Their status and rights make them stupid."

"If it wasn't for their status, and if they didn't have the same great ancestors as us, I would really like to order the Holy Land Guard to clean up those idiots."

The Five Old Stars chatted about the recent world situation, and the grumpy Five Old Stars began to complain about the Tianlong people... idiots.

"Forget it, don't mention these things."

"This kind of thing can't be solved at all, let's talk about something we can solve!"

"What about the navy and bodyguards who are responsible for protecting St. Germarch?"

"Let them kill themselves! Then they won't be held accountable."

"Those who are responsible for setting the bounty for Yagyu how to deal with them must be hiding something."

"Humph! This kind of thing doesn't need investigation at all, you can guess it by just guessing."

"It must be the officers of the naval base who did something to hide the corruption of the Navy."

"Let the Warring States send someone to investigate it properly, and it's time to deal with the corrupt navy."

The Five Old Stars are also not ignorant of corruption in the Navy sector.

It's just that the corruption of the naval department has not yet formed a big problem, and at most it is just to make ordinary people suffer. As long as the corruption of the naval department does not affect the rule of the world government, the five old stars will not care.

As for whether the ordinary people will suffer disasters because of this, this is not a problem that the Five Old Stars need to be concerned about.

They are Tianlong people, they only need to protect the interests of Tianlong people, they are not the five old stars to protect those ordinary people.

But now the corruption of the navy has indirectly led to the death of a Tianlong person, and the Five Old Stars don't mind using this as a pretext to purge the corrupt navy.

Navy Headquarters.

After the Admiral Buddha Sengoku hung up the phone bug, a depressed expression appeared on his face.

Just now, Wu Laoxing reprimanded him on the phone and ordered him to check the problem of naval corruption.

In the office of Admiral Sengoku, in addition to Sengoku, there is a sturdy man who is the naval hero Karp.

At this time, Garp looked at the reward list in his hand with a dull expression on his face.

Because he knows the person whose bounty is placed on him! Isn't this the young man who defeated him that day? Putting down the bounty list in his hand, Garp sighed softly and said helplessly: "It seems that the corruption in the naval department is indeed true. It's a mistake to clean it up!"

Buddha Warring States glanced at Garp and asked, "Why do you say that?"


Karp pointed to Liu Yu on the bounty list and said: "I have played against him, I am not his opponent."

The face of the Warring States of the Buddha suddenly changed greatly, and he said in disbelief: "You are not joking?"

The Warring States of Buddha is very aware of Garp's strength, which is definitely the pinnacle of combat power in the pirate world.

Even among admirals and pirate emperors, this is one of the best.

However, Karp said that he was defeated, which made Buddha's Warring States feel unbelievable.

Karp said helplessly: "No matter what.

Believe it or not, I was easily defeated by him anyway."

"But from what I know of him, this man is not a bad man."

"It seems that the Navy Department did hide something, and there must be something else hidden about him taking the initiative to kill the Navy Captain."

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Chapter 157 The Six Dao Spot Template!

The Warring States of Buddha said solemnly: "The naval department will carry out internal cleaning, and these things will be put aside for now."

"Is it true what you said about his strength just now?"

"If that's the case, we need to re-evaluate his bounty."

Karp curled his lips in disapproval and muttered: "Even without my information, the 5 million Bailey bounty is too low."

"According to the information, Liu Yu has the ability of the glittering fruit of the yellow monkey and the ability of the shaking fruit of the white beard."

These two powerful Devil Fruit abilities alone deserve the Navy to pay more attention to him."

"in spite of

Whether it is the ability of the glittering fruit or the ability of the shaking fruit, it is the top existence in the devil fruit ability."

"Any one has the potential to make people a general and strong, how can you underestimate them?"

The Warring States frowned and said: "The ability of the glittering fruit is still there: on the body of the yellow monkey, and the ability of the shaking fruit is also still on the body of the white beard."

"Yagyu may not possess the abilities of these two Devil Fruits.

According to the information, Liu Sheng is not afraid of the sea floor stone."

"Maybe he is not a devil fruit power user, but uses some special means to use these powers."

Karp said: "This means that Yagyu is more terrifying than the double devil fruit person, because the sea tower stone that can deal with the devil fruit ability person is useless to him, and I am afraid that the sea water is the same."

"So, we should pay more attention to him."

Speaking, Karp sighed, "Actually, in my opinion, the most important thing the Navy and the World Government should do is to negotiate with Yagyu.

