"Konoha Village sent the Hinata clan to come here, wouldn't it be to humiliate us and use our hands to exterminate the Hinata clan?"

Huang Tu was taken aback and analyzed seriously: "If this is the case, then Konoha didn't intend to negotiate with us from the very beginning."

Three generations of Tukage Onoki frowned and said, "Could it be that my previous reply made Konoha angry, damn Konoha."

The granddaughter of the third generation of Tukage Onogi, Kuroto said indifferently: "It's too early to say this, let's look at the performance of the Hinata clan first!"

"Maybe the Hinata clan was helped by that alien visitor.

The strength has improved by leaps and bounds! Maybe you are just thinking too much, the Hyuga clan has the strength to defeat Iwayin Village."

Onogi, the third generation of earth shadow, said with a disdainful look on hearing this: "It is simply impossible for a ninja tribe to fight against a ninja village."

"Even the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan do not possess such power.

Unless the pride of their family, Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara are also added."

While Ohnogi was chatting with others, the Hinata clan entered the arena with Eternal Tenseigan.

Hyuga Hizu stood at the front, proudly said to the three generations of Tsuchikage: "Three generations of Tsuchikage Onoki, we are here to fight with you under the order of Lord Hokage."

The three generations of Tuying sneered and said: "There are so many people from the Hyuga clan here, you won't be dispatched all over the place, right?"

"If you all die here, will the Hyuga clan be finished?"

Hyuga Hizu said calmly: "I don't care about this issue, I believe that the Hinata clan will defeat you."

The third generation of Tukage Onogi was angry in his heart, but he did not expect that the Hyuga clan would be so arrogant.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."

"Dust Escape - The Art of Peeling the Original Realm!"

The third generation of earth shadow Onogi sneered and used his ultimate move without hesitation, and a dazzling white light shot out from his hand.

Pairs of light can turn everything it hits into molecular form, but it's meaningless when facing Tensei.

Tenseigan has the ability similar to Samsara Eye, and all ninjutsu based on Chakra will be absorbed by it.

Hinata and the sun's feet formed a seal on both hands, urging the eternal reincarnation, and the light of the dust escape was directly absorbed by the eternal reincarnation.

"how can that be"

Onogi stared at the Eternal Tenseigan next to Hyuga Hizu with a look of disbelief, and Chen Dun, who seemed almost invincible to him, was actually absorbed by an eyeball-like ninja tool.

"Then what is it? I've never heard of such a ninja hook in the Hinata clan!"

Onogi was suspended in mid-air, staring at Hyuga Hizu, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Lord Tukage, after we defeat you, I will have time to explain all this to you."

Hyuga Hizu smiled and said confidently.

Hyuga's hands were imprinted, and Eternal Reincarnation's eyes fired green chakra light groups, densely hitting the ninja in Iwahide Village opposite.

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Chapter 144 Murderous, terrifying!


The three generations of Tukage Onogi did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly avoided the attacks of these green chakra light groups.

As a result, these green chakra light clusters were densely packed, covering him overwhelmingly, leaving him nowhere to dodge.

The ninjas of Iwahidden Village below, although they used the earth escape ninjutsu to defend, they were easily penetrated by these green chakra light groups.

These green chakra light groups hit the ninjas of Iwahidden Village, but did not kill them.

However, the chakras in these ninjas were beaten out, and they lost all the chakras immediately.

Losing consciousness, they fell to the ground one by one.

"Hokage-sama said that it is better not to kill if you can not kill."

Hinata Hizu looked at the annihilated Ninja of Iwagakura Village, with an excited smile on his face, trying to keep his restraint and said.

Three generations of Tukage Onogi saw that his ninjas were completely annihilated, and he was hit by a green chakra light group in a trance, and all the chakras in his body were shot out.

The chakra in his body was emptied, and the body of the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi fell from the sky and was caught by the ninjas of the Hinata clan.


Three generations of earth shadow Onogi sighed, did not expect the result of this battle to be like this.

Konoha didn't dispatch their foreign aid Yanagyu at all, and only let Hi 960 dispatched to the clan to defeat their Yanyin Village.

