Ansel Alam's words were just spoken.

Wuchen immediately said: "This is what you said, then let you try this trick!"

When his words were spoken, he immediately widened his eyes, accumulating strength in his body!

The accumulated strength exploded in an instant, and an eye immediately appeared on his forehead.

The moment Ansel Alam hadn't reacted, when everyone was stunned.

Wuchen shouted loudly, "Yellow Spring Hirazaka!"

The moment the voice fell.

Ansel Alam's entire body disappeared with a swoosh.

Wuchen also disappeared in an instant.

The two came directly to a strange place. The place was icy and snowy, and it was bone-chilling. The cold wind continued, and the ice storm sounded beside their ears.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Anse Alam couldn't help but stunned, and said in surprise: "Did you create an enchantment??"

Wuchen said coldly: "Is it the enchantment or the world is for you to feel! But this time there is not much chance!"

His words came out lightly.

Said: "The tree world is born!"

When the sound fell, the tongue immediately stretched out countless trees and wrapped directly around it.

Ansel Alam's whole body quickly floated with energy, and when those trees rushed over, he immediately chopped them down with one knife, and many trees were cut down by him with one knife.

Wuchen suddenly slapped his palm on the ground and shouted loudly, "Woodun: There are all kinds of things!"

His words fell, and trees grew around immediately, which directly turned the entire area into a large forest.

Ansel Alam immediately felt that his energy was draining, and he was stunned by those woods, could it be...

Wuchen said coldly: "Just as you imagined, these woods will absorb your power, no matter what power you have!"

When he said this, he showed a cruel smile.

Said, "But it's not enough!"

When he said his words again, he saw a blue light floating on his body immediately, and the blue light quickly formed an armored warrior.

The tall and strong armored warriors are dozens of meters high, even hundreds of meters.

This is Susanoo, also known as Susanoo!Also known as Su Ge Ming Zun!

The dust-free manipulating coldly, Susanoh, who is [-] meters tall!

Immediately, he pulled out the long knife.

And this time.

Ansel Alam immediately raised the knife.

With a bang, the two knives collided, and he actually spurted out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were full of shrewdness. He gritted his teeth and half squatted, only to feel that he was about to be crushed. This guy's strength What's the matter, how could it become like this after absorbing so much energy? !

Wuchen immediately pressed down again.

At the same time, light appeared on his hands.

Two blue light waves appeared.

But when the light wave was formed, it was a spiral pill again.

The two spiral pills were immediately injected with different powers!

He just heard him say coldly: "Fengdun Spiral Pill Shuriken! Rongdun: Super Jade Lava Spiral Pill!"

His words were immediately thrown out of Xu Zuonenghu's body!

in an instant.

Ansel Alam immediately swung his long sword suddenly.

Followed by.

Susanoo was immediately pushed back half a step, but two incomparably huge spiral pills smashed directly.

Ansel Alam screamed immediately, but his roaring had no effect, and the whole body's skin was cut to pieces!

Its wings were cut with blood dripping!

Gritting his teeth, he forced his body.

Bloody smoke appeared on his body.

It dissipated after a while.

Ansel Alam wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Said: "It's too easy to beat me like this!"

His words just came out.

Wuchen immediately started to seal and said, "It's a bit naive that I want to defeat you like this, but there is a way to completely make you lose your strength!"

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