The body condensed with shadows has the perverted effect of the natural devil fruit ability, and can use skills similar to the elementalization of the body.

Shadow warriors can restore their almost physical body to a shadow that can penetrate and attack.

You can also use your illusory body to unleash physical attacks.

Even if it is hit by the sea tower stone and the armed color domineering, it will not be injured, this terrible characteristic is really terrifying.

The shadow warrior was smashed into pieces by Liu Sheng, but he recovered quickly and easily.

What Moonlight Moria likes most is this move, using his indestructible body to constantly consume the enemy.

As long as the enemy's strength does not exceed him too much, he can use this rogue method to obtain the final victory.

However, it is a pity that the strength gap between Liu Yu and Moonlight Moria is too great.

And unlike other powerhouses in the pirate world, Yagyu has too many ways to deal with the shadow of Moonlight Moriah.

Looking at the oncoming shadow warrior, Liu Sheng gently stretched out his palm, and a white halo appeared on his palm.

Liu Yu clenched his fist with one hand and punched the air in front of him, causing the air to shatter like a mirror, and thick cracks appeared.

The boxing air caused a terrifying vibration, and the oncoming shadow warrior was directly shattered and turned into countless fragments.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng's body moved, and instantly appeared in Moonlight Moria's body. Behind him, he stretched out his hand and pinched Moonlight Moriah's neck.

Moonlight Moria was not panicked, he had enough means to deal with the situation in front of him.

The shadow warrior re-condensed, and then used space means to instantly switch positions with his body.

"I knew you would do it!"

A sneer appeared on Liu Sheng's face, and a pitch-black pattern appeared on his palm, forming the sealing technique of Naruto World, which sealed the shadow of Moonlight Moria all at once.

"This is impossible!"

A horrified look appeared on Moonlight Moriah's face, and he could no longer perceive his own shadow.

As a superhuman-type shadow fruit power user, his shadow is his biggest trump card.

And now Liu Sheng used the sealing technique of Naruto World to seal his greatest means.

"Nothing is impossible, and you're done here."

Liu Sheng looked at the moonlight indifferently, and his body moved in front of him.

A white halo appeared on Yagyu's fist, and a punch hit Moriah's head, directly destroying his vitality.

Moonlight Moria died! The shadows were freed by his Devil Fruit ability, all the zombies on the island disintegrated, and their shadows went back to their homes.

"Thank you so much, sir!"

A skeleton appeared in front of Yagyu, and sincerely thanked Yagyu.

This skeleton is naturally Brook, the only living skeleton in the pirate world.

Brook is a person with the ability of the yellow spring fruit, and has the ability to resurrect from the dead.

It's a pity that his resurrection time was a little late, and when he found his body, his body was only a white bone.

So, he became like this.

Fortunately, there is no science in the pirate world, and bones can also eat, drink, and even go to the toilet, so Brook is still alive.

"I'm still missing a musician on my boat. How about you come and stay on my boat for a while?"

Yagyu looked at Brook in front of him and invited him.

Of course he didn't want Brooke to stay on his boat for a long time, just let him stay on his boat for a while.

In any case, Brook is the king of souls in the pirate world and can play and sing soulful music.

Liu Sheng wanted to meet him.

"Is it my pleasure."

After being stunned for a moment, Brook accepted Liu Sheng's invitation without hesitation.

Now that Moonlight Moria's site has been abolished, if he doesn't get on Yagyu's boat and leave here, then he can only find a way to leave the Devil's Triangle by himself.

"very good!"

Satisfied with Brook's acquaintance, Yagyu took him to continue the voyage, and it didn't take long to leave the Devil's Triangle.

Then he was blocked by a huge warship. At the front of the warship stood a middle-aged man in a yellow-striped suit, who was looking at Liu Yu with a helpless expression.

"Why do you have to go down this road? It seems that it is impossible not to fight now."

Kizaru looked at Liu Sheng in front of him with a helpless expression, and a regretful voice came out of his mouth.

He didn't want to take this mission at all, but unfortunately the Warring States of Buddha forced him to make such a decision.

He originally wanted to come here, but he took the opportunity to miss the meeting with Liu Sheng, but he did not expect Liu Sheng to appear here instead.