In this way, he has no reason to insist, and the unification of the ninja world can no longer be stopped.

Both Yanyin Village and Wuyin Village expressed their support for the unification of the ninja world, and the other small and large ninja villages gave up the idea of ​​continuing to resist.

The strength shown by Konoha is enough to prove that their opinions are meaningless.

Leaf Village.

Tsunade looked at the mountains of documents on the desk in front of him, and cried out with a headache.

"The unity of the ninja world is not as good as I thought, why the workload has increased so much all of a sudden"

No. 2 Tsunade sighed, the huge workload in front of him made him daunted.

"That's because the unification work on your side has not been completely completed, and the reorganization and redistribution of ninjas has not been implemented."

"Don't worry! Once you've finished reorganizing and redistributing the ninja, your job will be: light, light."

Tsunade No. 2 spoke to Tsunade No. [-] and No. [-] in a familiar gesture, with a look of schadenfreude in his eyes.

No. 2 [-] Tsunade said with a dissatisfied face: "I feel like you are very happy, but how can you watch the fun?"

"The two of us are one person. You have to help me complete part of my work."

No. [-] Tsunade laughed and said, "I won't help you with these boring jobs! If you are busy, I will go to Konoha Village to bet twice."

Saying that, Tsunade No. [-] walked out with a smile.

"Damn it!"

Tsunade No. 2 and Tsunade were so angry that she looked angry at the back of Tsunade No. [-].

"Do not be angry!"

"With such a little work, you can create dozens of shadows and finish it?"

Liu Yu appeared next to No. 2 Tsunade and said casually.

"You said it lightly, after the shadow avatar is lifted, the exhaustion will come back."

No. 2 Tsunade glared at Liu Sheng angrily, and said with a displeased expression.

"Long pain is worse than short pain!"

Liu Yu shrugged and said nonchalantly.


"You come and help me!"

Tsunade stared at Liu Sheng with a gesture of "I won't let you go unless you help me".

"All right!"

"This kind of easy work, I can solve it with a few clones."

Liu Sheng said indifferently, and made three 3-shadow clones at will, and asked them to help with the documents in front of Tsunade.

As for Liu Sheng's body, he left here and went to find two Xiao Nan to cultivate feelings.

No.2 Xiaonan has entered the development stage, and No.[-] No.[-] Xiaonan is still in the strategy stage.

Yanagyu thought that as long as he worked harder, he would almost be able to experience double the happiness.

Everything went well for Sister Hyuga, and after seeing the power of Eternal Tenseigan, the Hinata clan was about to go backwards.

"Naruto World is indeed a good place to relax."

"Unfortunately, it is too difficult to improve the unlocking degree of character templates here."

Liu Sheng sighed helplessly, and decided to wait for himself to relax before going to the next world to find an opportunity to unlock the character template.

A month later, Yagyu entered the next world.

After completing the journey, Liu Sheng found himself in a dense forest.

Seeing the domineering release, Liu Sheng quickly understood which world he had come to.

After a while, Liu Yu appeared in front of the three little ghosts.

"who are you"

Seeing Liu Sheng who suddenly appeared in front of him, the three little devils all looked vigilant.

"You are Ace, Sabo and Luffy"

Liu Sheng looked at the three little boys in front of him with a look of interest on his face.

Ace looked vigilant and asked, "Who are you?"

Sabo clenched the iron pipe in his hand and shouted, "How do you know our name?"

Luffy said with a look of despair: "It's over, it's over! It must be that the bad things we did before were known, and he must have come to seek revenge."

Ace glared at Luffy angrily and shouted, "Shut up! If you talk nonsense, I'll leave you here alone."

Luffy quickly stretched out his hands, covered his mouth, and looked at Ace pitifully.

The stupid and cute appearance makes Ace angry and funny.

He really has nothing to do with this stupid idiot.

Even if he beats him every day, Luffy, who has a thick skin and a rubbery brain, will not grow at all.

"Who am I? My name is Liu Sheng."

"How about you three, do you want to be my son?"

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