"Then I'll handle it myself, you can just go back

. "

Tony Stark said.


Liu Sheng left here directly.

But he didn't go too far, it wasn't because he was more worried about Tony Stark, so he was protecting him secretly, because at this time, he found a little bit different.

He found that there was lightning flashing in the distance, and there was a powerful energy condensing him subconsciously, and he passed by, wanting to see what was going on there.

After all, this is the Marvel Universe, and nothing is ordinary here. If there is a little bit of trouble in this world, like a powerful person, it will not be fake! He passed directly, and then his eyes narrowed, because he saw the true identity of the visitor.

The other party turned out to be Thor! Thor was standing in the same place at the moment, he looked at his hands in confusion, and looked at his hammer in confusion. He probably didn't think about why he couldn't use Thor's Power! Or say.

He cannot use the power of God.

But the power of thunder can be used, but the power of thunder is used too little, it is better not to use it.

"Oh it's you."

Seeing Thor, Liu Yu narrowed his eyes, he did not expect that the other party would appear here.

So he appeared directly in front of the other party and greeted the other party.


He smiled at each other.

He knew the true identity of the other party, the Son of God from the God Realm.

But what if he didn't feel that because of this, he needed to bow down to the other party.

In this world, he didn't think anyone could be worthy of doing this by himself.

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Chapter 203 Who wants to kill you


Thor was stunned for a moment, he probably didn't expect that someone would greet him.

He subconsciously replied to the other party.

Then his face changed.

Because just now, he had actually communicated with a mortal.

And it is an extremely equal communication! This made a very uncomfortable feeling emerge in his heart.

However, this feeling quickly calmed down, because he sensed a very powerful aura from the opponent's body. This feeling was very shallow, and he felt it with all his strength, and only barely felt it.

Under normal circumstances, he feels the other party, just like an ordinary person.

But because of this, he didn't have that kind of... not taste.

After all, he is an extraordinary person.

"Who are you, what are you doing here?"

Thor asked directly at this time.

"Come and see you."

At this time, Liu Sheng answered the other party very honestly.

He didn't think it was necessary for him to hide from the other party.


Thor was stunned at this time, he probably didn't expect that he would hear such a sentence from the other party's mouth, which made his expression full of a little bit of vigilance.

After all, he knows that his combat power is lost at the moment, if the other party holds malice towards him.

He's finished! "You're not in a good state at the moment."

Seeing each other, Liu Sheng smiled at this moment.

"how do you know"

Hearing the other party's words, Thor opened his mouth and said something, and then his face changed, because he just subconsciously told the other party the truth! "Actually you don't have to do this, I don't want to hurt you, if I have such thoughts, it is very likely that you have fallen to the ground


Liu Yu glanced at Thor and said at this time.

Thor believed the other party's words. After all, just now, the other party proved all this with practical actions.

"What do you want to do!"

Thor asked a new question.

His expression has become a little vigilant, or very, very vigilant.

"Didn't I just say, come and see you."

Looking at the person in front of him, Liu Sheng was speechless.

He had told the other party the answer just now, and this was the second time the other party had asked him.

"that's it"

Thor was a little puzzled, he felt that this matter should not be so simple.

"In addition to this matter, I can also help you, but there will be an additional charge."

Glancing at each other, Liu Sheng couldn't help but speak at this time.

He always felt that it was a little difficult to talk to the other party, and there was a cross-channel feeling.

"You want to help me, how can you help me"

Thor couldn't help but ask at this moment.

At this moment, he lost all the power of God, and even the power of thunder was very little left. He didn't think the other party could help him.

"I'll do you a favor, how can I help you stop someone at this moment?"

Liu Sheng asked at this time.

"You mean, someone's coming to kill me"

Thor frowned slightly: "But how could someone kill me, not to mention that I just came to the world, but I didn't do anything!"

"So, you should be able to easily guess who wants to kill you."

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng spoke slowly.

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Chapter 204 People from the heavens, how can you intervene in the world?

"I, besides me, who wants to kill you in this world?"

Suddenly at this time, a voice from the side rang in Thor's ear, and then a dagger slid across Thor's neck quickly, bringing his life to an end.

Thor's face changed dramatically.

That is, he has already judged the identity of the other party through his voice.

Isn't that his younger brother Loki? The other party actually wanted to kill him! There was disbelief in his expression, but this scene was unbelievable and quickly turned into relief.

Because the other party came to kill him, this seems to be very common sense.

This is the character of his younger brother "It's a pity that he is going to die."

He sighed deeply.

He knew that he couldn't stop the opponent at all, because he had lost the power of God and the power of thunder, and he was struggling to lift the hammer, let alone stop the opponent from killing him. Er shook his head in his heart. Although he could feel that the opponent's strength was very powerful and terrifying, he did not think that the opponent could fight Loki.

The other party is a god! And the other party is a powerful god! Even if the other party wants to help, how can the other party be Loki's opponent? "I said I would help."

This idea in his mind just fell, Liu Lu.

The voice was not ordinary, but it made Thor's nervous heart come alive, as if he was no longer afraid of death, as if the other party's words made him feel.

"I want to protect him, you go away."

Liu Sheng said.

He didn't make a move, just said a word at this time.

But this

Words seem to have magic power.

Along with that, he spit out from Liu Sheng's mouth, as if it was the words of the great road, saying from his mouth, the heaven and earth must answer, Loki was surprised to find that the dagger in his hand seemed to be blocked by something, and it couldn't slide down. It made him look shocked, and besides, there was hatred on his face.

Because he was only a little short of killing Thor! This is a golden opportunity! He hesitated for a while, and at this time, he directly increased his strength and tried to slide the spatula down! He made up his mind To kill the opponent! "Go away."

At this moment, Liu Sheng frowned slightly.

He didn't kill the other party, he already gave the other party a lot of respect, but the other party even tried to resist at this time, which he couldn't forgive, so at this time, he said it in a light-hearted sentence.

In this sentence, a great change was born.

This change is very exaggerated, that is, the other party's body actually flew upside down! This is shocking! Because this scene should not have happened! After all, just relying on one sentence, you can make the other party's body fly upside down. "Who are you, don't meddle in your own business, we belong to the heavens!"

At this time, Loki raised his head and glanced at the other party. He covered his chest with one hand, and his chest was a little tight. Just now, his body flew upside down, and he suffered a slight trauma.

But this slight wound will heal quickly, because he is a god, and the resilience of God is terrifying.

But he became: jealous of the other party, because the other party was very strong just now.

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