Now that they meet, a fight is inevitable.

After Kizuna figured out the situation, he was too lazy to continue struggling, and the big deal was a fight with Liu Sheng.

In any case, he is a navy admiral, a man standing at the top of the world in the pirate world, and his strength is outstanding, enough to be comparable to the pirate emperor.

Although he was apprehensive about Liu Sheng's strength, Kizaru wasn't too afraid.

"Admiral Kizaru"

Liu Sheng looked at the tall man who appeared on the warship in front of him, with an expression of interest on his face.

He didn't expect that there would be a naval admiral leading a warship to block the road, which made him a little interested.

Kizaru casually walked to the front of the warship, looked at Liu Yu in front of him, and said in a serious tone: "You have attracted the attention of the Navy, and you have become a dangerous element that affects the stability of the world."

"I'm going to arrest you today, lest you continue to wreak havoc on the sea."

"Of course you can try to resist, then I can execute you cleanly"

"To be honest, I prefer to be executed on the spot rather than arrested."

"Because arresting is so troublesome, I don't like wasting time and energy."

Kisaragi looked at Liu Sheng and complained unceremoniously.

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Chapter 167 Want to go?It's not that easy!

"Admiral is the star of the sea.

Even in my day, the Admiral was a famous existence."

Brook looked at Admiral Kizaru on the opposite warship and exclaimed in an exaggerated tone.

"As soon as I left the Devil's Triangle, I met the Admiral of the Navy to come to encircle and suppress it, which scared my heart to heart."

"Ah I almost forgot that I don't have a heart anymore, yo hoo hoo hoo"

Brooke laughed heartlessly, making Robin beside him feel a little speechless.

"Eight-foot Qionggou jade!"

A golden light flickered on Kizaru's body, and his body turned into countless golden light particles that rose into the sky, condensing into his own appearance in mid-air.

Kiabou appeared in the sky, looking down at Liusheng below, pinching his hands to condense golden light spots, and then dense golden light bullets poured down on Liusheng like a torrential rain.

"It's a familiar move!"

Liu Sheng looked at Kizaru's shot indifferently, his eyes had turned scarlet, and complex and complicated kaleidoscope patterns appeared in his eyes.

Susanoo! The light blue chakra energy condensed around Yagyu, and quickly formed the appearance of a rib and skeleton, protecting Yagyu in it.

Kizaru's eight-foot Qionggou jade hit Susanoo with a deafening roar, but it was not able to destroy it.

"What is this"

Kizaru looked at Susanoo who appeared on Liu Yu's body with a surprised look on his face, and his face was full of surprise.

"Susanoh, this is my unique ability."

Liu Sheng looked at Kizaru and said in a flat tone.

"Speaking of which, there are indeed many strange abilities in you!"

"My glittering fruit ability and Whitebeard's shaking fruit ability, you also have it"

Kizaru said casually, and released an even larger number of golden light bombs to bombard Liusheng.

"What's the matter, Admiral Kizaru, do you also want to dance?"

Liu Sheng looked at Kizaru indifferently, his body soared into the sky, and his domineering fists covered with armed colors hit Kizaru.

"Miss Robin, do you think Yagyu-sama can defeat the Admiral?"

Brooke asked Robin beside him worriedly.

If Liu Sheng was defeated, he would be doomed.

With great difficulty, he regained his shadow from Moonlight Moriah's hands, and finally left the Devil's Triangle that had been besieging him for many years.

Before I can fully experience the feeling of freedom, I will be arrested by the Navy and thrown into prison, losing my hard-won freedom.

Brooke was inexplicably saddened at the thought of that scene.

"Don't worry! Even if Yagyu-sama can't defeat the Navy.

Not something an admiral can easily beat."

Robin said in a relaxed tone, her confidence is not small.

The two were talking, and the battle in the sky came to an end.

Admiral Kizaru was hit by Liu Sheng's punch, and flew out in a state of embarrassment, and fell into the sea with a thud.

People: ""

The Admiral was defeated so simply, making everyone feel a little overwhelmed.

In their opinion, even if the admiral loses, it will take hundreds of rounds of battle to lose.

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