A young man was riding a motorcycle and galloping on the road, followed by a group of drones breathing fire behind him.

The young man's arms were extremely thick, and the surface was covered with a layer of black material.

There was excitement and horror on his face, and the motorcycle under his crotch made a deafening roar.

"What exactly is going on"

Eddie looked at the rapidly changing scene around him, sensed his own hands that didn't obey him, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.

He turned out to be just an ordinary reporter, but his sense of justice was a little too strong.

During his mission, he discovered that a well-known company in San Francisco, the Life Foundation, was abducting homeless people and using them to conduct some inhumane human experiments.

With a sense of justice, Eddie decided to help those poor homeless people, so he interviewed the incident on his own initiative while he was working.

Originally, he wanted to interview the achievements of the Life Foundation, but he changed the task given to him by his boss on his own initiative.

This made the boss of the Life Foundation extremely dissatisfied, and Eddie lost his job.

Even his girlfriend was implicated and lost her job as well.

Eddie, who was originally going to marry his girlfriend, also received a breakup announcement from his girlfriend because of this.

Eddie, who was attacked one after another, was approached by the staff of the Life Foundation.

The Life Foundation employee who took the initiative to find Eddie is a senior researcher of the Life Foundation.

She personally participated in the human experiments of the Life Foundation, and was disgusted by such inhumane experiments.

She took the initiative to find Eddie because she admired Eddie's courage to expose this kind of thing.

Others are afraid of the power of the Life Foundation and dare not expose this kind of thing.

The researcher lady told Eddie that the Life Foundation abducted those illiterate homeless people and tricked them into participating in the human experiment of a near-death experience, and wanted Eddie to help them.

Eddie, who was at a low point in his life, directly rejected the other party, but it didn't take long for him to regret it. The sense of justice in his heart made him follow this matter.

Later, with the help of Miss Researcher, Eddie successfully infiltrated the laboratory of the Life Foundation and saw the research content of the Life Foundation.

It turned out that the Life Foundation launched a rocket, and after ascending into space, it brought back a mysterious creature from a meteorite.

This creature is a symbiont, it can live in symbiosis with humans.

Drake, the owner of the Life Foundation, believes that they are the key to human survival in space in the future.

However, after he caught some homeless people for experiments, he found that it is a very troublesome thing to make symbiotes and humans symbiotically.

People parasitized by symbionts will kill in short symbionts and eat important parts of the body.

Eddie met an acquaintance in the laboratory, and the symbiote was parasitized.

Eddie smashed the window of the laboratory and wanted to be rescued by an acquaintance, but the symbiote killed her first.

After killing Eddie's acquaintance, the symbiote sneaked into Eddie's body.

Afterwards, Drake, who discovered that his experimental body had escaped, sent someone to find Eddie and wanted to recover his own body, and then the current chase and escape incident happened.

With the help of Symbiote Venom, Eddie drove a motorcycle on the road, evading all the drones.

Then he raced with a group of thugs sent by the Life Foundation, and was in danger under the pursuit of several luxury cars.

In the end, it fell short, and was hit by a black car sent by the Life Foundation.

"Eddie, you're really going to cause trouble for me!"

The thug leader of the Life Foundation got out of the car and stood in front of Eddie and said to him.

"You know, I was trying to please you."

"Unfortunately, my body doesn't obey."

Eddie was lying on the ground, with a helpless look on his face: "Major said.

The thug leader snorted coldly, grabbing Eddie by the collar and trying to pull him up.

As a result, a layer of black substance appeared on Addison, which quickly wrapped his body, allowing his broken and twisted legs to recover quickly, and the injuries on his body recovered in the blink of an eye.

Eddie's body was covered by a black substance, turning into a tall black monster with a height of more than two meters.

The venom covered Eddie's body and took the initiative in his body, opening his mouth wide to reveal his long tongue and sharp teeth.

He grabbed the leader of the thugs and made a stern voice in his mouth: "The heart, liver, lungs, and pancreas are all delicious, but unfortunately I don't have time to use them."

Bang bang bang! Gunshots sounded, and the Life Foundation thugs shot behind Venom, the bullet hit Venom's back, but was resisted by his hard skin.


Venom roared, turned and walked towards the... the gunman who shot, bit off his head.

The siren sounded, and before the police surrounded the place, Venom quickly fled into the distance, jumped into the river and quickly fled, and landed downstream.

"What the hell are you"

Eddie, who arrived on the shore, looked terrified, and a mass of black substance appeared from his body, condensing into a hideous face and looking at him.

"His name is Venom!"

Youyou's voice suddenly sounded, making Eddie and Venom's complexions change, and Venom covered Eddie's body in an instant, and entered the fighting form again.

"who are you how do you know my name"

The tall Venom stepped towards Liu Sheng, and suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

Liu Sheng smiled slightly and grabbed Venom's claws as soon as he stretched out his hand, making it unable to move with the powerful force.


Venom's heart was full of horror, and Yagyu's power made him feel unstoppable.

"You are not my opponent, stop struggling!"

Liu Sheng smiled slightly and said to Venom with a kind expression.

The powerful Reiatsu condensed in Yagyu's hand, forcibly stripping the venom from Eddie's body.

A sphere made of Reiatsu appeared in Yanagyu's hand, and the venom like mud was trapped in it.

"This is the parasite on me"

Eddie looked at the venom in Yagyu's hands with an incredible expression on his face.

"That's right!"

"This is Venom, an interesting symbiote."

Liu Sheng smiled.

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Chapter 196 Riot, come here!

"Right! I seem to have seen you on TV, are you a superhero?"

Eddie looked at Liu Sheng, and found that he had some impression of Liu Sheng, and asked after a while.

Liu Sheng pondered: "Superhero, well, it's so!"

Eddie was immediately excited and said quickly: "That's great, I have something important to tell you."

"There is not only one parasite that can turn people into monsters, there are many more in the laboratory of the Life Foundation."

"The Life Foundation caught the homeless for human experiments, and it has killed a lot of people. Maybe you can help them."

Liu Sheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, leave these things to me! If you don't say anything about the Life Foundation, I will clean them up."

In the laboratory of the Life Foundation, Drake walked down the aisle with a gloomy look.

"What exactly is going on"

Drake frowned, and the atmosphere in the laboratory at this time was a little wrong.

Quiet, really quiet.

It shouldn't be so quiet in the laboratory, it's as quiet as if no other living people exist.

Just when Drake was wondering, a little loli appeared in his sight.

"You are Drake"

Little Lolita looked at Drake and made an indifferent voice in her mouth.

A black substance came out of Little Loli's body, this is another symbiote - Riot.

Drake looked at the riot with fiery eyes, and said, "You can talk"

Riot sneered and said, "Don't underestimate us, we are also a kind of intelligent life."

"Drake, how are we working together"

"Use your rocket to bring my countrymen to this planet, and together we can rule this world."

Derek hesitated for three seconds, and readily agreed to cooperate with the riot.

The riot left Little Loli's body and entered Drake's body.

"It's such a good feeling, this kind of power"

Drake said with a look of intoxication, his eyes full of fiery color.

A jet-black substance completely covered his body.

A steady stream of power poured out of his body.

"Riot Drake"

"It seems that you have already been in a state of embarrassment. It's really time for me to come!"

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

Drake and the riot turned their heads and saw a handsome young man walking slowly from a distance.

"kill him!"

The violent riot with a tyrannical character said without hesitation.

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