With a confident smile on Robin's face, he said with a chuckle, "I thought it was a big deal! This kind of thing is nothing to me at all."

After O'Hara's demise, Robin began his own escape.

The pressure of survival made her master various skills without a teacher, and the problems of survival and life were not difficult for her.

Liu Sheng followed Robin with great interest to see how she solved these problems.

Then Liu Sheng saw that Robin had everything in order.


Looking at the small boat in front of him, but with all the internal organs, Liu Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

"Do you know sailing?"

Yagyu turned his eyes to Robin, who smiled and said, "Of course! Although not particularly proficient, basic sailing is fine."

Liu Sheng nodded lightly, and didn't care too much about it. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether Robin can sail or not.

Navy Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Admiral Fozhi Sengoku looked at the general Kizaru standing in front of him, and said with a serious expression: "Some people said that they saw you on the island of spring, and some pirates who were arrested said that you defeated them."

"They say you let them run away in a nasty way, and then the lasers hunted down a lot of their comrades."

"But as far as I know, you were not present when those things happened."

"Polusalino, what do you think about these questions?"

Admiral Kisumusong stood there slack, and said calmly, "Marshal of the Warring States Period, you should have already inferred these things."

Buddha's Warring States nodded and said, "That's right, no accident, this should be done by Liu Sheng.

What do you think of doing things in the name of Admiral Kizaru

Kizaru said slowly: "It's really scary to be able to imitate me to the point where it's fake!"

A few clear black lines appeared on the Buddha's forehead, and he said to Kizaru with a dissatisfied expression: "You have no other opinion, but he is doing things in your name."

Huang Yuan curled his lips indifferently, took out a small wrinkled cigarette from his body, and said casually: "This kind of thing can't deceive people, don't worry about it."

Buddha's Warring States sighed helplessly, this salted fish is really hopeless.

Originally, the Warring States of Buddha wanted to use this incident to stimulate Kizaru and let him show up a little bit of fighting spirit.

As a result, Kizaru's performance greatly disappointed him, and he no longer had any intention of continuing to go around.

Buddha's Warring States Road: "I'll give you a mission to test Liu Sheng's strength."

Kizuna said reluctantly: "Such a dangerous mission might be fatal!"

"Okay! Marshal of the Warring States Period, you are really good at calling people! I'm going, can't I go?"

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Chapter 165: Just a Rat!

Devil's Triangle.

Liu Yu and Robin came to this sea area in a small boat. Robin looked at the surrounding fog and asked curiously: "Where is this place so I can't see anything."

Liu Yu explained casually: "This is a special sea area, shrouded in mist all year round.

Legend has it that this is a ghost land, but it's just nonsense."

Robin looked at the broken ships floating around, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "There are so many abandoned pirate ships floating here, it looks really eerie."

Liu Sheng curled his lips in disdain, and said, "The reason why these pirate ships are wandering here, they haven't floated out or sank until now, but it's not... because of natural reasons!"

Robin wondered: "Are these things man-made?"

Liu Yu said: "Part of it is man-made, the purpose is to create this eerie atmosphere."

Robin asked curiously: "Who is so boring to do such a meaningless thing?"

Liu Sheng said casually: "It's just a defeated dog whose spine was broken, don't worry about it."

Saying that, Liu Sheng's eyes turned to the front.

A huge island ship appeared in the distant sea and kept approaching here.

This island ship is actually a floating island, drifting from the West Sea to the Great Passage.

This island is also a huge ship, and the person who controls him is a member of Wangxia Qiwuhai - Moonlight Moria.

Moonlight Moria was a well-known man some time ago, a pirate hero who dared to challenge the pirate emperor.

At that time, Moonlight Moria was ambitious and wanted to pick up the Pirate Emperor of the new world and turn them into stepping stones to become the Pirate King.

However, Kaido dragged his mace and gave Moonlight Moria a blow to the head.

The terrifying power of the Pirate Emperor shattered all thoughts of Moonlight Moria, and Kaido brutally killed all the crew of Moonlight Moria.

Moonlight Moria's ambition was also brutally shattered by the beast Kaido. Like Crocodile, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to cultivate and become stronger.

