This is impossible! The big net is mixed with sea tower stones, and no one with the ability of devil fruit can use the ability of devil fruit when they come into contact with the big net.

"The person with the ability to glitter fruit is Admiral Kizaru, not me!"

"Although I can use the power of the glittering fruit, I am not a devil fruit person!"

"While there is no difference in terms of outcomes, different reasons lead to different responses."

"My power doesn't come from the Devil Fruit, so the moves against those with Devil Fruit abilities are useless to me."

Liu Sheng looked at the navy and Tianlong guards in front of him with a playful expression, and their expressions at this time were not generally wonderful.

Peng! At this moment, the Tianlong people started robbing Liu Sheng.

A bullet passed through Yagyu's head, but to Yagyu who used body elementalization, this bullet was meaningless at all.

Liu Sheng looked at the Tianlong people with his calm eyes like water, which brought great pressure to the Tianlong people.

The Tianlong man turned his head to look at his guards and the navy, and shouted, "You guys are still here: why don't you kill him for me?"

Although the navy and Tianlong guards on the warship felt guilty, they still rushed towards Liu Sheng.

"kill him!"

"Armed domineering can definitely attack him!"


There were angry roars from the mouths of the navy and the dragon guards, as if this would give them strength.

Although they knew that they had little chance of winning against Liu Sheng, they did not dare to disobey the orders of the Tianlong people.

If they died here today, it would be only them who died.

But if they disobey the orders of the Draconians, the whole family will be out of luck.

The power of the world government and the prestige of the Tianlong people are too strong, they do not think that they will end well against the Tianlong people.


Liu Sheng looked at the navy and Tianlong guards who rushed towards him with contempt, and a white halo appeared on his clenched fists.

With a punch, the air in front of him shattered like a mirror, and a powerful shock wave swept out.

Boom! A group of navy and Tianlong guards were blasted out by Liu Sheng and fell into the sea like dumplings.

"Shake Fruit Ability"

Among the bodyguards of the Tianlong people, there were a few people who knew the goods and gasped at this moment.

Not only the power of Admiral Kizaru, but also the ability of Whitebeard can be used? Yagyu blasted a group of scumbags with one punch, and the rest became: a lot more honest.

Liu Sheng walked towards the Tianlong Ren step by step, and the remaining Tianlong guards were sweating profusely.

If you let them stop Liu Sheng, they really don't have the courage.

But if Liu Yu was right

If the Tianlong people do it, the consequences are not something they can bear.

Just when a few Tianlong guards were in a dilemma, a group of masters jumped over two nearby warships.

In addition to the warship where the Tianlong people were, there were also strong men on the remaining two warships.

"Protect the Tianlong people!"

As soon as these masters appeared, they surrounded Liu Sheng with a bad look.

"Are you courting death and be honest with me!"

Liu Sheng said indifferently, the powerful spiritual pressure mixed with the domineering arrogance of an overlord roared out of his body.

A group of masters around, like carrying a mountain on their backs, their bodies suddenly knelt on the ground.

The Tianlong people looked at Liu Sheng with trembling fear, raised the pistol in his hand and kept firing, and bullets passed through Liu Sheng's body.

Liu Sheng looked at the Tianlong people in front of him with a half-smile, and said: "Dragon people who are as stupid as pigs, you dare to claim to be the descendants of the God of Creation."

The Tianlongren stared at Liu Sheng angrily, and said, "If you dare to offend the descendants of the God of Creation, you are doomed!"

Without saying a word, Liu Sheng just slapped the past, and directly sent the Tianlong Ren flying out.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the Tianlongren's mouth, screaming in pain, looking at Liu Sheng with fear in his eyes.

"Give you another chance to organize language, do you say that you are a stupid pig"

Liu Sheng smiled and looked at the Tianlong people in front of him, with a gesture of "If you don't cooperate, I will kill you".


Tianlong people's humiliating response, he was really scared.

After so many years, Liu Yu was the only one who dared to throw a fist at him.

"very good!"

"I'll give you a chance to live now, do you want it?"

