Taobaibai looked back and saw Wuchen lightly stepping on the middle of a bent bamboo waist. ..

017, kill the peach in vain [third more]


As soon as he finished speaking, Wuchen immediately released the bamboo pole under his feet, using the force of the half-bent bamboo bullet.

Like a string of arrows, it shot towards Tao Baibai.

"People have to learn to leverage."

"By borrowing the power of nature, the power of the body will be a hundred times stronger than the so-called dagger!"

"Of course, the physical power here refers to you mortals..."

As he spoke, Wuchen shuttled through the air and rushed forward.

"Hmph, it's not your turn to teach you a stinky boy! You haven't even been born yet, and I've already killed a whole village!"

"How did you think Lao Tzu's name as the number one killer in the world came from? Didn't you already know just now that Lao Tzu is a famous Tao Baibai? You dare to teach Lao Tzu a lesson?!"

Tao Baibai's face showed disdain when she heard Wuchen's words.

Immediately afterwards, the sleeves on his hands were flying, and the air waves were surging, like an inflatable flashlight, shooting a thick and magnificent light wave.

"Crane Slash!"


As the voice fell, a surging air shock wave overflowed from Tao Baibai's palm.

Slashing at the dust-free rushing towards the face.

This move is his own proud skill.Although it may rarely appear in the original work, as one of the little bosses in the Dragon Ball world, how can you say it won't make waves? !



Zizizi! ! !

A wave of white mist like a heat wave pounced, filling the sky.It was like in a sauna that had been on for a long time and the diversion measures had not been done well.

Tao Baibai saw the scene in front of her, and naturally she couldn't see the slightest figure at a glance, or even a moving figure, and couldn't find it at all.

Then, this naturally means that the bastard who was arrogant in front of him just now was completely wiped out by his own blow and no longer exists.

"Hey, I'm still vulnerable! I still have the face to shout in front of me, can't I even let out a fart now? You said that I kill people, and I always leave a whole corpse. How can I expect that you are too arrogant, Let Lao Tzu not be able to distinguish the seriousness for a while..."

"So, it's your parents who suffer, and they blame them for raising such a bastard as you!"

Tao Baibai said coldly.

"Haha, you're really arrogant, Tao Baibai... You thought that your move, which can only be used to fight mosquitoes, could kill me!"

"Don't say it killed me... It's just that you may not even be able to touch me!"

At this moment, Wuchen floated out from a green bamboo pole.

Then he pulled out a ghost talisman paper from the world of the god of death, and threw it in the direction where Tao Baibai was standing.

He said contemptuously:

"Then, let me learn from what you said when you fought with little Sun Wukong..."

"I can beat you without even using a hand, such as a meager piece of white paper."


As the voice fell, the hair that Wuchen flew out instantly turned into a person who looked exactly like him.

It's just that the expression looks more dull, which can be understood as the soul-relieving pill that is not well-crafted in the world of death.

Tao Baibai was shocked when she saw this scene, and shouted loudly:


"It turns out that you can do magic! This kind of ability, I only heard from my senior brother and the teacher Yu who had never met before. I heard that someone in a distant place can use this ability! "

"I see... I finally understand now... No wonder you know my name? It seems that you came prepared and ambushed me in the middle of the road."

"However, you are too naive to try to scare me with this trick of coaxing children."

"You're just a blind eye... I've seen it too much, it should be a pair of twin brothers disguised as one person."

"I just want to tell you, like you, even 100 more are not my opponents. No, even [-] are not my opponents, because I only need one breath to kill you. All these paper-pasted things, all beheaded!"

When Wuchen heard this, he let out a cold snort in his heart, and then said to Tao Baibai:

"Whether it's sorcery, you'll know after one fight."

"Don't worry, I will let this clone not use any abilities that are too special for your low martial arts world, not even hands and feet..."

"Only speed and strength."


As soon as the voice fell, the avatar that Wuchen's hair became, instantly rushed towards Hao Tao Baibai.

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