There was a bit of doubt in his words, and he was also ridiculing his strength, and obviously nothing would happen.

But at this time, the old man said with a solemn expression: "Maybe the breath of those demons is really nothing to you, but the breath of demons cannot only attract the demons in this world, and may also lead to hell. The devil in it!"

Wuchen's expression changed immediately after hearing the words, right? Isn't this book in the plot?Could it still cause changes in this world, hasn't this world changed several times before?come now? !

Thinking like this in his heart, he showed a slightly distressed look, frowned and snorted, his expression a little dignified.

Just when he just stood up.

Dad stretched out his hand, slapped him on the forehead, and said, "Go and buy some tea for Dad right now. Dad is completely insane without tea!"

After Wuchen heard these words, he shrugged his shoulders a little helplessly, nodded, and sighed: "Okay, okay, I'll go!"

His words pushed open the door.

Take to the street.

On the street, he remembered what tea his father liked to drink. At this time, he had just walked out of their small street. When he walked to the main street, he was suddenly stunned. Immediately, he felt a dangerous atmosphere, and his eyes also changed. Squinting slightly, the energy of the whole body began to bloom! ..

212, Tara strikes [Second]

At this moment, Wuchen revealed a somewhat inexplicable vigilance on his face. The auras he sensed were invisible to ordinary people. Could it be that, as his father said, he came across that book by himself. Books will invite a demon, and this demon is not just of this world.

Wuchen thought so in his heart, at this moment he took a deep breath, the staff of his right hand floated a faint light, and his expression at this moment also changed awe.

At this moment, he saw a violent wind blowing suddenly behind him, he immediately turned around and looked over, and a huge hole appeared in front of him.

Wuchen widened his eyes, startled.

Stepping back, what appeared in front of him was a man with a bronze ghost face.

The man was wearing armor all over his body, with a knife hanging from his waist.

He is two meters tall.

With that mask on his face.

Wuchen recognized it immediately!


How could it be this thing? !

Surprised in his heart, no, he really attracted a demon!

He just thought about it in his heart.

Tara said coldly at this moment: "I didn't expect that I would appear here, what is this place?"

As he said this, he immediately grabbed the knife hanging from his waist with his right hand.

Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Tara coldly and said, "Who are you?"

Tara, of course he knows it, but he wants to test who this guy is. Did he come from another plane, and it doesn't seem like it!

Just thought so.

At this moment, Tara suddenly pulled out the scabbard and said lightly: "You have a smell that disgusts me, and at the same time you have a strong smell of qi magic that makes me feel disgusted!"

The words said, I saw that Tara immediately rushed over with a knife in one hand.

He really deserves to be the leader of the Ghost Shadow Corps.

At this time, it was time to rush with the knife, and the knife technique was also displayed, as dazzling as the moonlight and as dazzling as the sun.

When Wuchen saw him, he shrouded him directly, like a fishing net. Generally, he had nowhere to hide from his good deeds, but he didn't want to escape immediately, but directly used magic!

I saw writing and drawing on his right finger, and a talisman appeared directly on his hand!

At the moment when the golden charm flew out, there was a sudden rumbling sound, and Tara flew out in shock.

At this time, Tara was a little surprised.

The slightly surprised look in Tara's eyes soon filled his entire face or mask, but his face was also a mask.

With a slightly surprised look on his face, he said coldly, "A little bit of skill, is it qi magic? Interesting!"

Wuchen took a deep breath. At this time, white smoke appeared on his hand. Suddenly, two scrolls appeared in his hand. The scrolls were scattered, and two dolls also appeared!

The two puppets are the puppets he made before, but they were later repaired and remodeled.

Wuchen said coldly: "Just use this to get you!"

The words said that he moved his fingers quickly, and the two puppets immediately spewed out amazing power, the light spurted from the heads, and the two puppets raised their knives and rushed directly towards Tara!

Tara saw two knives slashing towards her, and she was completely fearless, holding the sword in her hand to block it!

I can only hear the clinking sound!

Wuchen used the puppet to attack him crazily. At this time, he didn't want to use other powers, he just didn't want to destroy the place, and using the puppet was the lowest cost, but the most profitable one. Although this guy is a demon general, his strength is , is not very strong.

The puppet might be able to handle him!

I thought so in my heart.

Just then.

Seeing the black shadow covering Tara's knife, he suddenly slashed over!

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