After the riot and Drake merged into one, they turned into a tall monster and slayed Yagyu unceremoniously.

The jet-black substance condensed into a sharp weapon in his hand, and stabbed Yanagyu's heart fiercely.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Liu Sheng calmly looked at the riot that was killing him, and Ichi's repulsive force was released from his body, sending the riot flying out.

"what happened"

Derek panicked. Violence was so weak, shouldn't it? He clearly felt that the power of the riot was terrifying.

"This is not an ordinary person, his strength is very strong."

"Drake, do you know who this man is?"

The gloomy voice of the riot resounded in Drake's heart.

"It's him"


Ke was shocked and suddenly remembered Liu Sheng's identity.

"Who is he"

Riot asked, feeling very jealous of Liu Sheng in his heart.

Drake said solemnly: "He is a well-known superhero on earth. He is very powerful and has the strength to crush Hulk."

Riot was puzzled and said, "Although I don't understand what you said about the superhero Hulk, I can hear that he is very strong."

Drake pondered: "I'm afraid we are not his opponents, let's retreat first!"

Liu Sheng smiled and said, "Do you want to leave? I didn't let you leave!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Sheng's body turned into golden particles of light, and a flicker appeared beside Drake and the riot.

"Go to hell!"

With a roar from the rioters, the black substance condensed into a long spear and stabbed Liu Sheng in front of him fiercely.

Elementalization of the body! Yagyu's body turned golden, and the violent spear penetrated him, but could not bring him the slightest harm.

"how can that be"

The riot was full of shock, how Liu Sheng avoided the riotous gaze he attacked and looked at Liu Sheng's body, the place where he pierced with the spear had already lit up with a faint golden light.

"Your body becomes light"

The rioting brain was okay, and quickly guessed the truth.

He suddenly punched Liu Sheng, trying to verify his guess.

The fist of the riot is powerful and heavy, and has a very terrifying attack power.

But in front of Yagyu whose body is elemental, this kind of attack is useless at all.

Riot fists continuously passed through Liu Sheng's body, the golden light continued to flicker, and Liu Sheng's face was calm.

"That's a really good ability."

Riot gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, his mood became: heavier.

In the face of this ability, he was completely powerless.

Turning around, the riot suddenly rushed to the side window, trying to escape by jumping out of the window.

However, Liu Sheng's body turned into golden light, and a flicker stood in front of him.

The long legs were raised, and a flash kick kicked the riot out.

"No more pointless struggles!"

"Riot, come here!"

Liu Sheng stretched out his hand to face the riot, and an invisible gravitational force sucked him in.

Vientiane Tianyin! Yagyu grabbed the riot's neck, and the invisible Reiatsu peeled off the symbiote from Drake's body.

"the second!"

Putting away the riot, Liu Sheng glanced at Drake, who was caught in his hands.

Drake looked at Yagyu in horror, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face, and he said gratefully to Yagyu: "Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I would have been completely controlled by that monster."

"You saved me from that monster, and I will repay you well."

Drake didn't hesitate to distance himself, and looked like a good man.

It's a pity that Liu Sheng, who has read the original book, knows the true face of this guy very well.

Liu Sheng said to him with a half-smile, "I'm grateful to me, I thought you would hate me!"

"After all, it's your wish to study this kind of thing, and I ruined your dream."

Drake said with a dry smile: "How come I only have fear for this monster, and only gratitude to you."

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Chapter 197 Do you want to study symbiotes?

Drake firmly refused to admit that he likes to study symbiotes, saying that his encounter with the symbiote riot was just an accident.

Liu Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Is that so, as far as I know, you really want to study extraterrestrial creatures and prepare for immigrating to alien planets!"

"But it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I'm not a judge.

Even if you don't admit it, I can still kill you."

Drake's face changed, his tone became: much more serious, he said to Liu Sheng: "I am a famous rich man in the United States. If you attack me, you will be punished."

"You're a superhero, right? A superhero can't do anything to ordinary people.

Otherwise, the U.S. government will not let you go."

Liu Sheng smiled disdainfully when he heard the words, and shot a laser directly, easily piercing Drake's head.


"I'm not a judge. I don't need evidence to eliminate you, and I don't need you to plead guilty."

"As long as I know you're damned, that's enough."

After the result of Drake, Yagyu walked around the laboratory, and soon found other alien symbiotes and captured them all.

This extraterrestrial symbiote is a very valuable thing for research, and Liu Yu is going to let Iron Man explore it.

After taking away all the symbiotes in the Life Foundation laboratory, Liu Yu manipulated the computer here to find out the criminal evidence of the Life Foundation.

Then he uploaded all these evidences to the Internet, and at the same time made several copies and sent them to S.H.I.E.L.D.

and Tony Stark.

There is an official S.H.I.E.L.D.

Together with the capitalist Tony Stark, the Life Foundation can be said to be dead.


The chief of the non-chief looked at the information that Yanyu passed to him, and his already dark face became even darker.

"The Life Foundation is here: Damn it for this kind of stuff!"

"I thought they were just doing some petty criminal activities, but I didn't think they were doing this kind of dangerous stuff."

"If this strange creature descends on the earth on a large scale, it is not impossible to become a disaster for mankind."

The non-chief's tone was very solemn, and with his knowledge, he could naturally recognize the threat of symbiotes to the earth.

"Director, what should we do this time?"

The secretary of the non-chief chief looked grim and asked the non-chief chief to give instructions.

The non-chief chief said coldly: "Take it seriously, and never let anyone who has anything to do with this experiment be spared."

The secretary responded: "The Life Fund is a giant, and many people are related to it.

If we do this, we will face pressure from all quarters.”

The head of the African chief sneered: "This kind of thing is related to the safety of the earth, and there is a slight error.

Whoever dares to make trouble, let them go on the road together."

Stark Building.

Tony Stark, who was studying steel armor, met Yanagyu who made a surprise visit.

"Boss, why are you free to come to me today?"

Tony Stark looked surprised, surprised by Yagyu's arrival.

Liu Sheng said: "You should have read the information I sent you before."

Tony Stark nodded and said: "Yes, I have seen it.

The Life Foundation is crazy enough to experiment with alien symbionts and humans."

"They brought lifeforms from alien planets for experiments, and used symbionts and living people from alien planets to perform human experiments. They could do such inhumane things."

"The funniest thing is that they let something dangerous like the symbiote out of the lab.

If you didn't show up in time, it would have had very serious consequences."

"Symbiotes can be transferred between humans at will, and humans seem to have no ability to detect this, nor the ability to expel or even master these symbiotes."

"Where is this symbiosis? This is clearly the control of human beings by alien viruses.

It's ridiculous that the idiot Drake couldn't see this crisis and was obsessed with it."

"But on the other hand, these symbionts are really useful.

That guy... Eddie, turned out to be just an ordinary person, right?"

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