This weakness is something that other Devil Fruit abilities do not have.

This shortcoming also greatly reduces the status of the shasha fruit in the natural devil fruit.

Looking at the huge waves of the sea, Crocodile did not dare to be careless, and without hesitation, he turned into sand and flew out.

If this sea wave hit him, Crocodile felt that he could explain it here.

Daddy's rustling fruit ability makes liquid his natural enemy.

The huge waves of the sea hit the place where Crocodile was before, and the endless currents soaked the land of the desert island.

Yanagyu made seals on his hands and used water escape ninjutsu again to draw seawater from the sea beside him.

A huge seawater cage is continuously condensed on the deserted island, which is the ability used by the dried persimmon ghost in the original Naruto.

Create a huge water ball on the ground, which is equivalent to an above-ground water prison, and the water prison can also move.

"I surrender!"

Crocodile conceded defeat very simply, and the ability that Yagyu used was too targeted.

If it is another devil fruit ability, it is good to say that the shasha fruit ability is restrained to death by the water escape ninjutsu.

"I really didn't expect you to even have the ability to control the sea."

"With such an ability in hand, you are almost unmatched at sea."

Crocodile looked at Liu Sheng with an envious look on his face, and the ability Liu Sheng possessed made him envious and hated.

"Even if I don't have this ability, I still have no opponent on the sea."

Liu Sheng said indifferently, turned around and walked towards the sea in the distance.

After defeating Crocodile, Yagyu no longer has any interest in staying.

Crocodile looked at the huge water polo that collapsed on its own after Yagyu left, and the expression on his face gradually became: firm.

"My potential has been exhausted, and my strength has not been able to get a huge improvement."

"To become the Pirate King, I must strengthen myself from others."

"The forces are all burdens, and they are all traitors who will betray me."

"The strength and power are not enough, then I can only become the Pirate King through powerful weapons."

"The legendary weapon that can destroy the world represents the world's highest military power."

"I must get an ancient soldier

Then use a country to recruit troops and sweep the world!"

Crocodile made up his mind.

After parting with Crocodile, Yagyu continued his journey.

In addition to walking on the sea and enjoying the scenery, Yagyu did not forget to experience life on the islands that he passed along the way.

"Robin, how dare you betray me!"

On an unknown island, Yagyu heard a hysterical roar.

Then a young girl ran towards him, followed by a group of ferocious pirates.

"The boy in front, stop that woman for me!"

"Did you hear?"

"If you don't stop her, we'll kill you!"

A group of ferocious-looking pirates shouted aggressively towards Liu Sheng.

Yagyu pushed the sunglasses on his nose, which he just bought.

The sunglasses blocked most of his face, and the pirates couldn't recognize him.

"It's scary!"

Liu Sheng imitated Kizaru after a long absence, and a cadenced voice came out of his mouth.

"Dare to threaten the old man, have you experienced the speed of light kick?"

Liu Sheng's faint voice resounded on this secluded street, and then a dazzling golden light bloomed from Liu Sheng's body.

Yanagyu's body turned into a particle of light and moved, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the group of... pirates.

A cross flashed on the raised heel: golden light, Yagyu kicked the leading pirate away with one unceremonious kick.

"This is"

"Sparkling Fruit Ability!"

"Admiral Kizaru!"

A terrified cry came from the mouths of this group of pirates, and then, under the leadership of a certain pirate, they began to throw the guns and knives in their hands aside.

"We surrender!"

A group of pirates raised their hands in order to surrender and shouted in unison.

Liu Sheng looked at the group of pirates in front of him speechlessly. Such unscrupulous things can also come out to pursue their dreams. "Such a simple surrender, you are sorry for your identity as pirates."

"I'll give you ten seconds to run away, and then I'll attack you with a laser."

"Whether you can survive or not depends on your own destiny!"

Liu Sheng looked at the group of pirates in front of him, and said in a faint tone.

He is a fake navy, and he can't take a group of pirates to prison. If that's the case, then the disposal of these pirates is very arbitrary.

A group of pirates looked at each other in dismay, unable to believe what Yagyu said, thinking that Yagyu was joking.

However, Yagyu immediately started the countdown, and as Yagyu began to count down, the group of pirates started to escape without hesitation.

"The attack begins!"

Looking at the pirates who had escaped all the way, Liu Yu sighed that their escape talent was really good, and then attacked them with lasers.

After a while, more than half of the group of pirates remained, and only a small part escaped alive.

"Why don't you run"

After dealing with the group of pirates, Yagyu turned his eyes to the girl beside him and asked casually.

"You're not a navy, are you?"

Robin stared at Yagyu and said in a sure tone.

Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading, keep it in the collection, save the unique domain name of love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 164 Can't I go?

"Who told you that I'm not from the Navy, I'm Admiral Kizaru."

Liu Sheng looked at the girl Robin beside him, and said in a serious tone.

Robin stared at Liu Yu, and said with a certain tone: "I can be sure that you are not a navy, because there is no navy like you."

"Your attitude towards pirates is too abnormal. You seem to treat them as a burden. The real navy will not be like this."

Liu Sheng curled his lips in disdain and said: "That's how strange you are! The style of my salted fish admiral, the yellow monkey, is very famous in the navy."

"For pirates, I always do whatever I want.

Whether to arrest, kill or let go depends on the mood, this is the ambiguous justice I insist on."

Robin was at a loss for words. After a while, he stared at Liu Sheng and said, "I don't believe that you are Admiral Kizaru, you will definitely not be him."

Liu Sheng asked with great interest: "But I used the shimmering fruit ability that is only available to Admiral Kizaru, doesn't that explain the problem?"

Robin smiled and said: "I have always been wanted by the World Government. In order to better avoid the pursuit of the World Government, I have never relaxed my understanding of the world."

"As far as I know, a powerful supernova has recently appeared in the ocean, and he has several Devil Fruit abilities."

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the supernova Yagyu who was offered a reward of 20 billion Baileys by the world government. I know you have the ability to glitter the fruit of Admiral Kizaru."

Liu Sheng took off the sunglasses on his face, looked at the girl Robin in front of him with a playful expression, and said, "What is your purpose in keeping me and naming me?"

The girl Robin looked at Liu Sheng and said with a serious expression: "Let me work for you, I can do anything."

Liu Sheng looked at Robin amusingly and said: "After all, you have taken a fancy to my strength and want me to protect you"

The girl Robin said solemnly: "I am an archaeologist, I can decipher ancient texts."

"And I also have considerable talent in management, and I think I'll be of some use to you."

Liu Sheng looked up and down... Robin, chuckled: "Can you really do anything?"

The girl Robin had a vigilant look on her face, and said to Liu Sheng with a serious face: "You better not think about some messy things, I have a bottom line."

Liu Sheng laughed, and said to Robin with a playful face: "Is that not a woman seeking asylum, what should be said."

Robin said resolutely: "As I said, I won't do that kind of thing...there is no bottom line."

The smile on Liu Sheng's face subsided, he nodded after pondering for a moment: "Okay! Traveling alone is quite boring, maybe you can give me a little surprise."

Robin said with a look of surprise: "You decided to take me in"

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "Yes, you have been working for me since the beginning."

"I will protect you and help you resist capture from the navy and the world government."

"But if you want to travel with me, you have to deal with other things yourself."

Robin wondered, "What's the matter?"

A wicked smile appeared on Liu Sheng's face, and he said, "Because my situation is rather special, I used to walk on the sea before, walking from a

Island arrives at another island."

"If you're going to follow me, you'll have to deal with the boat.

And the food and other items on the ship, you have to do it yourself."

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