The middle-aged man had a golden hook attached to one of his arms, and his palm seemed to have been chopped off.

The middle-aged man's name is Crocodile, who has just become a legal pirate recognized by the world government, and is a member of the King's Qiwuhai.

Crocodile stared at Yagyu in the distance for a while, and suddenly a lot of information appeared in his heart, it was news reports and specific information about Yagyu.

When the world government reported on Yagyu, it didn't have any good ideas.

They don't mind publishing information about Yagyu, so that others have a better chance of winning against Yagyu.

Therefore, Liu Sheng's ability to walk on the sea is also known by many people.

"This ability can't be Liu Yu?"

"Looking at his appearance, it's very possible!"

"But why is he here?"

Crocodile was surprised and at the same time interested.

The current Crocodile is not the same... I stayed in Alabasta: for more than ten years, all day long, he abused vegetables and beat soldiers, and pampered himself with the sand crocodile.

Right now, he is still the... Pirate hero who dared to attack Whitebeard and didn't care if his palm was chopped off.

Looking at the pirate ship quickly approaching him, Yanagyu's face showed interest.

"Is this person not recognizing himself, or is he saying he has no plans"

Liu Yu was thinking in his heart, and his body appeared on the deck of the pirate ship.

Crocodile's face changed, he noticed the gaze cast behind him, he turned his head suddenly, and saw Liu Yu who was sitting cross-legged on the deck behind him.

"Are you looking for me?"

Liu Sheng looked at Crocodile with interest and asked.

Crocodile looked at Liu Yu, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "You are Liu Yu who was offered a reward of 20 billion Bailey by the World Government.

Crocodile had a false smile on his face, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Yagyu looked at Crocodile and said, "I have learned about you, Crocodile Crocodile, the sand crocodile."

"It is said that you are a cruel and cunning pirate as ruthless as a crocodile.

You're not looking for me to tell me this nonsense, right?"

Crocodile said very simply: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to meet Liu Yu, who has been in the limelight recently."

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Chapter 162 Interesting abilities!

"It's beyond my imagination to hear that you have defeated a former admiral and a naval hero," Crocodile said.

Liu Sheng said casually: "No matter what.

Whether it is an admiral or a naval hero, they all belong to mortals.

Since they are all mortals, there is nothing that cannot be defeated.”

Crocodile nodded, shook his head again, and said, "You're right, but it's not that easy to do."

"The Admiral is the highest combat power of the world government. He is as powerful as a monster. How can he be defeated so easily?"

Crocodile was helpless.

If he could, he also wanted to win against naval heroes and former admirals.

It is a pity that Crocodile has self-knowledge, he can feel his own strength.

His current strength seems to have reached his limit, and his potential seems to have been exhausted.

No matter how hard he tried, it would be difficult for him to significantly improve his strength.

"Yugiu, maybe we can cooperate."

"Although your strength is very powerful, you are still only a newcomer after all."

"As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, you can't fight the World Government."

"On the bright side of the world government, there are three major naval admirals, three of them standing at the top of the world."

"Among the secret agents, there are also many powerful beings who hold extraordinary powers."

"Let's not talk about the world's strongest world government, the Four Emperor Pirates are also experts."

"Although you have the power to stand at the top of the world, you can't do it alone."

"But if the two of us cooperated, then everything would be different."

"I have my own channels and strategies, and I can recruit troops to expand my forces."

"When the time comes to gather your strength and mine, it will not be a problem to sweep the whole world."

Crocodile looked at Yanagyu eagerly, and there was indeed a great possibility of doing so.

However, Liu Sheng smiled disdainfully and said, "The premise of cooperation and cooperation is that both parties have equal strength. Do you think our strength is equal?"

"If you want to rely on me, I can also consider it.

But if you want to cooperate with me, then forget it!"

"The world is so small that there are so few areas where you can expand and expand, it's barely enough for me to toss it all by myself."

"I don't need something like an ally at all, do you understand? Put away your little thoughts!"

Yanagyu said very simply, you should save your time on Crocodile, I have no idea of ​​cooperating with you at all.

Crocodile was a little annoyed, stared at Liu Sheng with a cold expression and said, "Are you a little too arrogant? I think my strength is still acceptable."

