But not now, if he wants to become powerful, he still needs a lot of research.

Now the time is wrong, Tony Stark has not yet developed a powerful Iron Man.

Now it's just one or two generations.

Therefore, when the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, it is normal to be overcast.

"Wait for me, I'll rush over immediately."

After speaking to Tony Stark, Yagyu just disappeared in place.

The other party is an important part of the Marvel universe, and he can't give up the other party.

More importantly, he was a little curious, and he was still very excited about how the other party could see the miserable appearance of the future master.

As for Whiplash and Obadeh, he doesn't pay attention to these two people, after all, the strength of these two people is too poor, he can only hit 100 with one hand.

No, you can hit 100 with one look.

How could he care about them? He quickly found Tony Stark through his own positioning.

The opponent's state at the moment is not good, and the armor he wears is broken.

"Your condition is not very good."

Liu Sheng glanced at him and said.

"So I need your help."

Tony Stark replied.

"What about those guys?"

Yanagyu asked. He was asking where Whiplock and Obadeh were. In addition to this, there should be some members of Hydra.

"I don't know where they are, they were just me, I escaped, but I think we can just wait and see, they should know where I am."

Tony Stark replied.

His expression was slightly solemn.

When he said this, he couldn't even believe it.


He also couldn't understand why these people seemed to know his position and shouldn't.

He suspected that a positioning device had been placed on his body.

Liu Sheng naturally knew what he was thinking, he glanced at the other party, and then frowned slightly.

He smiled and said.

"You probably guessed correctly, you do have this kind of device on your body!"

"I have this device on me"

Tony Stark, originally there was only speculation in his heart.

When the other party told the truth, he was still a little unbelievable.

He couldn't understand why he had a positioning device on his body! It shouldn't be! He has never been in contact with people like Hydra.

"I don't think now is the time to talk to you about this."

Liu Sheng glanced at him at this time, and his eyes turned to the other side.

And there, several figures came quickly! When Tony Stark saw this scene, his face changed, because these people were the ones who seriously injured him? A trace of hatred.

If it weren't for these guys, he wouldn't be like this either.


As soon as these people came over, they left immediately because they found Yagyu.

They know that this character is not to be provoked! If they are targeted by the other party, it will be a dead end! Of course, although some people retreat, they are not all of them, just part of them.

Many people are swallowed up by greed. After all, Tony Stark is close at hand, so they don't plan to retreat! They want to gamble! They want to forcefully take people away from Yagyu's hands, and seek wealth and wealth at risk.

Seeing this scene, Liu Sheng smiled, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

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Chapter 201 The Consequences That A Stupid Person Should Experience

He felt that these people must have been carried away by greed.

Otherwise, why would they do such a stupid thing? Especially the members of Hydra. He thinks that these people should know this more and know how powerful he is.

After all, he showed his methods to the U.S. military. As a very large force, Hydra should know how powerful he is.

He should also tell his members that they must stay away from the "Reincarnation Eye!"

The visitors came quickly, and they came to Liu Sheng's side in the blink of an eye.

They missed each other directly and put the target on Tony Stark.

They naturally knew that Yagyu also had what they wanted.

But they also know one thing, that is, they are definitely not the opponent's opponent.

At this moment, it is very difficult for them to make up their minds, and it is almost impossible for them to take action against Liu Sheng.

But the next moment they were stunned, because they did not expect that the other party would directly cast the eye of reincarnation. This is a very powerful ability, and even the ancient master may not be able to resist.

Stronger than the Hulk, but also directly defeated.

How could they be able to bear it? Their steps stopped in an instant, one after another stagnant in place, as if their souls were hollowed out.


Tony Stark reluctantly saw this scene.

Although he knew that the opponent was very strong, he was still stunned when he saw him.

After all, he was able to chase him down to such a person, but he was instantly killed by the other party with a single glance, which made him feel like a dead dog.

At this moment, he deeply doubts whether all the researches are fake.

those products.

Is it useless? "Why don't you learn from him?"

Such thoughts could not help but appear in his mind.

However, this idea soon died down.

One is because the other party does not accept apprentices, and the second reason is that he has his own pursuits and does not need to learn from the other party.

He is confident that he will definitely be able to develop an Iron Man comparable to the opponent's strength! "Plop, plop, plop!"

Just when Tony Stark was brainstorming.

In front of Liu Sheng, one after another fell to the ground.

This made those who had already chosen to retreat a long time ago take a deep sigh of relief. They were glad that they didn't rush up just now, otherwise, they would also be one of them.

Escape, the farther you can escape, the better! After rejoicing in their hearts, they came up with the idea of ​​escaping as much as possible! After all, the opponent's strength is so terrifying that they can easily kill their teammates in seconds. Obviously, they In the opponent's hands, it will definitely not last a round.

They also knew, and Yagyu definitely knew that they were malicious towards Tony Stark and since the other party took action, it naturally meant that there was some kind of connection between the two.

They are afraid that the other party will shoot to intercept them! The probability is too high! So they desperately tried to speed up at this time and stay away from this place! It's just that they are useless no matter how fast they are. The strength gap between them and Liu Yu, It is really too big, like a gap visible to the naked eye, the gap is huge, one side is in the sky and the other is underground.

Therefore, the contempt at the corners of his mouth was even better for these people escaping at a faster speed.

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Chapter 202 Thor

The eye of reincarnation is a very special ability. Although the word "eye" is in it, it does not mean that it is related to the eyes. To be precise, it is actually an attack that is biased towards spiritual power.

This can be seen before against the Hulk.

Therefore, even if these people turned their backs to him, Liu Sheng knew that these guys couldn't escape his reincarnation at all.

Because these guys will still be tricked! As for why these guys haven't fallen to the ground, there is only one reason, Liu Sheng is not willing to let them fall to the ground.

The damage of the eye of reincarnation is buried in their hearts and can be controlled by him at any time.

At this moment, he watched these people flee in front of him, and coldly spit out two words in his mouth.

"Fall to the ground."

Then these people fell to the ground one after another, as if they were drunk and drunk.


Tony Stark was a little speechless after seeing this scene, he felt that his heart that was finally firm just now became a little shaken again.

He suddenly wanted to learn from the other party! Because the other party's strength is too perverted! This control comes from the heart, it is simply unimaginable.

"nailed it."

Liu Sheng turned his head, glanced at the other party, and said.

"I saw."

Tony Stark nodded at this time, indicating that he was not blind.

"You can handle the next thing yourself, I won't help you."

Liu Sheng said.

He can help the opponent to attack the enemy, but he is too lazy to help clean up the mess.

"no problem."

Tony Stark nodded at this time, and he didn't expect the other party to help him deal with these people.

To be honest, he was already surprised when the other party came to help him.

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