"I haven't seen such a daring person as you for a long time, dare to forcibly break into the branch of the Hero Association!"

In the depths of the corridor on the east side, there was the sound of Tata, and the dust-free eyes could not help but swept over, and a figure could be seen walking slowly in the darkness.

The man was wearing a kimono, walking on wooden sandals, and had several katana swords hanging from his waist.

"Are you here to smash the scene? It's a pity that you picked the wrong opponent. I am the Atomic Warrior of the Hero Association." After the man walked out from the depths of the corridor, he immediately showed an uncle's face. His eyes were quite sharp and domineering. Like a sword, light and sword, normal people would not dare to look at it.

However, there is no deterrent to dust-free wool.

Atomic Warrior stared at Wuchen for a moment, suddenly felt familiar, and couldn't help asking: "I really wanted to see you a few days ago, let me think about where it is... By the way, you must be wanted by the association. That guy?"

"Yes, it's my uncle."

Wuchen admitted it frankly and naturally, and looked at the Atomic Warrior with great surprise, "I can't believe that there is a big fish like you in this branch of the Hero Association. It's really unexpected."

"Big fish?"

The Atomic Warrior frowned, and this title made him extremely unhappy, as if he was a dust-free prey.

"The branch of the Hero Association in each city actually has an S-rank hero stationed there. If it's other cities, it's fine... Unfortunately, your luck is very bad, and you met my atomic warrior!"

The Atomic Warrior said with a proud expression, and at the same time he slowly drew out the sword, the sharp blade was quite dazzling, and this simple action was full of oppression.

"I'm not lucky? I don't agree with this point. When I meet you, I feel that God favors me... If the Hero Association loses a general like you, they will definitely be in chaos. "

A ruthless smile appeared on Wuchen's face. The Hero Association had offended him before... That's right, Wuchen decided later, and when he saw a hero, he would smash one.

"Such a big tone. Among the S-class heroes, no one dares to speak to me like this." The atomic warrior's face suddenly became cold.

He is an extremely advanced hero, ranking fourth in the S-rank, quite powerful, and indeed has the capital of arrogance.

"Before the fight starts, let me ask you a question. The site where I lived was attacked just now, and Fubuki disappeared. Could it be your Hero Association's doing?" Wuchen asked, and by the way put his home address. Reported out.

The Atomic Warrior seemed to have been greatly insulted, and said angrily: "I wouldn't do such a despicable thing, not to mention Fubuki is the sister of Tornado, and if she hurt her sister, the guy who Tornado..."

When he thinks of the appearance of Tornado, the atomic warrior is sweating profusely. If there is no explosion, the strongest person in the Hero Association is Tornado, even if he is not an opponent.

"This look shouldn't be pretending, could it be done by someone else?" Wuchen lowered his head and thought, extremely puzzled.

Do you want to catch the blind all over the world looking for Fubuki alone? !

But it was at this time that the Atomic Warrior provided a very important message.

"The place where you lived was attacked by a weirdo before. I heard that it was a very powerful weirdo. The heroes I sent in the past, including my apprentice, were defeated. I was about to rush over and you came. I visually estimated the disaster level. It has reached the dragon level." The atomic warrior said solemnly.

His apprentices are not bad, almost occupying the top few A-level heroes, but in the end they still failed miserably.

"Dragon-level weirdo?" Wuchen raised his brows and asked, "What does it look like."

"Joke, why should I tell you?"

The Atomic Warrior asked disdainfully, but the next moment his expression changed drastically.

"Light speed kick!"

An extremely fierce and dazzling flashing big foot roared.

Chapter 30 Beating the Atomic Warrior [First Update]

"Could it be the ability to manipulate light, such a quick attack!"

Seeing the oncoming attack, the Atomic Samurai was also demented for a split second.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After returning to his senses, the Atomic Warrior retreated without hesitation. With a little toes, the huge man disappeared. The speed was very fast. At first glance, he was an agile powerhouse.


The speed of light kicked into the air, knocking out a big hole where the Atomic Warrior was.

"Does this guy have such power with a casual kick?"

The atomic warrior who appeared on the side couldn't help but stay for a while, and he was instantly refreshed when he was still lazy.

The toothpick he had been holding in his mouth also spit out.

shhhhhh! ! !

There was a piercing cracking sound from behind, and the expression of the atomic warrior suddenly changed, without even looking, he turned and swept out with a knife.

Boom! ! !

The golden flash of light that rushed over had not yet been condensed completely, and the atomic warrior smashed it to ashes with this knife.

It's just useless at all. No matter what kind of attack these flashes have suffered, they will not be reduced. Even if they are temporarily dispersed, a large number of lights will condense in other places, and dust-free will come out of them.

"The response was unexpectedly fast." Wuchen recognized the strength of the Atomic Warrior a little, and then his right arm was gently raised, and the five fingers flashed light at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Several golden rays rushed towards the face, condensing into an incomparably huge beam of light.

"I'm here to see how strong you are!"

The Atomic Warrior took a deep breath, the samurai sword stood on the top of his head, and immediately slashed down hard.


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