Navy Headquarters.

The three current admirals have all received information about Yagyu, and their reactions vary.

Admiral Aokiji looked at Liu Sheng's information, and his usual lazy face showed a solemn expression.

"It doesn't matter if Mr. Zefa is defeated, even Mr. Garp is not his opponent?"

Aokiji came out with Karp, and was Karp's little follower back then.

He knew very well how powerful Garp was.

Even if he has become an admiral of the navy, he does not have much chance of winning against Garp, but has a high chance of failure.

"It seems that there is another troublesome existence in the world!"

Aokiji muttered to himself, feeling a little heavy.

In this chaotic era of great pirates, the emergence of such a strong man is not a good thing for the world government and the navy.

Admiral Akainu looked fiercely at the reward list in front of him, and the photo of Yanagyu was posted on the reward list.

He grabbed Yagyu's reward list, and his arm suddenly turned red: scorching heat emanated from it.

Liu Sheng's reward list was immediately drawn.

His eyes turned to ashes.

Admiral Akainu's voice was low and hoarse.

"To be defeated by a newcomer is to lose all the face of the navy and bring shame to the name of justice."

"Is it Yagyu? Sooner or later I will find you and defeat you in the name of absolute justice."

Admiral Akainu, as an iron-blooded hawk navy, will never be soft on the enemies of the World Government.

After seeing Liu Sheng's threat at this time, he couldn't wait to get rid of him.

Compared to Aokiji and Akainu, Admiral Kizaru was very bland.

Sitting in his office with Erlang's legs crossed, he said slowly while cutting his nails: "Even Mr. Zefa and Mr. Karp are not rivals. This newcomer Yagyu is really scary!"

"I hope I don't get sent to fight this tough guy, I just want to live a life of clocking in at work."

Huang Yuan has never been ashamed to show his attitude of salted fish, and the life of clocking in at work is his dream.

In the navy where the hawk navy and the dove navy competed against each other, Kizaru even relied on his powerful strength to forcibly create a salted fish navy.

Whitebeard Pirates.

On the main ship Moby Dick, Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, sits on the deck.

At this time, Whitebeard was not yet 60 years old, not as old and frail as he was when he went to war.

Although he has passed his peak years, his strength has begun to decline.

But he still maintains his overwhelming fighting power, and the title of the strongest man in the world is well deserved for him.

The red-haired, aunt and beast Kaido, who are also the pirate emperor, are inferior to him.

At this time, Whitebeard was holding a newspaper, watching the news reported on it.

"Gu la la la! I didn't expect such an interesting newcomer to appear in the sea, but unfortunately he is not a pirate."

Whitebeard laughed, feeling a pity that Yagyu didn't become a pirate.

Marco, the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, came over and said with a smile: "Dad, do you want to teach him a lesson if he dares to challenge your position as the strongest man in the world with a newbie, we should let him He knows something great."

Whitebeard waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't do such boring things, is the title of the strongest man in the world really that important?"

"What's more, there are many people who want to kill me in this sea. Every year, there are supernova pirates who come to challenge me."

Whitebeard said indifferently: "Don't be deceived, this is a trick of the World Government and the Navy."

"That... the kid named Yagyu, gave the world government and the navy a headache."

"That's why they released the news and wanted to use my power against him."

Margao said with some dissatisfaction: "But their publicity will indeed have a bad impact on your reputation, Dad."

"Those who don't understand the situation, seeing that you didn't take action against Liu Sheng, may think that you are afraid and think that your strength is not comparable to Liu Sheng."

Whitebeard laughed: "Gu la la la! Do I need others to recognize my white beard's strength? They can think what they like."

Whitebeard said very boldly that his strength does not need the approval of others.

Whitebeard is an outlier among pirates, he does not chase wealth, fame and power like ordinary pirates.

What he wants is family! Because of this, he accepts a group of pirates as his godsons to realize his dream of wanting a family.

Whitebeard's bland mentality undoubtedly frustrated the plans of the World Government.

