"Take care of the rest, this is what I'm good at!"

Tony Stark glanced at the police officers gathered around, with a helpless smile on his face.

On the other side, Black Widow looked at Liu Sheng who had returned home, and asked with interest: "Your relationship with Tony Stark looks pretty good!"

"Seeing that he is in danger, you immediately help.

I watched your performance just now on TV, but it's clear what your relationship is."

Liu Sheng shook his head calmly and said, "I didn't help because of Tony Stark, but because of the whiplash that caused panic."

Black Widow smiled and said, "So, you are a person with a sense of justice. People in the U.S. military probably won't think so."

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "That's because they provoked a war, and their losses are what they deserved."

"If they want to go against me, I have the right to fight back in self-defense, you say?"

"I helped them solve the Hulk's troubles, but they attacked me instead, so I will die."

Black Widow was silent for a moment and asked, "Can you tell me why you do these things?"

Liu Sheng thought about it, smiled slightly, and said, "Because I want to be a hero, that's all.

I do these things because I am a hero of interest."

Black Widow said thoughtfully: "Heroes who are interested in heroes are really random!"

Black Widow Natasha pondered for a moment, and felt that Yagyu's statement was not too problematic.

If Yagyu's goal is to be a hero, then all her actions make sense.

Because he wanted to be a hero, he defeated the Hulk.

Because of his interest, he has no scruples.

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Chapter 194 That's Enough!

"I see!"

"His purpose is to be a hero of interest, so it makes sense."

"Natasha, do you think what he said is true?"


After receiving Natasha's report, he asked whether Natasha's words were credible or not.

"I think it should be true, but I need to continue to observe it for a while."

Natasha reported to the non-chief chief and asked to stay by Yagyu's side.

"Is that so!"

"After you are sure he is harmless, remember to report to me and I will invite him to join the Avengers."

The African chief told Natasha and hung up the phone.

at the same time.

The whiplash, defeated by Yagyu and caught by the police, ushered in a turning point in his life.

A jailer brought him lunch, but the potatoes in the lunch were disguised as time bombs.

Whiplock found a note on the dinner plate that said potatoes were bombs.

Then a prisoner who looked very similar to Whiplash was sent to Whiplock's cell.

Whiplock stared at the prisoner for a while, and found that the number on the other's clothes was exactly the same as his.

With a bright smile on his face, Whiplock suddenly rushed to attack the prisoner.

Whiplock's melee combat effectiveness was very good, and he knocked the prisoner down with three punches and two feet.

Only at this time did he realize that the prisoner was very powerless in the process of resisting.

"Have you been drugged? The arrangement is really appropriate!"

There was a bright smile on Whippo's face, and he had realized that someone was saving him.

The time bomb was installed on the prison door, the direct explosion destroyed the prison door, and the whiplash escaped directly.

Then he was picked up by someone, and he quickly left the prison and came to an empty underground base.

He was greeted by Justin Hammer, the owner of Hammer Industries, and Obadiah, who escaped from the Stark Group, and the two have already collaborated.

Obadiah was once one of the actual controllers of the Stark Group and knew many of the Stark Group's secrets.

Hammer Industries has always been a competitor of Stark Group, and of course Stark Group has always been the head of the stabilized Hammer Industries.

Because there is a super genius like Tony Stark in the Stark Group, Hammer Industries is no match by any means.

However, after discovering the appearance of the whiplash, both of them saw the hope of revenge on Tony Stark.

After Tony Stark developed the steel armor, Fang wanted him to dedicate the technology of making steel armor to the country.

But Tony Stark refused without hesitation, leaving both men a chance.

If they can create steel armor comparable to Tony Stark, and then cooperate with the US military, they will definitely gain huge benefits.

It's a pity that none of the technicians in their hands can make steel armor as good as Tony Stark, so they unanimously choose to cooperate with Whiplash.

Originally the two were supposed to be competitors, but Tony Stark's strength and the appearance of Yagyu made them feel heavy pressure.

In the face of huge threats, they choose to cooperate with each other.

Liu Sheng is not ignorant of this. He who has read the original book knows that Whiplock is likely to be taken away by Hammer Industries.

but he tolerated

This kind of thing happens, because this kind of thing happens in his favor, which can provide him with more mobs.

And if he stops it, there is no legitimate reason at all, and it will cause all kinds of troubles to himself.

After living with the black widow for a few days, the chief of the non-chief braised egg came to the door.

Because Black Widow told him that Yagyu is a person who can be absorbed.

So the non-chief stewed egg decided to come and see it in person, and if possible, to finalize the Avengers.

If Yagyu is willing to join the Avengers, then this plan is half successful.

Liu Yu's fighting power alone can support the entire Avengers Alliance, and at most, he can find some characters like Black Widow and Hawkeye as soldiers.

"First time meeting, please introduce yourself."

"My name is Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Feijian Braised Egg introduced himself very spontaneously, but Liu Sheng interrupted his speech with a wave of his hand.

Liu Sheng said: "I am very interested in S.H.I.E.L.D.

If you're not interested, just explain your intentions directly."

The non-chief stewed egg didn't mind either, and said straight to the point: "The earth is facing more and more challenges now, and we need an elite force to protect the safety of the earth."

"I decided to play in S.H.I.E.L.D.

outside the establishment of an organization called the Avengers, which is independent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

and a free organization outside the United Nations."

"The organization will recruit strong people like you to protect the peace of the earth.

And you don't have to worry, no one will point fingers at this organization, and you don't need to obey other people's orders."

Liu Sheng said with a smile: "This idea sounds good, I agree.

I can join this organization, but you have to remember our cooperation model."

"Let me know when you are in trouble, and tell me what kind of trouble you are in.

Then it's up to me to decide whether or not to help you solve this trouble."

The non-chief chief smiled and said: "No problem! Heroes driven by interest, this is in line with your style."

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "If there is nothing else, you can go.

If you want to stay, Ms. Natasha, you can stay."

Liu Sheng glanced at Natasha and said with a half-smile.

Natasha smiled and said, "Although I really want to stay, I won't cause you any trouble!"

Natasha knew that Yagyu didn't mean that to him, so she wisely chose to leave with the Chief African.

This is also the point that Natasha is more discouraged.

Her tried-and-true charm is not very useful in front of Liu Sheng, but has a feeling of being shriveled.

"If that's the case, then we'll stay soon."

The non-chief chief did not hesitate, and decided to leave here with Natasha.

Since Liu Sheng had already issued an expulsion order, it would be meaningless for him to continue to stay.

Anyway, what he wants to talk about with Liu Sheng has already been discussed.

Although Yagyu seems not interested in him, Yagyu has already agreed to join the Avengers.

That's enough.

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Chapter 195 The Body Is Not Obedient

San Francisco.

Even though the night has fallen, one of the most prosperous cities in the United States is still lively.

But this evening, the hustle and bustle of San Francisco is a little different than other times.

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