Wuchen was a little surprised, but he knew he had to deal with this guy.

The knot was completed in an instant, and he suddenly clapped his hands together and shouted loudly, "Woodun: The Technique of Four-Pillar Prison"

Kara was trapped in a wooden prison all of a sudden, but he suddenly drew his knife back and slashed out, and suddenly the knife swept across, and the wooden prison was chopped directly by him in an instant. Broken, come on, he leaped up, and in the air, black shadows flowed out of his hands.

The shadows that flowed out turned into darts and splashed down.

like a storm

Wuchen immediately manipulated his human brain, swung the knife and rushed up directly, blocking the flying darts.

Only a tinkling sound could be heard.

Tara's body disappeared into the air.

At this time, the crowd quickly gathered around.

Jackie Chan's eyes narrowed slightly, and with Tara's disappearance, the summoned Black Shadow Corps also followed Xiao Shan in the shadows.

Jackie Chan ran over and said, "What's going on? What happened?"

The little snake said with a bit of surprise on his face: "Are they here again? Why?"

Wuchen shook his head and said, "It's too bad. As Dad said, that book will indeed attract demons, and... it seems that this matter is very unusual!"

Hearing these words, the old man narrowed his eyes and said, "That's the smell of an unusual demon! That guy is very dangerous. Now, at this juncture, such a person has come out again. Now... it's a bit troublesome!"

After hearing this, Wuchen said, "What should I do then?"

Dad shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

Very helpless, he said the words, because he didn't have a better solution at the moment, but the old man had already remembered the face of the devil, and he already had some memories. Based on some ancient books, it seems that After the description of this guy's appearance, it is very consistent, and this ability is also very consistent with the description, it seems that it is indeed that person!

The old man said: "That guy seems to be a person in the so-called shadow world! He is a person in the ancient Japanese legend... There are eight generals under his command, and now he has run away, I don't know if there are any under his command. We didn’t run out. Once we all run out, plus the other demons who haven’t been liberated, we’ll be in big trouble! The Lord is now busy to rescue other demons. Once we are held back by this demon, the other demons will be Can't fully take into account..."

When I said this, I was a little worried.

Wuchen nodded after hearing the words, and there was a little inexplicable worry in his expression. It seems that he was indeed using the power above the magic book, which caused Tara to run out ahead of time, and it was not incomplete. It looks like the full version, so this matter is worth noting, the full version of Tara.

The strength of the guy just now has been partially demonstrated, and he can already show how strong he is. If that guy can summon his subordinates and his legion, it will be very difficult even for him. Way to kill him before he summons so many people!

With this thought in mind, Wu Chen took a deep breath.

Already have an idea.

And just when he was thinking about how to find Tara, Dad said, "Go back first, go back first, and talk about it later, Dad will go back and read the book to see how to deal with it!"

The words were full of worry, and the wrinkles had become deeper.


Wuchen wanted to follow him back, but the old man turned around immediately, widened his eyes and said loudly, "Wait for my tea!"

Wuchen was stunned for a while.

At this time, Dad said loudly again: "Remember to buy tea for Dad, and one more thing, Dad only drinks Pu'er, don't buy the wrong one! And..."

Wuchen sighed, with a helpless look on his face, listening to the scolding.

At this moment.

Inside the base camp of the Black Hand.

The Holy Lord is counting down his men. ..

214. New News [Fourth Update]

The Holy Master showed a strong dissatisfaction on his face, looked at the people in front of him and said, "You guys screwed up again!"

This has just been said.

A Fen immediately became dissatisfied.Said: "Hey, you can't say that! It's obviously not our fault! It's obviously that that guy is too weak, and he was killed by others as soon as he came out. Is it still our business?"

The Holy Master frowned slightly when he heard these words, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

But he soon widened his eyes and said, "I don't care so much, things are messed up, we have to plan the next step!"

Ah Fu didn't dare to speak, and there was a bit of thought in his eyes.

Truru asked cautiously, "Then what are we going to do next?"

The Holy Master immediately turned his head and looked over coldly: "It is urgent to save my brothers and sisters!"

His words speak.

One hand slapped on the table, and at this moment a severe tingling sensation came, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

The Panku Treasure Box was placed on the table. As soon as he slapped it, the Panku Treasure Box hit his hand at once, and he was instantly electrocuted by the righteous magic. His eyes were full of Above the pain, he shook his hand and screamed loudly.

And this time.

Everyone wanted to laugh, but no one dared to laugh out loud.

Zhou opened his mouth to remind: "Oh, don't forget, if you touch that thing, you will be in pain!"

These words just came out, and everyone burst into laughter. Although several people were afraid of this damn demon dragon, when there was a chance to mock it, everyone would mock the dragon mercilessly.

Hearing the mocking laughter of everyone, the Holy Master immediately widened his eyes and shouted angrily: "Don't laugh at me, or I'll show you what the dragon's anger is!"

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