Liu Sheng looked at the Heavenly Dragon Man in front of him with interest, and said with a playful expression.


Tianlongren's eyes lit up, for him, nothing is more important than survival.

"very good!"

"In that case, call me Daddy!"

Liu Sheng grinned, I want Tianlongren's father! Tianlongren's expression froze, and just as he was about to refuse this request, he saw Liusheng's eyes with murderous intent.


The Tianlong people called Dad with tears, and the white beard template on Liu Sheng was unlocked again, and now the rhythm has reached 98%! "So good"

"I didn't expect Tianlongren's father to achieve such a great achievement, then"

Liu Sheng glanced at his Tianlongren son with malicious intent, and then killed his relatives righteously! One sword fell, and the Tianlongren blood stained the place.

Seeing this scene, the Tianlong and the navy powerhouse felt a rumbling in their minds, as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated.

The Celestial Dragon was killed in front of them! Just as the Celestial Dragon Guards and the navy powerhouses were in a daze, Liu Yu turned his head and said to them: "I didn't want to do this kind of thing, but the bounty you gave was insulting. I."

"Wan's bounty, just now there was an idiot on the boat who thought that this kind of bounty was rubbish."

"The reason why I did this is to tell you - 2 is too low." reminds you: There are three things in reading to collect, it is recommended to remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu[*].com Aikanshu[*].com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 156 Are you kidding me?

Liu Sheng left, and after killing the Tianlong people, he left here.

However, the navy soldiers on the warship and the bodyguards of the Tianlong people were in a mess, and it felt like the sky was about to fall.

The Tianlong people were killed under their guardianship, and they may not escape death.

However, the other party is stronger than them, there are too many existences, this matter may have a turning point.

And from what the other party said, the reason why he came to kill the Tianlong people was mainly because the bounty offered to him by the world government was too low.

This made him feel insulted, so he came to kill the Tianlong people to show his strength.

The bodyguards of the Tianlong people and the navy looked at each other, and a thought came up in their hearts.

Throw the blame! This time the matter can be pushed to the person who made the bounty, "One Six Zero"

The navy, who reported Yagyu's situation in the first place, also had certain responsibilities.

Although this dumping of the blame may not exempt them from the death penalty, it has a great possibility of saving their family members.

Center of World Government, Mary Joa.

The five top decision-makers of the 55-level world government, the Five Old Stars, gathered together to discuss the recent death of the Tianlong people.

"How many years have passed, and someone has attacked the Tianlong people again!"

"The Tianlong people are the nobles of the world, and it is related to the face of the world government. This time, this matter must be dealt with severely."

"That's right! The world government is for the Tianlong people. We must let the whole world see the attitude of the world government."

"in spite of

No matter how strong the attacker is, the world government will make him pay the price."

"Dare to attack the world nobles, he is provoking the bottom line of the world government."

The five old stars are completely unanimous, that is, Liu Yu who attacked the Tianlong people must pay the price no matter what.

After all, they are also a member of the Tianlong people, and they cannot betray their class and position.

"Let the Navy issue a bounty!"

"How much is the bounty?"

"According to the reports of the guards and the navy, that... Liuyu who attacked the Tianlong people is quite powerful."

"Although the guards and the navy around Saint Germarch are not strong, if you want to suppress them easily, you must at least have the strength of the elite lieutenant general of the navy."

"It is said that... Liusheng has a domineering look, his strength and potential should not be underestimated."

"The bounty is set at [*] million Bailey, what do you think?"

"So be it!"

The five old stars discussed it and quickly settled on Liu Shengjin.

"Alas! It's been a very eventful time recently, and the troubles of the Jie government are really getting worse!"

"The four emperors of the new world have been formed, and the world government has completely lost control of the second half of the great route."

"Fortunately, the navy and the Wangxia Qiwuhai have been perfected and can maintain the dynamic balance of the sea."

"That group of... idiots from the Tianlong people can't save the world government."

"No way! They are stupid, and they are also a member of the Dragons.

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