But Liu Sheng killed the kind of... rubbish from the Tianlong people, the world government will not forgive him."

The Warring States period pondered for a moment, then called the Five Old Stars and reported these matters to the Five Old Stars in detail.

After listening to the five old stars, I think it makes sense.

They didn't expect that even Garp had been defeated by Yagyu, fortunately they knew it was not too late, just change the bounty.

Soon after.

Far away in Frost Moon Village, Yagyu got the latest bounty list from Newsbird, with his own picture on it, and the number of 15 billion Berry below.

Liu Sheng felt a little surprised. The world government was more generous than he thought, and he even raised his bounty from 200 million to a terrifying level of 15 billion.

This is the result of Lu Yiwu's hard work for several years, so is it really good for himself so casually? Liu Sheng thought for a while, and quickly put these things behind him.

1 million Bailey, barely worthy of his worth.

Liu Sheng no longer bothered about these matters, and turned his attention to the two little devils who were practicing swordsmanship in front of him.

Liu Sheng said: "Both of you, take me seriously, it's you—Guina!"

"You can fall off a whetstone if it weren't for me, you'd fall to your death.

Guina smiled embarrassedly, feeling very embarrassed.

If Liu Sheng didn't show up in time and stop her, she might have died after falling from the second floor.

"I will practice harder!"

Guina pondered for a moment, and said in a firm tone.

The previous mistakes made her realize her own shortcomings, and now she practiced harder.

"You all practice slowly, I'm leaving here."

Liu Sheng decided to leave Frost Moon Village, and he had no reason to stay.

The character template of Whitebeard has been completely unlocked, and Liu Sheng has obtained all the abilities of Whitebeard.

He has now opened his fourth character template - Uchiha Madara! And it is not the ordinary Uchiha Madara, but the strongest Uchiha Madara! The eyes are reincarnated, the ten-tailed man's pillar power, and there are nine openings on the forehead. Gouyu Samsara Eye, the strongest six spots! Liu Sheng felt that if he worked hard, he should be able to exert all the abilities of Jiugou Yu Samsara Eye.

For example, the powers of Kaguya Otsutsuki belonged to the powers of Tianzhiyuzhong, and these are the powers of the Nine Goose Jade Samsara Eye.

Hearing that Yagyu wanted to leave, Zoro and Kuina felt very reluctant.

He opened his mouth to keep Liu Sheng.

However, Liu Sheng refused them with a resolute expression, and said in his mouth: "There is no such thing as a banquet in the world. I have taught you everything that I can teach you."

"Although some things are too high-end for you, you can't master them yet."

"But as you continue to practice and become stronger, sooner or later, you will master them completely."

"I am waiting for you on the sea, and I am waiting for the day when you grow up and go out to sea."

Liu Sheng opened his mouth with a smile on his face, and left here with a firm look.

Liuyu, who left Frost Moon Village, walked on the sea and walked towards the great route

A huge pirate fleet sailed on the sea. On the flagship in the middle of the fleet, a pirate looked around with a telescope to check the situation on the sea.

Suddenly, the telescope pirates saw Yagyu and saw Yagyu walking on the sea as if on the ground.

A shocked expression appeared on the telescope pirate's face, and he shouted loudly: "Everyone, come and see!!!, you see what I found that that person can walk on the sea, it's really incredible! "

The cry of the telescope pirates soon attracted the attention of a group of pirates.

The captain of the Pirate Fleet was a middle-aged man in golden armor. Hearing that, he took the binoculars and soon saw Yagyu.

A cruel smile appeared on his face, and he said, "How arrogant! Is it a bit too condescending to walk on the sea swaggeringly?"

"Boys, run at me with all your horsepower.

I would like to see what skills this man who can walk on the sea has."

The pirate captain shouted loudly, and he was interested in him, and wanted to go to meet Yagyu.

"Yes, Captain Crick!"

The pirates under his command responded one after another, and the pirate ships rushed towards Liu Yu.

After a while.

The mighty pirate fleet surrounded Liu Yu, and the pitch-black muzzle was aimed at Liu Yu.

Captain Crick stood on the edge of the deck and looked at Liu Yu, laughed and said: "Who are you kid who can walk on the sea, it looks like you have two brushes!"

Crick looked at Yagyu with admiration, and made a statement to recruit Yagyu.

He set up such a big battle to frighten Liu Sheng, and wanted Liu Sheng to be his subordinate willingly.

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