Liu Sheng looked at Crocodile with interest, and said: "Let's discuss, how if your strength can be recognized by me, maybe I will change my mind."

Crocodile sneered and said, "No problem! But this is not a good place to fight. We'll talk about it when we get to the shore."

Saying that, Crocodile stood up, looked around, and soon saw a small island nearby.

He pointed to a deserted island in the distance and said, "What do you think about going there to fight?"

Liu Sheng nodded indifferently and said, "It's the same everywhere!"

Seeing Yagyu nodding, Crocodile was overjoyed, and it would be nice to have a chat with Yagyu.

After all, hearing is false, seeing is believing, who knows if the news in the newspapers is exaggerated or maybe Liusheng is a parallel importer! Crocodile thought maliciously in his heart, although he knew it was impossible, he still couldn't suppress this thought. birth.

Crocodile's pirate ship came to the shore, Crocodile's body turned into sand and flew out, landing on the small desert island.

Liu Yu jumped out and stood opposite Crocodile. The speed of this hand alone made Crocodile's face become solemn.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to take action!"

Crocodile smiled, his body squatted down, and the only remaining palm was pressed to the ground.

Immediately, the entire ground began to dry up, turning into fine sand—eroding reincarnation! Crocodile activated his Devil Fruit ability, which was his strongest move, a move that could change the entire terrain.

Crocodile's palm sucked up all the moisture in the desert island land, and the island that had lost its moisture became a desert island.

Crocodile has created a favorable terrain for himself, and he is very suitable for fighting in the desert with the natural rust fruit.


After creating a favorable terrain for him, Crocodile stretched out his palm, and a mass of desert tornado condensed in his hand.

With a big wave of Crocodile's hand, the desert tornado flew towards Yanagyu, bringing with it an extremely terrifying air wave.

"Let me defeat you with the power of a ninja!"

Liu Sheng looked at the huge sandstorm coming towards him, his hands quickly formed seals, and he used an earth escape ninjutsu.

Earth Dun - Earth Flow Wall! A tall and thick rock wall rumbled up from the ground, blocking the oncoming desert storm at once, causing the desert storm to smash on it.

"This is your devil fruit ability"

Crocodile looked at the rock wall that appeared in front of him with a look of surprise. What kind of devil fruit ability was this? According to the information given by the world government, Liu Yu should have the ability of the glittering fruit of the yellow monkey and the ability of the shaking fruit of the white beard. .

However, the ability to create a rock wall with this hand, what is the ability of the devil fruit, Crocodile has never heard of it.

Thinking quickly in his heart, Crocodile's hand was not slack, and with a wave of his big hand was a semi-circular desert blade.

Desert sword! Crocodile's desert sword is not only extremely sharp, but also has a sharp edge that can cut gold and jade.

And it also has the characteristics of natural sandy fruit, which can absorb the water in the material and turn the material into sand.

Crocodile's desert sword slashed on the earth flow wall, although it failed to smash the earth flow wall, but its ability to absorb water turned the earth flow wall into sand.

"The interesting ability of rustling fruit!"

Liu Sheng smiled slightly, forming a water escape mark.

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Chapter 163 Are you not a navy?

Water escape - big burst of water rush! Liu Yu, who used to be a water shadow, masters a huge number of water escape ninjutsu.

Coupled with the fact that he is close to the sea at this time, he can use chakra to mobilize the sea water in the sea.

The calm sea suddenly boiled, and a big bag bulged in the sea.

Then the big bag rose into the sky, condensed into a huge wave and rushed towards the island.

A huge amount of sea water smashed towards Crocodile, making Crocodile's face serious.

Crocodile's rustling fruit is not the top existence among the natural devil fruits.

In addition to the gap between destructive power and practicality, rust fruit has weaknesses that other devil fruits do not have.

For other Devil Fruit users, it doesn't matter if they get water on their bodies.

As long as they are not soaked in water, they will not be affected.

The rustling fruit is different, this is a devil fruit ability that cannot touch water.

As long as the person with the ability of rustling fruit touches water, he will lose the ability of elementalization of the body.

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