
"I lost, I am not your opponent."

"I now believe what Koushiro said before, you do have the ability to defeat him easily."

Drago looked at Liu Sheng with a complicated look, and said with emotion.

Before, he still felt that his strength was already at the peak of this world, and even if he wanted to move forward, there was not much way to go.

As a result, Liu Sheng now tells him with practical actions that it is just your illusion that you think you are close to the peak.

After pondering for a while, Drago said to Liu Sheng with a look of anticipation: "Mr. Liu Sheng, is it convenient for me to tell me how your ability came from?"

Liu Sheng shook his head with a half-smile but not a smile, and said, "Of course not.

This is the important secret buy."

Drago nodded calmly and said, "Is that so? I already knew it would be like this."

There was a look of relief on Dorag's face.

Although a little unwilling, but there is nothing to say.

A strong man like Liu Sheng is really not something that their revolutionary army can accommodate.

The strength of one person surpasses the entire revolutionary army, and it may not be a good thing for such a strong person to join the revolutionary army.

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Chapter 154 You are too careless!

Liu Sheng tossed a coin into the news bird and took out a newspaper from the news bird. The newspaper was mixed with several reward lists.

A reward list caught Yagyu's attention because it had his head painted on it.

Yagyu is no stranger to this head portrait, this is a photo taken by Captain Mouse's subordinates when he was in Cocosia Village.

At that time, Liu Sheng noticed this scene, but did not stop it.

After all, at that time, Liu Sheng was ready to be rewarded by the World Government.

Since he was going to be rewarded, how could he do without a photo, so Liu Sheng generously gave the other party his stalwart image, and let them take a photo of himself with a video phone bug.

At the bottom of this reward list, the figure of 20 Bailey is clearly marked on it.

Liu Sen's face became ugly.

"Wan Berry's bounty is really a astronomical bounty!"

Liu Sheng snorted with a half-smile, feeling extremely annoyed in his heart.

The world government despised the reason why Yagyu killed Captain Mouse so much, and told those sailors 047.

If nothing else, those sailors should have also passed those words on to their superiors.

But the navy still offered him a bounty, with such a humiliating bounty.

"I thought you would settle things down. After all, the cause of this incident was the corruption within the Navy. You should apologize to me."

"Now it seems that I think too much.

But even if you want to oppose me and want to offer me a reward, you don't need to offer such a humiliating price."

Yanagyu gritted his teeth and decided to show the world government a little color.

If I remember correctly, there will be dragons here soon.

"Since you set my bounty so low, I'll prove to you how destructive I really am."

A sneer appeared on Liu Sheng's face, and he muttered to himself in a calm tone.

Even if an island is destroyed, the world government will not care.

Even if it destroys one of the allied countries under the World Government, the World Government will not be too anxious.

But if the world aristocrat Tianlong people are attacked and killed, the world government will never sit idly by.

Because for the world government, the world nobles are their masters.

The Dragons claim to be the descendants of the creator gods, and they are the descendants of the 20 kings who founded the world government.

Even the Five Old Stars, the top decision makers of the world government, are themselves Tianlong people.

If the dragon people are hurt, the admiral will be dispatched to protect them.

For the world government, the stupid pigs of the Tianlong people are their face and bottom line.

Protecting the Tianlong people is the most correct thing for the world government

On the boundless sea, three world governments are sailing through the waves.

On the warship was the flag of the World Government, and on the middlemost warship, there was a dragon man in a space suit and a bubble hood.

At this time, this Tianlong man was boredly holding a flame cannon and fired at the sea in the distance.

"so boring!"

The Tianlongren grumbled with dissatisfaction, walked to the side and sat on Li's body.

"Want to know the meaning of life?"

"Do you want to really live?"

Yunyou's voice suddenly sounded, letting the army

The expressions of everyone on the ship changed.

When they came back to their senses, they found a handsome young man who appeared on the warship at an unknown time.

"who are you"

The Tianlongren's guards appeared beside the Tianlongren, staring at Liu Sheng with vigilance.

"Who am I? I am a prisoner who has been rewarded by the World Government."

Liu Sheng's expression was neither happy nor sad, and he threw a reward list to the opposite side with no expression.

"I have a bounty of 200 million Bailey, and I dare to offend the Tianlong people"

A bodyguard of a Celestial Dragon smirked in anger, and gave Liu Sheng a stern look on his face.

Then he rushed towards Liu Sheng with a move, stretched out a finger and stabbed towards Liu Sheng, "Finger gun!"

Liu Sheng did not evade, and the armed arrogance appeared on the surface of his body, turning into a layer of invisible armor to block the opponent's attack.

Dang! The dull voice sounded, and the... Tianlong guard who took the initiative to attack looked surprised.

"Impossible! How can someone with a bounty of 200 million Bailey have such strength?"

The Tianlong guard looked at Liu Sheng with a shocked expression, the opponent's armed arrogance was not ordinary.

Liu Sheng looked at the Tianlong guard in front of him expressionlessly, and said, "Who told you that the bounty must be linked to strength."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Sheng also shot out with a finger gun, and the powerful force directly punched a hole in the body of the Tianlong guard.


The navy soldiers who had already appeared around suddenly pulled the trigger in their hands at this time, and the dense bullets mixed with cannonballs hit Yanagyu.

A burst of golden light burst out from Liu Sheng's body, and dense bullets and cannonballs passed through him.

"Body Elementalization"

"Natural Devil Fruit Ability"

"The Power of Glittering Fruits"

"Impossible, the glitter fruit is the devil fruit ability of Admiral Kizaru."

"Admiral Kizaru is still alive, how could there be a second person who has the ability to hold the glittering fruit?"

After a brief period of silence, the sailors buzzed and discussed.

"This is not the time to discuss this."

"Since it's a devil fruit power user, what about this?"

A navy soldier cast a big net on Liu Yu, and the big net mixed with sea tower stone is a powerful weapon against those with the ability of devil fruit.

As long as it is a devil fruit person, after being covered by this big net, there is absolutely no way to escape.

Because the sea tower stone in the big net will make the devil fruit ability person lose power, this is the magic weapon of the navy to deal with the devil fruit ability person.

"Hailou Rock"

There was a hint of mockery on Liu Sheng's face, and he could not avoid being shrouded in this big net.



The sailors cheered suddenly, they felt that the situation was settled.

Even a navy admiral-level powerhouse, as long as he has Devil Fruit ability, is difficult to resist the threat of Hailoushi.

"You are too careless!"

That... the navy soldier who released the Hailoushi Dawang was very proud at this time.

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Chapter 155 2000 million is too low!

"Is it a big net mixed with Hailou stone? This is indeed a powerful weapon against those with Devil Fruit abilities."

"But I have a question for you, who told you that I am a devil fruit person?"

Looking at the cheerful navy and Tianlong guards around, a sneer appeared on Liu Yu's face.

His body turned into golden light, and a large net of Hailou stone passed through him.

The ship suddenly became quiet, and everyone stared at Liu Sheng in stunned eyes.

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