"Okay, I hope you have a good time next time."

Liu Sheng nodded, and then he planned to leave here.

But he suddenly stopped his steps, because he found that in the distance, as if something was getting closer, because the earth trembled at this time, as if something was being thrown violently in the sky.

He looked around, and saw a tall figure approaching in the distance.

No, to be precise, the other party jumped over! "Hulk"

Liu Sheng was a little puzzled at this time, he didn't know why he saw each other in this place.

According to the development of Marvel's plot, the other party should not appear here.

But the other party actually appeared, which made him have some doubts.


At this moment, the Hulk is in a very bad state.

Whatever exists in front of him, he will go to fight with each other.

At this moment, the Hulk did not intentionally destroy the buildings on both sides.


He just stared at Liu Sheng, and came over at this time! The opponent's target turned out to be Liu Sheng! "Have you held revenge?"

Liu Sheng had a bold idea in his heart.

Although this idea is wild, he thinks it should be the most likely answer.


Liu Sheng said this sentence, and then the other party rushed over very excitedly at this time. The tall body directly went over tens of meters, and at this time, it fell heavily towards Liu Sheng! The fist of the sandbag directly smashed it. Come here! "Really."

Seeing the other party's behavior, Liu Sheng was delighted, but he never thought that the other party would hold such vengeance. He just robbed the other party of a monster before, and the other party even ran over to take revenge on him.

He decided to teach the other party a lesson! He stretched out his hand directly at this moment, and the strength between his hands increased sharply. He did not use any combat ability, such as the eye of reincarnation, such as ninjutsu. At this moment, he was simply using A bit of strength! Well, in order to ensure that his body is not damaged, he deliberately condensed a special layer of defense on the surface of his body with his fighting ability.


The fists of both sides met suddenly in mid-air.

There is only a layer of waves visible to the naked eye. At this time, it is a very surprising scene to be maddened on both sides! After all, a collision with pure physical strength can produce such a terrifying aftermath. It has to be said that it is too incredible. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, almost no one would believe this scene! Even at this moment, many forces who are very concerned about the situation here are very confused about it.

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Chapter 207 The power of the body is exaggerated and unparalleled

"Why is his physical power so strong?"

The U.S. military is unbelievable at this time.

They didn't expect that the power of each other's body would be so strong.

They just simply thought that the other party's ability is very strong, and the other party's physical strength should be very weak. In their opinion, no one is omnipotent, and everything is strong.

They think that the other side is always weak in one aspect.

The other party is not tall, not particularly strong, they think the other party's weakness is the other party's body.

They even conspired to do something on each other's flesh.

Let's see if we can make the other party pay a heavy price! It's better to kill the other party in one bite! After all, the other party has targeted them before, and they can't swallow this breath! In the eyes of the US military, they are a huge existence, They won't take this breath, they're trying to get back at any time! But their idea is shattered.

Because they didn't expect that the physical power of the other party is so strong, even if it is compared with the Hulk, it seems that there is not much difference. After all, the two fought just now, Liu Sheng did not fail, but the two were evenly matched, which can already explain everything, After all, the Hulk is the most powerful person in the body right now! To be able to fight against the opponent and be undefeated, this already shows his strength.

"This guy has to be absorbed into our organization."

In the Brotherhood of Mutants, someone spoke at this time.

They must absorb such people.


If such people can join their organization, it will be a great improvement for them.

They don't want to let it go

an opportunity.

Even if they know, the other party is not a mutant! But they have accepted it! After all, there are not many people with such strength! Other forces also have this plan, and they are not willing to let such a talent go.

"This power is terrifying."

Liu Sheng found that his hands were a little numb, which was caused by the collision of fists between him and the opponent just now.

He was a little emotional.

He thinks that his strength is already amazing, and he can barely compare with the other party.

But he didn't expect that there was still a little gap between them, the strength of the other party was not an exaggeration, and there was still a little distance between him and the other party.

But that's all.

He can fight against the opponent, and block the opponent's blow when the opponent borrows strength. The price he pays is just a little trembling of his hands. It's worth it! This shows how powerful he is.

"Pour me:!"

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