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Chapter 142 Dirty Deals...

The Sun Family.

When the senior members of the Hyuga clan saw the Eternal Tenseigan brought back by the Hyuga sisters, the joyful expressions on their faces could hardly be concealed.

"Eternal Tenseigan is a treasure, even compared to the legendary Six Paths Ninja Tool."

"I'm afraid even the legendary Six Paths Ninja Tool is not as powerful as Eternal Tenseigan."

"The destructive power of Eternal Tenseigan is not comparable to that of the six ninja tools. As far as I know, the six ninja tools in Yunyin Village are not very powerful."

"It is said that the Six Path Immortals left behind five Six Path Ninja tools, and only the amber bottle was kept by Yunyin Village."

"The function of the amber screen is too simple, and it has no advantages compared with the sealed cauldron of Shayin Village."

"Three of the four six-path ninja tools lost in Yunyin Village are used together, and their functions are relatively useless."

"Although the remaining fan can release the Five Elements Escaping Technique, it consumes too much Chakra."

"The Six Paths Ninja Tool is not as good as our Eternal Tenseigan. Not only does this thing not consume 09 of our Chakra, but it will provide us with energy."

A group of senior members of the Hyuga clan chattered, looking at the Eternal Reincarnation in front of them with joy on their faces.

A senior of the Hyuga clan looked at Hinata and asked with a serious look, "Hinata, did Lord Yagyu really give you this Eternal Tenseigan?"

Hinata Hinata nodded and said, "That's right, Lord Yagyu did give us this ninja tool."

A senior of the Hyuga clan looked at Hyuga Hizu, with an expression of sudden realization on his face, and said with a chuckle: "It is still the patriarch who has a long-term plan and knows that it is the most correct choice for Hinata and Hana to follow Mr. Yagyu."

With a smile on his face, Hinata said to Sister Hinata, "Hinata, Hana, what do you think of Yagyu-sama?"

Hinata Hana asked stupidly: "Father, what does that mean, Mr. Yagyu is very good!"

Hinata Hinata seemed to understand something, and said with a red face: "Lord Yagyu, it's really good!"

Hyuga Hizu said with a smile: "That's good!"

Naruto Office.

No. 2 Tsunade said to Liu Sheng with a displeased expression: "Dangerous things like Eternal Tenseisen should be destroyed.

Why did you give it to the Hinata clan?"

Tsunade No. [*] said with a teasing face: "Is there any need to ask? Of course it's because of the sisters Hinata Hinata and Hana Hinata."

Liu Sheng said with a serious face: "Don't talk nonsense, I have pure feelings with them."

Tsunade No. [*] asked with a half-smile, "Then what are the two of us and you?"

Liu Sheng pondered for two seconds, then tentatively asked: "Deal"

Click! No. 2 Tsunade crushed a teacup directly, stared at Liu Yu with a wicked look, and gave you another chance to reorganize the language.

Liu Sheng laughed and said with a calm expression: "Just kidding, of course we have a pure and extreme relationship!"

The two Tsunade nodded in satisfaction, Liu Sheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and Shuangle was not enjoyed in vain.

No. 2 [*] Tsunade coughed dryly, and said with a serious look: "Let's get down to business, why did you give the Eternal Reincarnation Eye to the Hyuga clan?"

Liu Yu replied calmly: "This thing is the most suitable for the Hyuga clan, because it is made of countless white eyes.

. "

"You don't have to worry that Eternal Tennis will bring trouble to the ninja world, because I'm here."

"I don't die for a day, they are all princes.

As long as I'm still alive, there will be no turmoil in the ninja world."

After listening to Liu Sheng's explanation, the two Tsunade were speechless.

Because what Liu Yu said is very reasonable, the current Liu Yu is more terrifying than the original Hokage Senju Hashirama.

He said that there can be no war in the ninja world, and there can be no war in the ninja world.

"Speaking of which, this No. 2 ninja world has not unified Tsunade yet. You have to work hard!"

Yagyu looked at Tsunade No. 2 and reminded her to speed up the unification of the ninja world.

No. 2 [*] Tsunade said angrily: "It's so easy to unify the ninja world unless you use violence like you."

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "Where is the need to do it directly, just simply bully them."

"Shayin Village and Yunyin Village have experienced the blasting of Xiao's organization, and now they don't have much strength."

"Needless to say other small and medium-sized ninja villages, they don't have much resistance in front of Konoha."

"Don't worry about Kiriyin Village, the five generations of Mizukage Terumi Mei have been persuaded by me."

No. [*] Tsunade snorted coldly, and said with a disdainful expression: "Persuasion is to sleep, take it!"

Liu Sheng pouted: "It's all the same, don't care about these details.