However, the actions of the World Government are not meaningless, at least the powerhouses on the sea are aware of Yagyu's existence.

Big Mom Pirates.

Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors, looked at the newspaper in her hand and let out an exaggerated laugh.

"Well, well! I really didn't expect that such an outstanding young man would be born out of nowhere."

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Chapter 161 Are you looking for me?

Aunt Four Emperor looked at the newspaper in her hand and smiled like a child of two hundred tons.

She gave an order, and soon one of the top leaders of the Big Mom Pirates - Katakuri appeared in front of Big Mom.

The aunt said to Katakuri: "Katakuri.

You go make arrangements."

"Give the invitation to the tea party to this young man named Liu Sheng. I want him to attend my tea party."

"For such an outstanding young man, it would be a loss not to join our Big Mom Pirates."

Katakuri frowned, "Mom, with all due respect.

If the news in this paper is true, it will not be easy for us to recruit Yagyu."

"It is impossible for someone with extraordinary strength like him to be subservient to others.

Even if he is willing, the price will not be easy."

Katakuri is not optimistic about what the aunt said, after all, every strong man has his own pride.

If what the newspapers say is true, then Yagyu's strength is no less than that of Auntie.

How could such a strong man be willing to be the aunt's subordinate and the aunt said unwillingly: "If you want to do it, you can do it, and I have plans for the rest."

Katakuri was helpless and had no choice but to nod to handle this matter.

Although he is a senior cadre of the Big Mom Pirates, equivalent to the No. 2 figure of the Big Mom Pirates, but Aunt is one of a kind in the Big Mom Pirates.

Even if he is the number two person, he has no prestige compared to the aunt.

The Beast Pirates.

Kaido, the most powerful creature in the world, holds a huge wine gourd and pours wine into his mouth drunkenly.

After being drunk, Kaido was emotionally unstable, he took the bounty on the side and laughed.

"For such a newcomer, a kid can offer a reward of 20 billion baileys. The world government is really becoming more and more useless."

"Little ones, go and collect information on this newcomer for me.

If you know his location, be sure to tell me."

"I want to see, what's so scary about this kid who claims to be able to challenge Whitebeard!"

The Red Hair Pirates.

At this time, the red-haired pirates are having a banquet on a desert island. Compared with other pirates, the red-haired pirates are more like a trip.

Playing around all day and night, every day is not at a banquet or on the way to a banquet.

Red-haired Shanks looked at the newspaper in his hand and laughed: "This era is really getting more and more exciting, and even such interesting newcomers have appeared."

A cadre of the Red-haired Pirates shouted: "Boss fool, don't be too careless.

The emergence of this kind of super rookie is a huge shock to us old-fashioned forces."

The others nodded in succession, expressing their recognition that every newcomer's rise will be accompanied by the strength of the older generation.

When the Red-haired Pirates established their position as emperors, they also went through a lot of tough battles and eliminated many old-fashioned powerhouses in the new world.

The redhead said indifferently: "Worry, I think there should be no problem.

Although this super rookie is a bounty wanted by the world government, he is not a pirate!"

Compared to the red-haired Shanks who is careless and heartless, the rest of the red-haired pirates are very serious.

"None of the pirate emperors

In the general sense of pirates, it is difficult to say whether this newcomer will have any idea of ​​​​competing with us."

The officials of the Red Hair Pirates said that Yagyu is a very competitive opponent.

Red-haired Shanks said nonchalantly: "It's useless to think about it now, let's talk about it later!"

The Yagyu threat theory of the world government is constantly fermenting

At this time, Liu Sheng was walking on the sea, and advancing along the great route.

His goal was clear, and that was a sea voyage along the Great Route.

However, he has no interest in taking the boat, and he prefers to walk there step by step.

"Well who is that"

In a sea area, a pirate ship with a golden crocodile head carved on its bow is sailing.

Standing on the pirate ship was a middle-aged man wearing a cloak and looking imposing.

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