At the same time.

Tao Baibai's hand once again gathered the same 'Crane Slash' air wave as before, and immediately formed the strange air wave that had appeared before in his hand again.

Then, it slammed into the dust-free clone.

As a result, this time the dust-free clone, floating in the air, avoided the attack of the qigong wave with just a flick of a flash.

Immediately afterwards, it was instantly posted behind Tao Baibai.

Tao Baibai had just turned back to fight back when she was shocked to see a palm that didn't seem to have much power sticking to her back.


With the last scream, Tao Baibai was killed by the dust-free clone in the blink of an eye.

Not even the dross is left.

"Is this the strength of the world's number one killer?"

"I don't think it's much tougher than other monsters... It's not like I can't even handle one and a half moves of my clone!"

"Forget it, this is also the Dragon Ball low-strength Earth before the Saiyans were seen. With a special ability, you can dominate the world's force value, and it can only be like this..."

After killing Tao Baibai, the dust-free clone turned into a wisp of clear smoke and dissipated in the air.

The dust-free body wiped his lips, and then walked away with a look of disdain.

At this moment, from the other side of the mountain road, a person suddenly came out.

I saw that this person had a neat suit and looked quite modern and urban.

Just a red sleeve with a symbol on it.


"Red Silk Army?"

When Wuchen saw the red sleeves on his arm, he immediately reacted to the identity of the other party.

At this time, the man politely approached Wuchen.

Then he handed over a business card and said:

"Hello, I'm the chief of staff of the Red Silk Army in Beidu. This is my business card. It has my information on it, including my phone number and the phone number of our army..."

"I originally came to find Tao Baibai, but I think you are more suitable for our Red Silk Army."

"So you can go shopping in Beidu when you have time. Take my business card, someone will definitely entertain you."

"Hehe... the Red Silk Army?"

Wuchen whispered in his heart that he knew that the first big boss that Little Sun Wukong encountered in the first movie was the Red Silk Army.

Therefore, Wuchen felt that he also had to take a trip.

018. Departure from the Northern Capital [Fourth Update]

Wuchen accepted the invitation of the chief of staff of the Red Silk Army, but because the chief of staff wanted to continue to invite other martial arts masters, he did not go forward with him.

Just at Wuchen's request, he took a map and handed it to him.

However, Wuchen is also very happy. He was short of maps, so he wandered around in the Dragon Ball world.

However, he has already promised the other party, so the first stop, Wuchen is still set in Beidu.

The Earth of Dragon Ball World, although most of the modern cities have been simplified into a common unified country, has a cat or a puppy as the president.

But each place still has its own ruling power.

For example, the fried cold rice Piflalu that cannot be served on the table, or the Red Silk Army Group that breeds a lot of turmoil.

They all occupy a small part of the country first, and then try to invade the whole world.

At this time, Wuchen was walking on the bustling island metropolis of Beidu.

Bored and bored, he walked into the most luxurious looking restaurant at the port.

Although in his current state, he could not eat or drink, but he came to the new world and did not taste the fresh food of this world.

That would be too uneconomical.

I saw that the restaurant was full of silver tableware, whether it was dishes or chopsticks, and even drinking cups.

It's all the same style.

In order to relieve boredom, before Luo Sheng entered this restaurant, he used a piece of ghost talisman paper while no one was paying attention to summon a Hawk-Eyed Horami, the largest in the world and one of the seven seas, that he had seen in Pirate World before. gram.

as your own bodyguard.

It will also look a little more face-to-face.

As for why this eagle eye could be conjured out of ghost talisman paper, it was even simpler.

The current Wuchen has traveled many times in many small worlds, and has also defeated many masters after seeing it.

And because these characters and their moves have been imprinted in his mind, plus the bug props like Bengyu, it was originally to think what you think and realize what you see.

Whatever you want, it can do it for you.

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