"Physique, Swordsmanship

I'd better learn these ordinary things! I think I'm very talented in physical training, and I hope to learn physical skills."

After hesitating for a while, Sabo also made his own choice.

"very good!"

"But even if you make your own choice, that's just your major."

"There are some skills you have to learn because those skills are really important."

Liu Yu said with no surprise to Luffy's three choices in a calm tone.

For example, the clone technique in the ninja training system, regardless of

Whether it is a shadow clone or a water clone, this practical skill must be learned.

Needless to say, the previous skills of treading water and climbing trees, some basic water escape skills must also be mastered.

After all, One Piece is an ocean-themed world, and there is a magical sea stone factor in the sea water of this world, which can restrain the devil fruit ability.

Water ninjutsu can not only use chakra to create water flow, but also move water in nature, and the sea water in the sea can also be manipulated with water ninjutsu.

Ninjas who have mastered the water escape ninjutsu have an innate advantage in the world of pirates.

Another example is the three-color domineering in the world of pirates, which is also a very important ability.

Yagyu, who has the ability to glitter fruit, knows how difficult it is for people with the natural devil fruit ability.

Yagyu Barabara told Luffy and the three of them a lot of training methods, and in the main training direction they chose, Yagyu gave a lot of training methods support.

If nothing else, an eight-door Dunjia alone is worth a fortune.

Yagyu No. 2 in the ninja world did not get the eight-door No. [*] No. [*] in the human world easily.

The Eight Doors Dunjia is the most treasured art for people in the world of pirates.

Because the most troublesome thing about Bamen Dunjia is its backlash, and the people in the Pirate World have a special physique and have strong adaptability and resistance to most injuries.

And people in the Pirate World are more likely to break the limitations of the human body than the Naruto world.

Those who have mastered Navy VI have already surpassed the physique of ordinary people, and the people of Naruto World can't break the scope of ordinary people's physique no matter how hard they try.

Naruto World's physical skills are so strong

Large, relying on the increase and growth of chakra, there are still limitations in itself.

But the world of pirates is different. Those physical monsters have broken the restrictions of ordinary people one by one.

two months later.

After teaching Luffy the three training methods, Liu Sheng separated from them.

"Cultivation is not something that can be accomplished overnight, keep working hard."

"When you leave here and go to the sea, you will definitely hear my name resounding throughout the sea."

Liu Sheng looked at the three 3rd sons in front of him and said with a smile.

Liu Sheng had no intention of staying as a nanny for them, and he had already done his best to give them the cultivation methods.

If it wasn't for taking them as their godsons to get unlocked, Yagyu didn't want to waste time on them.

Of course, Liu Sheng gave them these cultivation methods, and he also had his own bad taste in it.

Liu Yu really wanted to know what kind of turbulence they would make in the Pirate World after they had mastered these cultivation methods. After leaving Luffy and Three 3, Liu Yu did not leave the island, but went to the tavern in Windmill Village to drink. a cup.

"Is the guest foreign?"

Makino, the proprietress of the Windmill Village Tavern, looked at Yanagyu and asked with a smile while wiping the wine glass in her hand.

Liu Sheng replied calmly: "It is indeed from outside, and it will only take a few months to come to this island!"

Makino asked curiously: "The guests have been coming to this island for several months, so you must have been to the center of the Goa Kingdom!"

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "That's not true, I've been in the woods these days dealing with three little devils."

With a smile on Makino's face, he said, "The three little devils you mentioned are called Luffy, Ace and Sabo haven't been here for a while."

Liu Sheng replied indifferently: "That's because they recognized me as a godfather, and they have been practicing under my guidance these days."

Makino's expression froze, and he looked at Liu Sheng in disbelief and said, "Godfather"

Liu Sheng smiled and looked at Makino: "Hey! Do you have this idea too, no problem, I promise you.

From today on, you are my goddaughter."

Makino said angrily, "What are you talking about, I don't think so."

Yagyu touched his chin and looked at Maggie 3.