Crocodile began to pursue ancient weapons, hoping to use the power of ancient weapons to become the pirate king.

And Moonlight Moria decided to rely on others for everything, and wanted to create a group of undead zombies to destroy all enemies for herself.

"You wait here, I'll go take a look."

Liu Yu gave Robin a command, and as soon as his body moved, he stepped onto the island boat.

After Yagyu came to the island boat, arms suddenly stretched out from the mud of the island boat, and then zombies crawled out of the ground.

These zombies are made of Moonlight Moria's corpse, and there are clear stitches on them.

Moonlight Moria uses the corpse of the strong as a container, and the ability of the Liying Fruit cuts the shadow of others and packs it into the corpse to create a warrior.


Looking at the army rushing towards him, Liu Yu had an indifferent expression on his face.

Water Escape - the technique of water dragon bombs! The sea on the side was turbulent, and a water dragon formed by condensed sea water flew towards this side, swallowing all the zombies in one fell swoop.

The zombie was swallowed by the water dragon formed by the condensed sea water, and the ubiquitous sea water immediately.

Entering their bodies, the ability of the shadow fruit is released.

The mouths of the zombie soldiers opened, the shadows in their bodies flew away, and the zombie soldiers turned into corpses again.

Yagyu just swaggered towards the center of the island ship, and a moment later came to a castle.

A group of pitch-black bats flew out of the castle and bit Yagyu fiercely.

Yagyu knows that this is the ability of Moonlight Moria's shadow fruit, he can turn his shadow into a swarm of bats to attack the enemy.

Liu Sheng calmly raised his palm, golden light bloomed on the index finger of his right hand, and laser beams shot out from his hand.

The pitch-black bats were blasted in mid-air by Yagyu with a laser, but after they were shattered, they quickly regrouped and faced Yagyu unrelentingly.

Yagyu avoided the attack of the shadow bat with one move, and appeared in the center of the castle in an instant, and found Moonlight Moria sitting struttingly on a throne.


Moonlight Moria stared at Yagyu, wondering why Yagyu appeared here.

"What do you want to do in my place?"

Moonlight Moria looked at Liu Sheng with a wary expression, this guy in the news report is very dangerous.

"I heard that you challenged Kaido, the beasts, I'll come and see you!"

"I met a man who challenged the white beard a few days ago, but he seems to be obsolete."

"That's why I'm very interested in you who challenged Kaido. I'll come and see you when I pass by."

Liu Yu looked at the moonlight Moriah in front of him, and said with a flat expression.

"Beast Kaido forbids you to mention this name!"

Moonlight Moria's face became: distorted, feeling a little out of control.

His crew was killed by the beast Kaido, less than 100 days from now.

The fact that Yanagyu mentioned this now is equivalent to exposing his scar, which made him feel very angry.

"Have you lost your ambition?"

"I want to use my Devil Fruit ability to create a zombie army to fight for myself"

"Even if your zombie army punches the navy and kicks the four emperors, it has nothing to do with you."

"People who can only hide behind the scenes and control others, no matter how strong they are, they are just a rat."

"Using your own men to become One Piece, your slogan and dream make me feel very absurd."

Liu Yu said with a look of disdain, making no secret of his contempt for Moonlight Moriah.

If it weren't for making an achievement with him, Liu Sheng would not come to him to waste time with him.

"Go to hell!"

Moonlight Moria was provoked, and regardless of the strength gap between the two sides, he shot at Yagyu.

The current Moonlight Moria is not comparable to the Moonlight Moria ten years later, the current Moonlight Moria is almost the peak of his strength.

In the original novel, Moonlight Moria lived on the island ship for more than ten years, and all his skills and domineering have been abolished.

And now Moonlight Moria has only been decadent for a few months, and her strength has not deteriorated.

But even so, his battle with Yagyu was the result of being crushed.

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Chapter 166 Depressed Kizaru!

Moonlight Moria condensed her own shadow into armor and wore it on her body, and started a close-quarters battle with Yanagyu.

It was a pity, however, that Liu Sheng's melee combat ability was many times higher than his, and he was quickly knocked out.

Moonlight Moria, who was kicked away by Yagyu, was not discouraged, condensed her own shadow into her own appearance, and charged towards Yagyu.

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