Liu Sheng looked at the three little devils in front of him with a smile on his face, and made his request calmly.

Luffy said expressionlessly: "No!"

Sabo said with a look of disdain: "A ghost wants to be your son!"

Ace said angrily: "You bastard, what are you kidding?"

Liu Sheng casually looked at the three little devils in front of him, and said with a smile: "So, the three of you rejected me, do you know what will happen if you reject me?"

Liu Sheng's eyes narrowed, and a strong murderous aura surged out from his body, covering the three little devils in front of him overwhelmingly.

Murderous and terrifying! To read the underlined novel, please download the novel, remember to save it, save, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 145 This is also a kind of strength!

Orochimaru can use murderous aura to intimidate Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha who already possess the strength of Chunin, and it is not a problem for Yanyu to use murderous aura to intimidate these three little devils who have never seen the big world.

Under the strong murderous aura, the bodies of Luffy and the three of them froze.

They find that their bodies don't do what they want, and it's useless to do whatever they want.

"What a terrible aura"

"It's over, I'll be killed this time."

"Are we going to submit to him"

The three little ghosts thought in their hearts, but they didn't even have the ability to communicate with each other.

After a while, the murderous aura on Liu Sheng suddenly disappeared.

With a smile on his face, he said to the three little ghosts in front of him: "How about I give you another chance to choose."

"As long as you are willing to be my sons, I will make you a terrifying powerhouse."

"And I will protect you and make you the freest people on the sea."

"in spite of

Whether you want to be a navy or a pirate, I will give you enough help."

"in spite of

If anyone wants to interfere with you, I will beat them back for you."

"And because of me, the whole world will remember your names."

Liu Sheng said with a smile, offering one attractive condition after another.

"Is that so?"

Luffy 3 fell into deep thought.

"I want to be a pirate, and I want to be a pirate king."

"But my grandpa doesn't support me doing this, can you really help me?"

Luffy picked his nostrils and looked at Yagyu suspiciously.

"That's right."

"Let no one interfere with us, let the whole world remember our name."

"And making us the freest people in the world is unbelievable."

Ace agrees with Luffy's words, and he is also skeptical of Yagyu's conditions.


"If you doubt my strength, is that enough?"

Liu Sheng raised his hand and pointed to a hill not far away, and a golden laser beam exploded directly, bombarding the hill directly.

The golden light particles exploded on the hill, bursting out with great brilliance, and terrifying flames and air waves expanded.

"This is"


"That's right"

Luffy and the three of them looked at the explosion field in the distance with a shocked face, and the expressions on their faces were very solemn as they faced the oncoming air waves.

"This is the legend"



The three of Luffy stared at Liu Yu with gleaming eyes, as if they had seen something in a legend.

Liu Sheng was speechless for a moment, but he didn't expect the laser to be so attractive to these three little devils.

"Yes, this is the legendary light wave."

"How about you, do you want to be my son?"

"There is a godfather who can release light waves, what do you think?"

Liu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then said to the three of Luffy with a smile on his face.


"It's decided, I'll be your son!"

Luffy wiped his nose and said to Liu Sheng with a proud face.

Ace and Sabo are more reserved

, without the spirit of Luffy's... not ashamed but proud, and euphemistically expressing that he can accept Yagyu's conditions.

Liu Sheng scratched his ears, as though he didn't understand what they meant, he said calmly, "Do you two want to be my sons?"

Gritting his teeth, Sabo finally let go of his restraint and said very simply: "Godfather, can you teach us how to improve our strength?"

Originally, Sabo thought that the strength of his three-person 3 was already very good, but after seeing Liu Sheng's performance, he realized how weak his three-person 3 strength was.

Seeing Ace and Sabo bowing their heads one after another, Yagyu nodded in satisfaction.

After a while, he suddenly remembered something, and said with a serious expression: "Agree in advance, I'm just your godfather."

"Your other relatives have nothing to do with me. I'll talk to them separately."

This is not because of Yagyu Ian's discomfort, but because Karp's... shameless guy, has a bit of a black belly.

One Piece Roger's son became his grandson, and Liu Yu always felt that Garp was taking advantage of Roger in disguise.

However, Yagyu won't give Garp a chance to take advantage, so make this point clear in advance.

A Destiny protagonist plus two important characters, three more sons at once, Liu Sheng's white beard template is unlocked again.

However, Liu Sheng didn't feel much about this, and the unlocking of the Whitebeard template did not bring him much strength improvement.

Unless the complete white beard is completely unlocked, Yagyu won't care about this little bit of unlocking.

"very good!"

"Starting from today, my godfather will teach you how to practice!"

Liu Sheng looked at the three new sons in front of him, and said with a smile.

Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Luffy stood on the water with excitement on his face, he had successfully integrated his physical energy and mental energy into chakra, and had initially mastered the skills of treading water.

Ace and Sabo were walking on the big tree next to them, the body and the trunk formed 90 degrees, parallel to the ground, and they mastered the ability to walk on the tree.

"Godfather, these abilities don't seem to improve our strength."

After walking around the tree trunk, Sabo said to Yanagyu who was sleeping in the distance.

Liu Sheng hung a net on the two big trees, lay on it and slept lazily, and said without raising his head: "The training now is just for you to learn to master chakra."

"After you master Chakra flexibly, I will teach you other things.

What you are learning now is the foundation, do you understand that if the foundation is not strong, the ground will shake!"

Liu Sheng shook his head and taught in a hateful tone.

Luffy said carelessly: "I think the ability to learn now is very useful, at least I don't have to be afraid of falling into the water."

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Yes, treading water is indeed a very useful skill for Devil Fruit users."

"The ability to walk on trees essentially allows you to attach chakra to the soles of your feet to increase the adsorption capacity of the soles of your feet, allowing you to quickly adapt to various terrains."

"The ability you are learning now, although it does not have a strong attack power.

But they increase your resilience and survivability, which is also a form of strength." reminds you: There are three things in reading to collect, it is recommended to remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu[*].com Aikanshu[*].com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 146 What is your purpose?

Sabo looked at Liu Sheng expectantly and asked, "Godfather, when can you teach us some skills that have powerful combat power?"

Liu Sheng laughed, waved his hand casually, and said: "Don't worry, when you master these skills, I will teach you skills that have strong combat effectiveness."

Liu Sheng has many powerful cultivation methods, no matter what.

Whether it is taijutsu, ninjutsu or soul skills, he has it.

After Luffy and the three of them initially mastered chakra, Yagyu put these three cultivation systems in front of them.

"Can a ninja release all kinds of powerful ninjutsu, a ninja that breathes fire and water? I want to be a ninja."

After listening to Liu Yu's narration, Luffy expressed eagerly that he wanted to become a ninja.

"The god of death seems to be a very magical practice" Seven Seven Zeros

method, I wish I could become the god of death."

After pondering for a while, Ace expressed his willingness to become a practitioner of the Death God system.

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