In his cold words, he suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Six seals: Earth explodes stars!"

The moment the words were spoken.

Ansel Alam immediately sensed something was wrong, and then there were rumbling sounds around him. Everything in the wind, snow and trees became objects to attack him. He shouted, but he was helpless because he had no strength to resist.

When Ansel Alam originally passed through the time-space tunnel, he found that his power was actually deprived by the time-space tunnel, so he could come to this world, but.

Originally he was going to absorb the energy of Gerald.

Wuchen was faster than him, his hands were more terrifying, and he sucked Gerald dry in an instant.

Therefore, his power is almost completely unable to obtain supplies, although the gate of the underworld has made up a lot.

But he couldn't digest and integrate immediately, so at this time he was just a mess of energy.

Wuchen then quickly said again: "God: The tree world is born!"

The moment the words were spoken, a huge tree immediately appeared behind him!

At the same time, Ansel Alam's body was directly wrapped up!

The energy in the body was directly sucked into the past!

Wuchen felt relieved immediately.

Anse Alam was hit by various things, and the energy in the body was continuously absorbed, and the body began to shrink in a short while.

Wuchen only felt that the energy in his body was even greater, and a smile appeared on his face.

Anther roared.

It doesn't do anything at all.

He shouted and was soon wrapped into a ball.

His body was also distorted, but soon only the sound of clicking in the ball was heard, and the surface of the ball that was originally the size of two or three people burst directly.

Ansel Alam stretched out his hand and head from it, and shouted loudly: "You despicable bastard!"

Wuchen immediately formed the seal again: "Go to hell!"

When his words were spoken, the energy was directly released from the body, and at this moment, the 4 weeks changed in an instant.

An incomparably violent surging lava appeared behind Ansel Alam.

It was one of the most terrifying worlds in the world, and it was all lava!

And it's a world you can't leave.

Anse Alam's eyes revealed a bit of horror.

Wuchen said coldly: "Goodbye by fate!"

As soon as the words were spoken, it was immediately pushed with both palms.

Anse Alam's entire body was pushed directly in. He shouted and roared, but there was nothing to do, and then the big tree began to collapse.

Wuchen also landed from the air. He covered his eyes, looked at the cracks closed in front of him, took a deep breath, and a miserable smile appeared on his face.

Said: "Finally tmd got the damn bastard out!"

His heart finally relaxed!

In my heart, I know that I can't go back to the world of Fairy Tail! ..

Jackie Chan's Adventures

098. Jackie Chan's Adventures [First Update]

Wuchen stared at the sun in front of him and was stunned involuntarily.

At this time, the sun was very fierce, and he stared blankly at the modern city in front of him, as well as the strong smell of soot wafting on the road.

There was a look of astonishment on his face, why did he run back to the modern age? !

What is this place?

A bit of surprise appeared on his face.

But at this moment, he looked around, and soon realized that this place seemed a little familiar.

There is a little more English all around, although there are also Chinese characters, but English is still the mainstream.

A strange look appeared on his face, and he touched his chin. Could it be that he entered the world of Meiman?

Just when he thought so.

at this time.

Only one voice was heard: "Hey, Dad, look, that guy is so powerful..."

Wuchen turned his head and looked over, involuntarily stunned, it was a man in a blue shirt and slacks.

Wearing very casual shoes.

Wuchen is very impressed with this man, or this man has "accompanied" him for many years

Jackie Chan!

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