Therefore, he can naturally use Bengyu to embody the eagle eye in the pirate world that he has portrayed in his mind.

At this time, walking in the restaurant, Wuchen took his clone eagle eye and found an empty table to sit down.

I personally touched the silver tableware.

At first, he thought that these tableware were made of silverware, but after getting started, he realized that these tableware looked thin and light.

But when I weighed it with my hands, I found that it was much heavier than silverware, and the color was more layered than silverware, reflecting a deeper light.

At this time, the waiter of the restaurant just came over to ask them about their order, and saw Wuchen touching the table and looking curiously.

Immediately explained:

"Guest, hello, this is the 'Selabo' dug out from the North Pole by the Red Silk Army, the unified army stationed in the northern capital."

"The texture is much better than ordinary silverware, and it is not as heavy, so it is very popular among the people."

"Therefore, our restaurant has also spent a lot of money to buy a whole set to attract the tasteful guests like you."

"Haha, you can make so many famous things after eating..."

Wuchen snorted coldly in his heart, he hasn't got the money that is commonly used in the Dragon Ball world, so he came here purely to eat the Overlord's meal.

"I won't have the money to pay the bill later, you'll know you'll regret it."

So Wuchen simply let go of his temper and ordered a large table of so-called Beidu specialties at the instigation of the waiter.

At this moment, a whispering discussion sounded on the dining table adjacent to Wuchen.

"Hey, Bilibinido, have you heard the latest Beidu news?" A middle-aged uncle with a long nose and triangular eyes took a sip of red wine and asked the others at the table.

"What are you referring to?" An afro-headed man about his age who was sitting opposite the uncle asked rhetorically.

"Of course it's the matter of the Red Silk Army Group... Recently, around the Northern Capital, besides them, what else can happen?" The long-nosed, triangular-eyed uncle took a glass of red wine and said leisurely while savoring it.

" mean that the Red Silk Army Group broke through all the kingdoms in a radius of [-] miles outside the northern capital, and cut off the heads of five kings?"

The third person at the table interjected to answer.

"Well. This is not much news. I heard that the Red Silk Army Group has been expanding rapidly recently, and all famous martial artists in the world are invited to join them."

"Haha, I guess there shouldn't be any Martial Daoist in Beidu who dares to go there..."

"Forget it, that's all their business. Even if the Red Silk Army invites everyone to join, the god of martial arts, Teacher Wutian, shouldn't be there..."

Hearing this, the diners at the table stopped talking, lowered their heads and continued to enjoy the food on the table.

And their conversation just now fell into Wuchen's ears, which made him listen to it with relish, recalling the deeds in the original comics, not only imagining it.

"It seems that the Red Silk Army is still in the early stage of expansion at this time..."

Wuchen sat on the chair while stuffing the oily chicken thighs in his mouth, rolling his eyes and thinking slowly in his mind.

At this moment, there were crowds of people outside the restaurant, and a group of people who appeared out of nowhere stood on the edge of the island outside the restaurant and looked into the distance.

Boom! ! !

A loud noise was uploaded from the sea.

A large iron-clad ship should have sailed in the sea, but several huge iron arms stretched out from both sides of the large ship, climbing the seabed like spiders.

At this time, the long-nosed uncle who made the discussion just now also saw this scene and exclaimed suddenly:

"It's actually the Red Silk Army Corps. It seems that they went to another island and just came back after a fight..."

About [-] large warships crawled over from the sea with mechanical arms and landed in the port of Beidu.

The mighty approached towards the small island where Wuchen was located.

In fact, if you read the original book carefully, you will know that the so-called Beidu Xidu in the comics are all metropolises scattered across the archipelago.

If one city goes to another city, if the distance is too far, it is very likely that one island goes to another island.

And these ships that floated over from the sea obviously belonged to the Red Silk Army Corps.

Because, each large hull is engraved with the unique symbols dedicated to the Red Silk Army Corps.

"Wow! These ships with the red silk army symbols are so handsome! They are amazing! They can climb over from the sea. I have never heard of anyone who can do this before..."

A blond young beautiful girl standing on the edge of the island outside the restaurant looked at the red silk army fleet that was getting closer and said in surprise. ..

019. Red Silk Army Appearance [Fifth Update]

There was a tall, gentlemanly young man beside her, hugging the woman's waist, like a loving couple, the man responded in the same tone full of surprise:

"Yes, I have never seen such a ship before, and it doesn't look like an ordinary ship. Could it be from Xidu, I heard that there is the most advanced technology in the world?"

At this time, it was not long before the Red Silk Army Corps was formally established.

Therefore, the young people on the foreign island do not know, and they are not very rare.

"Hey, young people these days only know how to fall in love, don't they pay attention to the current hot news? Could it be that the two of you came from the outer islands?"

Hearing the words of the young men and women, a white-bearded old man not far from the two of them turned his head arrogantly, and said to the two of them in the tone of the elders teaching the younger ones:

"Don't you know that these fleets with weird symbols belong to the Red Silk Army Corps - this super large army in the northern capital, which was established only in recent years, hovering over the entire northern capital area and taking all the islands near the northern capital into its pockets. Big Mac power?"

"Then why are they still so unknown?" The young man didn't want to lose face in front of his female partner, so he quickly retorted the old man.

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