To violent knife Qi, accompanied by a huge roar, the violent light wave in the Ghost Shadow Corps directly turned into a bat knife gas, smashing a puppet in front of him into pieces!

Wuchen was taken aback immediately.

This guy could actually use this kind of trick, but he was not panic at this time, but with a slight movement of his left hand, the puppet was restored to its original state. The parts are magnetically attracted, so they can be repaired at once.

Wuchen snorted coldly, and started to manipulate again, I saw that he immediately planted two puppet knots.

He could only hear him shouting: "Huo Dun: hard work, Feng Dun: crushing! Comprehensive: Whirlwind of flames!"

The moment the words were spoken, a violent whirlwind of flames flew out from the doll.

At this time, Tara slashed with a sharp knife, and immediately the knife slashed the whirlwind of flames to pieces. When he opened, he heard a violent roar of wind, and then the whirlwind of flames was cut into pieces at this time. The two halves burst open many things on both sides of the street, and the flames burned, but Tara was not injured on both sides of the street at all!

Wuchen was a little tricky, took two steps back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't want to destroy too many things here.

He took a deep breath and manipulated the puppets again. The hands of the two puppets turned into arrows, and they suddenly flew down from the air under his flexible manipulation.

I saw Tara flicking from left to right, her hands were terrifyingly fast, and the clinking voices kept on, a cold smile appeared on his face and said: "You can't kill me at all, it's me who kills you. !"

As he spoke, the knife in his hand swung away like a silver dragon flying.

The offensive of the knife breaking open made Wuchen very surprised. This guy actually has such a powerful knife technique, and he has such a flexible movement technique. When I was exploring the drama before, I thought he was just a mask, and it didn't work for anything. I thought he was so strong!

Wuchen also felt very tricky, but at this time.

Paris just came out, with a bit of surprise in her eyes. She saw the two fighting at once, and saw the embarrassed appearance of the street.

She said in surprise, "What happened?"

Tara turned back coldly, the knife in her hand emitting a cold light

Paris was startled involuntarily and took a step back, but soon she let out a cold snort and jumped out, immediately shooting out a few cold lights from the gauntlet.

A cold cold light emanated from the gauntlet. Tara immediately waved the knife to block all the silver needles that were shot. Tara threw the knife coldly and said, "It's just the two of you?"

As the words said this, there was a bit of cold disdain on his face! ..

213. Drive away Tara [Third]

Wuchen immediately warned: "Be careful, this guy is very strong!"

Paris held a hidden weapon in her hand, and said with a bit of vigilance on her face: "I can see that you don't need to remind me!"

Wuchen smiled bitterly and said, "You guy..."

Tara had a cold smile on her face at this time, and soon she smiled with interest and said: "Interesting, it seems that this is the so-called human world? I have been waiting in the shadow world. It's been a long time! I didn't expect it to come so soon!"

The words speak.

He slowly put away the knife.

Standing up straight, he said, "Since this is the case, let's start with you, and kill from you!"

As he said this, there was a cruel look in the depths of his eyes.

Wuchen heard the words and manipulated the puppet, surrounded the past and said coldly: "If you say kill, kill me, don't I have a lot of shame?"

Tara smiled coldly and said, "I thought you were very capable, but you were just manipulating two puppets! But well, my puppets are more advanced and don't need me to manipulate!"

The words fell, and the right hand waved the fingers gently, and suddenly black figures appeared all around.

One figure after another slowly appeared, each holding a dagger in his hand.

Slowly surrounded them, and immediately surrounded both of them.

Paris frowned slightly, and immediately realized that this guy summoned the Black Shadow Corps!

Although it looks a little different

All wore armor.

And the momentum is slightly different, but the essence is the same.

Paris looked cold and said, "Is it the Dark Shadow Corps? It's interesting!"

Tara heard this.

Slightly surprised, he said, "I didn't expect you to know my Black Shadow Corps. It's fun, let's take you back first!"

As he spoke, his right hand stretched out immediately, his brows moved slightly, and then a huge suction force appeared on his right hand!

Paris is not strong, and she was immediately sucked by that powerful force!

Right at this moment.

Only a familiar and slightly old voice was heard: "The monsters, monsters and monsters leave quickly! The monsters and monsters leave!"

Dad had already led everyone out of the antique shop at this time, holding a puffer fish in his hand.

Moreover, he directly recited the incantation and emitted a green light.

Hit Tara and flew out.

Dad snorted coldly, and said with a breath like blowing the muzzle of a pistol: "Is it the devil? Try Dad's qi magic!"

Tara got up from the ground and said in surprise: "There are still people who can use Qi magic in this era!"

When the words came to this point, he was able to stand up immediately. None of the original demons had such a strong resilience as him.

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