As soon as his words were spoken, a green light shot out from the Panku treasure box, and above the light was a map.

Everyone looked over.

Zhou Leng pointed at the place, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the green map.

The Holy Master frowned slightly and said, "What is this place? Check it out immediately!"

Zhou took out his mobile phone and checked it out, but he found it immediately in just a few minutes. He was surprised and said, "It's not a very good place, it's a prison!"

This has just been said.

The Holy Master immediately said, "Where is the prison? Hell is the real prison. The prison in your human world is like heaven to me! We have to find a way to get in!"

When his words came out, everyone was distressed, and their faces showed a bit of reluctance. After all, they were going to prison. For the people in the black hand organization, it was not a big deal. A good place, but a very bad place!

A Fen Shi persuaded and said, "I don't think it's good, after all, we are all..."

This has just been said.

The Holy Master immediately gave him a sideways look and said, "Don't listen to me on this matter, and you don't need to explain, I will find a way to let you in!"

Lasu didn't look good, and said strangely, "We can't bring this thing in, can we?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the Panku Treasure Box!

The Holy Master said with a bit of thought in his expression: "I will send things to you!"

A few days later, inside Papa's antique shop.

Everyone here is thinking about countermeasures at this time, and has not yet found any clues.

Sheriff Black called immediately.

It was Dad who answered the phone.

Dad answered the phone with a look of surprise.

For him, someone calling is likely to have a customer.

He said in a slightly surprised tone, "This is Dad's antique shop, what do you need?"

Sheriff Black said unceremoniously over there: "Dad? I hope to get your help, I have found their whereabouts!"

Just as he said these words, the old man hung up the phone with a snap, and at the same time raised his head with a stunned expression, as if he didn't hear anything.

At this time, everyone looked over.

Jackie Chan said blankly: "What happened? Dad?"

Dad shrugged his shoulders and said, "A boring person called!"

This sentence was just spoken.

At this moment, the door of Papa's antique shop was opened.

When the time came, Sheriff Black walked slowly, came in and said, "I need your help!"

Wuchen wiped the plate aside and said, "What's the matter? What happened?"

In fact, he had already guessed it in his heart. Sheriff Black must have come this time to invite everyone to deal with the Holy Master!

Sheriff Black said straight to the point: "I found their whereabouts, they are going to a prison, and they should be holding the people they are looking for, so I hope you can have someone sneak in and find out about them! "

Wuchen couldn't help but let out a wry smile, this guy really thinks exactly the same as in the original book.He sighed and said, "Then shall I go?"

Sheriff Black thought for a while, touched his chin and said, "It's really a good idea! I already have a plan. We decided to let the people who got in here approach them with disguise and learn their purpose!"

Wuchen shook his head and said, "I have my own way of disguising, just send me in!"

Sheriff Black said with a little doubt: "Although I know your abilities are very powerful, do you really need my help? I made an appointment with the best makeup artist and disguise artist in the world, oh, if you want If so, I can make you a seamless headgear!"

Wuchen complained: "I don't think it's better for me to use my own method. Anyway, I have my own method. I don't need you to worry about it, sheriff. You can just send me in!"

After hearing this, Sheriff Black said helplessly: "Well, since I say that, then I can't do anything about you, I will send you to that prison tomorrow, and the resume will be made up by then. You have to find out what they are going to do in prison, and, it seems that they are very purposeful, you have to be more careful yourself!"

Wuchen nodded after hearing this sentence, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes.

He sighed and said to himself: "It's another troublesome thing, forget it, let's get it done!"

He thought like this, at this time he already had a plan in his mind, he wanted to get back the Panku treasure box, and then seal all the demons! ..

215. Mixed into the prison [fifth more]

In a prison in the United States, A Fen, A Fu, Zhou and La Su have put on orange prison uniforms

They are newcomers to this prison.

At this time, he was being escorted into the prison by the prison guards.

this moment.

just entered

A Fen sighed helplessly.

Zhou, who was beside him, reminded in a small voice, "Don't make any mistakes, you guy!"

A Fen looked helpless.

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