All in all, there is only one Yanyin Village that is difficult to deal with, and this is not a big problem."

"Three generations of Tukage Onogi is stubborn, but he is not a fool.

Konoha's current strength is so terrifying, how can he dare to confront us?"

"If it really doesn't work, let the Hyuga clan go out and teach Iwayin Village a lesson with Eternal Tenseigan, so that they know what is the general trend of the ninja world."

After listening to Liu Sheng's explanation, Tsunade thought for a while and felt that it was very reasonable, so he ordered this to be done, first giving the weak Shinobi village an ultimatum.

"By the way, what happened to Orochimaru?"

Liu Sheng's heart moved, and he remembered the Orochimaru that he had almost forgotten.

No. 2 and [*] Orochimaru were caught, but No. [*] Orochimaru was wild.

No. 2 Tsunade [*] sighed and said, "Konoha Anbu has already discovered the clues of No. [*] Orochimaru, but we have never caught him."

"Firstly, this guy is very cunning, it's almost impossible to catch him, and secondly, this guy is a bit of value, and it's not bad to let him do something for Konoha silently."

Liu Sheng said in surprise: "No. [*] Orochimaru will do things for Konoha"

Tsunade No. 2 No. [*] nodded and said, "The two Orochimaru have strong scientific talents, and they are of great significance to the development of the world."

Liu Sheng said with a look of surprise: "It's really surprising, have you discovered the power of science?"

Tsunade glanced at Liu Sheng angrily, and hummed: "How could I not know that my second grandfather is a mad scientist!"

"Without the series of powerful forbidden techniques he invented, Konoha would not be as powerful as it is today. I naturally understand the power of science."

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Chapter 143 How is this possible?

It was rare for Tsunade to understand the truth that technology is the primary productive force, so Liu Sheng didn't say anything more.

It was really a waste to kill Orochimaru, after all, Uncle Snake mastered the core technology.

It didn't take long for Tsunade's invitation to unify the ninja world to be sent to the major ninja villages.

Those small and medium-sized ninja villages felt uneasy when they saw this invitation letter.

The high-level officials of these Ninja villages are naturally unwilling to give up their rights and positions.

But they didn't have the courage to fight against Konoha Village, because doing so would probably kill them.

So they unanimously chose to play dead, waiting for a result to be decided among the five major ninja villages.

Of course, if other ninja villages in the five major ninja villages are willing to unite against Konoha, they are also willing to help.

The remnants of Shayin Village and Yunyin Village were speechless when they saw the invitation letter from Konoha.

If their village is still there: in its heyday, it is natural to dismiss this kind of thing.

However, their village has been severely damaged at this time, and Konoha Village has the power to destroy all of them.

"Wait to see the attitude of Yanyin Village and Wuyin Village!"

The senior management of the two Shinobi villages sighed helplessly, it was not them who decided this matter.

Five generations of Mizukage Terumi Mei did not resist the unification of the ninja world. She learned about the situation of another ninja world from Yagyu.

She knows that the unification of the ninja world is an important way to achieve peace and tranquility in the ninja world, and she doesn't mind giving up the rights of Mizukage for this.

The biggest obsession in her heart now is to marry Liu Sheng, and the two have already established a relationship.

After a deep understanding, Terumi Mei was very satisfied with Yagyu, and believed that Yagyu would not harm her.

After Wuyin Village agreed, Yanyin Village put forward different opinions.

The old face of the third generation Tuying Onogi was gloomy, and he said coldly: "How can it be so easy, it is not so easy to give up Yanyin Village!"

Although there is an existence like Yagyu in Konoha Village, Oh Yegi is still not reconciled.

So he still wanted to test it out, it would be best if Liu Sheng didn't support this matter.

Onogi sent a reply letter to Konoha Village, expressing that he wanted to have a fight with Konoha Village, and then decide whether to agree to Konoha Village's conditions.

Tsunade didn't care about this, knowing that Ohnogi was unwilling, so he decided to send the Hyuga clan to make him give up.

The Hinata clan just got a new toy, and they should also find a serious opponent to sharpen it.

The reason why Yagyu was not allowed to go out was to let other Shinobi villages know.

Even if there is no foreign aid like Liu Yu, there is no strength to suppress the entire ninja world.

Outside Yanyin Village.

Onogi said angrily to the left and right: "Is Konoha Village a little too arrogant to send only one Ninja Village to deal with us, is it too arrogant?"

The son of the third-generation Tukage Onogi cautiously reminded Onogi at this time, saying: "The Hinata clan is the noble family of Konoha Village, and their strength should not be underestimated."

The third generation of Tuying Onogi said with a look of disdain: "What Konoha nobles are nothing but tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings."

"If the Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan are not gone, where will the Hinata clan be the king and hegemon?"

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