Lu Nuo said with a half-smile, "Is that so? That's a pity! To be honest, I really like a cute girl like you."

Makino has never received such a guest before, so he lost his sense of proportion and stammered: "Guest, please don't say such strange words again."

Liu Sheng shrugged indifferently and said, "Okay! Since Miss Makino doesn't like it, I'll leave it alone.

Mr. Karp, you haven't come out yet. I've discovered your presence long ago."

As soon as Liu Sheng finished speaking, Makino, who was beside him, widened his eyes and looked at the burly old man who walked in through the gate in disbelief.

"Mr. Karp, why are you back suddenly?"

Karp stared at Liu Yu with a serious look, and said, "What's your purpose?"

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Chapter 147 What if I give money?

Garp came back a few days ago and found Luffy and the others who were practicing.

However, Luffy's progress in strength surprised him.

After figuring out that Luffy and the others' strength changes were due to Yagyu, Garp's mood became heavy.

Because Garp found that he couldn't see through Yagyu's strength, Garp, who had the peak combat power in the Pirate World, was not even sure to fight against Yagyu.

Although Karp has no evidence that he can't beat Yagyu, he believes in his keen intuition born from countless life-and-death struggles.

So Karp has been doing nothing these days, pretending that he didn't show up.

Seeing that Yagyu wanted to leave, Garp was still a little overjoyed, and followed him silently.

Without Luffy and the three of them by his side, Garp had no scruples in his heart, and he felt that he should test Liu Yu's intentions.

As a result, after Liu Sheng and Luffy were separated, they did not go to sea directly, but came here, and broke his existence with one sigh.

"Magino, you leave first."

Garp glanced at Makino's tone and said in a low voice.

Liu Sheng glanced at Karp casually, and said indifferently: "Don't let her leave, I have no intention of fighting with you."

"Of course, even if I fight with you, I'm sure I can suppress you without affecting her."

"But I don't think we need to get to this step, after all, Luffy and the other three are my godsons."

"But I can remind you that I have separate discussions with them, so don't try to take advantage."

Yagyu spoke calmly, his expression relaxed and calm, and he didn't take Garp as a threat at all.

"Put me down without affecting her"

Garp was stunned for a moment, even though he was very nervous, he felt a little annoyed at this time.

Garp can tolerate others mocking his IQ, but he absolutely cannot tolerate others mocking his strength.

"You can insult my wisdom, but you can't insult my dignity."

Karp stared at Liu Sheng with a gloomy face, and said maliciously, "Come on! I want to see how you suppressed me without affecting her."

Liu Sheng sighed, looked at Karp helplessly, and appeared behind him with a movement.

"like this!"

The mirror flower and the moon rested on Garp's shoulder, and the sharp breath flashed on the blade, which made Garp feel a burst of heart palpitations.

"What a terrifying power"

Karp swallowed.

I really felt the threat to Yagyu's life.

"So be it!"

Liu Sheng put down Jinghuashuiyue a little less interested, he really had no interest in Karp.

Even if it is to accept his son to improve the unlocking degree, Karp is a little too big.

Moreover, the students have already won the victory over Karp in the simple competition just now.

Although Karp didn't make a move, he was still considered a defeat by the system.

Because he didn't make a move because of the battle, but because Liu Sheng didn't give him a chance to make a move.

After defeating Garp, Yagyu turned around and left the tavern, leaving only Garp and Makino who were stunned.

When they came back to their senses, they found that except for a piece of gold left on the table, Liu Sheng was no longer there.

Even if Garp scans the entire island with a domineering look, he can't find Yagyu's existence.

Cocoa Village.

Liu Sheng came here alone, just in time to see a little loli stumbling down the street.

The little loli has orange hair and looks very cute, just like Nami when she was a child.

At this time, she had just finished arguing with her adoptive mother, Bermel, and wanted to run away from home in a fit of anger.

As a result, not long after he came out, he bumped into Yagyu who came to Cocosia Village.

"Where is the little girl from looking so cute!"

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