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Chapter 158 Aspiring little girl!

Liu Sheng glanced at Crick and the others indifferently, and said indifferently: "Do you also want to dance?"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yu's body rushed out like a cannonball, and rushed to the deck of the pirate fleet in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Captain Crick was caught in his hand by Yagyu, and he held it in the air while holding his neck.

The powerful force made Captain Crick almost unable to breathe, his legs kept kicking in the air, and he looked at Yanagyu in horror.

"how so"

"How could you have such strength I will never admit it!"

"This is not a power a human can possess!"

"I wear armor as hard as diamonds, and I have the most powerful machine gun on my arm."

"I am the strongest man in the East China Sea, and I am the one who can become One Piece."

Crick stared at Yanagyu unwillingly, and let out a hysterical growl.

"A mere rubble, not half as good as me!"

"Just because you want to dance too?"

A cold smile appeared on Liu Sheng's face, and the force of his palm directly broke Crick's neck.

Although he had a diamond-hard defense around his neck, he was still vulnerable to Yanagyu's power.

"Captain Crick"

Seeing Yanagyu throwing their captain aside like throwing garbage, Crick's men were all horrified.

A pirate cadre armed with iron crutches charged towards Liu Sheng, and attacked Liu Sheng without fear of death.

"You bastard, dare to kill Captain Crick"

The pirate cadre holding the iron crutches looked coldly and stared at Liu Yu through gritted teeth, as if he wanted to avenge Crick.

"Are you going to avenge Crick?"

As soon as Liu Sheng stretched out his hand, he blocked the iron crutches coming from the other party, and looked at the pirate cadre in front of him with a playful expression.

Ah Jin! A dragon with a name in the original book, loyal to Crick.

Even if Crick told him to die, he would do it without hesitation.

However, Liu Sheng has no feelings for such a person, just a loyal idiot.

If the object of his stupid loyalty is himself, then it can be another matter.

It's a pity that Akin's foolish loyalty to Crick is unrepentant, and since that's the case, Yagyu can only send him to see Crick.

A golden laser shot out from Yagyu's fingertips, directly killing Ah Jin.

Then Liu Yu's body rose into the air and punched the pirate fleet below.

A white halo appeared on his fist, a punch shattered the air in front of him, and the void cracked out traces like a mirror.

A powerful shock wave fell from the sky, and Rick's pirate fleet was smashed into pieces.

Countless pirates died directly in the shock, and a huge team sank into the sea.

"A group of ants can only give me a decent amount of unlocking."

Liu Sheng said indifferently, his eyes turned to the sea in front of him, and his body flew towards a warship in the distance.

A white-haired naval officer on the warship holds a telescope, watching the battle between Yagyu and the Creek Pirates in the distance.

"To have such a terrifying strength, this is not something that the navy in the East China Sea can handle."

The white-haired navy murmured to himself with a wistful expression, looking a little lost.

Liu Sheng looks as young as him, but his strength is far beyond his.

"Teacher Zefa, can we really defeat that... person?"

The white-haired officer turned his attention to the purple-haired navy on the warship, which was their hope of defeating Yagyu.

The white-haired naval officer's name is Smoker, and he just graduated from the Naval Academy this year.

Those who can join the Naval Academy are not easy to follow, and at least they have the official position of the Navy.

The Naval Academy is a place for naval officers to study, or it can be said to be a gilded place.

To be able to walk in the Naval Academy shows that his strength and potential have been recognized by the Navy.

Smog is also considered a juvenile success, not only has a strong physical talent, but also obtained a precious natural devil fruit.

The original Smoker is also quite contented, with a kind of mentality of underestimating the heroes in the world.

However, Liu Sheng's unexpected birth gave him a blow to the head and made him realize his ordinary and ordinary.

The purple-haired navy has a sturdy body, exuding a fierce aura, but the expression on his face is very peaceful.

The former admiral of the navy and the current navy instructor - Zefa Black Wrist, he is the most powerful existence on this warship.

"I originally just wanted to take you to the East China Sea to experience it, but I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful existence."

Black wrist Zefa looked at Liu Yu through the binoculars, and the expression on his face was also a bit complicated.

If it's just him, he wouldn't mind a fight with Liu Sheng.

But now he has a group of navy freshmen on board, but he can't use these people to take risks.

These new generation of navies are all cultivated by him, and he does not want to see these people die here.

"leave here!"

After pondering for a while, Black Wrist Zefa chose to leave immediately.

"Teacher Zefa, why are you leaving?"

"That... person is an important bounty offender!"

"Tina wants to fight him, Tina wants to catch him!"

A female navy with pink hair spoke up, with an eager expression on her face.

"Forget it!"

"Tina, that's not an enemy you can deal with."

Smog looked at the woman who was similar in strength to him, and said expressionlessly.

"Smog, you are afraid!"

"It was a bad start and Tina was disappointed."

The pink-haired female officer gave Smoker a disdainful look.


"You are a newborn calf and are not afraid of tigers, but the ignorant are not afraid!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy, that's not the enemy you can deal with."

Zefa looked at Tina and reminded angrily.

"Really, Tina doesn't think he's so powerful."

"Although he can destroy the pirate fleet, as long as he avoids his attack, it's fine."

"Tina's speed is very fast, and the devil fruit ability is also very strong. Seize the opportunity to defeat him!"

Tina, who has never encountered any major trouble, said with a kind of bewildered confidence at this time.


"Defeat me, what an ambitious little girl!"

A faint voice suddenly sounded, making Tina and the others' faces change greatly.

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Chapter 159 I think I can use it!

Chapter 160 Being powerful does not require the approval of others!

"Supernova was born, and a super criminal with a reward of 20 billion Bailey was born!"

"Killing the Tianlong people and attacking the former admiral, Liu Sheng's sins cannot be forgiven!"

"Incomparable strength, has Yagyu surpassed Whitebeard?"

"Whitebeard's status as the strongest man in the world is being challenged, can he block the tide of the new era?"

Yanagyu got the latest newspaper from Newsbird, and couldn't help laughing at the headlines on it.

With his wisdom, it is natural to see the plans of the World Government.

The world government released such news, obviously to provoke a conflict between him and Whitebeard.

The strength that Liu Yu now shows has aroused the fear of the navy and the world government.

They know that it is not easy to deal with Yagyu, and it is difficult for them to find the specific location of Yagyu.

So they decided to kill with a knife and use the enemy of the world government - Whitebeard to deal with Yagyu.

The enemies of pirates are not only the navy and the world government, their biggest enemy is actually their own counterparts.

Just as Yagyu read the latest newspaper and laughed, the rest of the Pirate World also noticed the rise of Yagyu, a supernova.

In terms of strength, Liu Yu is no longer a supernova.

However, his debut time was still short, and he was still a newcomer to the world of pirates.

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