How could it be him?

There was a deep look of surprise on Wuchen's face, and it was Jackie Chan and Dad who appeared in front of him!

wait, is this...

Jackie Chan Adventures? !

There was a surprised look on Wuchen's face, and his eyes widened involuntarily, it was really beautiful!

It's just that this time is completely different, it's coming to such a world!

When Wuchen thought this way, he smiled, but he quickly thought of something serious, because he was wearing the costume of the Six Paths Immortal.

And he also has a strange tin stick in his hand!

He coughed slightly.

There is a little bit of mischief in the eyes

Just walk forward slowly.

Jackie Chan and Dad looked at him suspiciously.

Wuchen has long black hair all over his head, and at the same time, he is dressed in pure white clothes, and holds a tin cane in his hand, looking like someone who came out of a certain monastery.

Both of them had surprised expressions on their faces.

Wuchen gently moved the tin stick in his hand twice.

Said, "Hello, two."

The words just came out, and Jackie Chan was stunned.

Said: "You actually speak Mandarin, I thought..."

Wuchen said with a smile: "Of course! I'm here to remind the two of one thing. There may be some dangers recently, and there will be some dangerous people staring at the two of you! But remember, watch the chicken!"

As soon as he said these words, he had a mysterious smile on his face, and then left directly around the two of them.

The reason why he specifically showed his face in front of the two of them, and reminded them of important news, was because he knew that Jackie Chan would soon get a chicken charm.

Wuchen is also very curious about those impetuous powers, and is also very curious to know whether those powers can be absorbed, and is also very curious, if he can play a game with those who do not move, it will be Who will win? !

Although the evil dragon is powerful, it should be no match for him, he thought in his heart.

Wuchen walked on the street with a mysterious appearance. Although the current city, the city called San Francisco, is still in the 90s, it is also very developed and luxurious!

After all, this is the No. [-] country, Sam Country!

Wu Chen thought so in his heart, and there was a few helpless smiles on his face.

The next step is to move forward. The most important thing for him now is to get a suitable set of clothes, otherwise he will return to the previous robe once he removes this transformation, which is simply medieval Europeans. Appearance, after all, Fairy Tail is also in that era!

You have to find an opportunity.

He was a little distressed thinking about this in his heart, but soon he entered the alley.

With a swipe, a ray of light flashed, and the clothes on him disappeared instantly.

Soon, he was wearing a black robe again.

Looking at the robe on his body, his face full of helplessness, this is very different from this modern city, which makes him a little distressed.

Slowly walked out of the alley.

And then he found something even more uncomfortable. His long hair was tied in a ponytail.

He has very long hair and fair skin.

It's really weird compared to everyone else.

Wuchen doesn't like being stared at by others.

But he could only bite the bullet and walk out of the alley.

Walking on the street, everyone can see it.

Wuchen had a helpless look on his face, but he thought about it for a while, and now he doesn't seem to be able to work.

And now I have no money.

Gotta find a way to spend some money.

Thinking like this in his heart, he touched his white chin and suddenly thought!


Papa Antique Store!

With this thought in his heart, he immediately smiled, and at the same time quickly walked to the location of Dad's antique shop.

His speed is not slow, and soon he is walking.

While he was walking.

Suddenly a whistle came from behind.

Wuchen frowned.

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